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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Binnacle is now glued in place with a "compass" installed. I made the compass out of an old kit's cannon wheel painted black with a silver face
  2. Binnacle glued together. I had to add many pieces from the plan to get it to hold together. Now I have to clean it up and stain it to make it passable.
  3. I staged the binnacle parts, broken and all, and added a base to the cabinet since I have no idea how it would stay together without it. I'm adding a much more sturdy top piece. I still think I have to add more structure to it to make it work. We'll see
  4. I'm starting to build the ship's binnacle. Again, Model Shipaways provided very fragile parts. The back piece split when I tried to clean it up. I will build it with the provided parts and if I don't like it a'll scratch build one
  5. I made and installed the inboard boarding ladders. I used leftovers from other kits since this kit made you make them from scratch
  6. I made and installed the Jack Staff. I'll pretty the whole Jack Staff and Dophin Striker area up when the glue dries
  7. I had to give up making the Dolphin Striker according to the plans. The wood provided and the desighn made it just too fragile. So, I made one out of some brass stock I had laying around. Now a bomb won't break it. It's pinned and glued in place. Now I just have to fancy it up.
  8. I've pinned and glued the bowsprit to the hull. I'll add the Dolphin Striker later. The Splash guard isn't finished yet but I dry placed it in position for the photo
  9. I'm fabricating the bow splash guard. Since I changed a lot on the hull, I had to make a splash guard from scratch since the pre-cut pieces didn't work anymore
  10. Flying jib boom installed. I added a rear support since I didn't think the partially drilled hole at the base would be enough to handle all the stresses and strains of rigging
  11. I'm continuing to detail the bowsprit. I'm making some modifications since I am building "The Argus" not "Syren"
  12. Maybe it's time for another meeting. I can travel...I just don't eat well. Rich
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