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Everything posted by bigpav

  1. I hear you Matti about being a hermit! My workshop is downstairs and if I go down there I feel the same way. My model isn't at the point that I can have it around my daughter. To much dust and sharp instruments are needed. If I work on it after she goes to bed then I get tired to quick. Anyways, still loving all your posts!
  2. Outstanding Matti! I see a few people carving now and it makes me want to carve. They would look terrible, but I want to carve!
  3. Thanks Matti, I know it will wait patiently. Life has a habit of mysteriously removing several months from you when you blink. Signing on to this forum and seeing everyone's awesome builds has been giving me the itch to get back at it. Problem is time though. I need to find where it all goes during the day! Haha, oh well I can't stay busy forever can I?
  4. This sounds so cool, I definitely want to see this through.
  5. Hey Wayne great job on the fix! I'm very excited about this build and how you progress with it. Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair for this one.
  6. Hey John, I have been on hiatus for some time. Got to check in on your progress and I am loving it! How was you vacation? I am waiting for some warm weather to come around so I can take the family back to Mystic Seaport.
  7. Hey Remco I just finished reading this build from page one and I am truly blown away. The detail and mastery that you possess is just amazing! I hope you don't mind if I hang around to see this build thru.
  8. Hey Matti I haven't been on in a few months but when I finally got back on...WOW! The detail is mind blowing! So glad I got back to see this.
  9. Sorry, but I haven't made any process yet. This is actually the first time that I have signed on in months! Things at home and work have been very crazy so, unfortunately, modeling took a back seat. Hoping to get back at it soon though.
  10. Hey Brian, I found that planking could possibly be easier this way. The biggest problem however was putting the two halves together. Didn't realize it until it was to late but I should have made clamping cauls that matched the contour of the hull. It would have made the clamping so much easier.
  11. Thanks Wayne! I have made a few mistakes, but only ones that require wood filler. Like they say, "you learn by doing", and that I have!
  12. Got the last half planked and put the two halves together. Have a bit of filling and sanding to do.
  13. The detail work looks great! Are you going to miss it when you head out on vacation?
  14. Hey Tom, I had inherited three kits from a family member. When doing the reasearch on them, this was listed as a beginners kit. I would imagine that these two halves make it much easier to plank. It has worked out for me so far! Yup, when all the planking is done you just glue the two halves together!
  15. I also found some very thin planking material. I assume it is for double panking a kit. I have been going over the plans and have been considering double planking this model. It is intended to be painted, but I kind of like the idea of the natural wood look. Let you know what I have decided when I figure it out.
  16. Using this wood has been a lot easier. No breaking or splintering so far! Very easy to shape too.
  17. On the next side I really didn't want to use that wood again. Considered buying some. Then I decided to rummage through what my uncle had left over. I found quite a bit of planking material.
  18. Really got into it. One side has been planked...not well though. Oh well, learning experience. Once that side had been planked, I used wood filler to smooth things out.
  19. John, this is truly coming out great! I will always have this build log on hand for when I get a Morgan kit of my own! Scott
  20. Hey John your ship is looking great! I will be following this post eagerly. If I can ever get the hang of this modeling I would love to build the Morgan as well as the Constitution. I always end up visiting the Morgan once a year. Mystic has a lot to do for the kids and I get to poke around the boats! Also got to see the Constitution this weekend which is always an amazing adventure. Good luck on you build! Scott
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