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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I glued the bowsprit cap on since I finally got the angle right. The bowsprit is just dry fitted untill I build the whole thing up.
  2. I've built the bowsprit bit ( inboard support for the base of the bowsprit.) Now I have to clean it up, stain it, then pin and glue it to the deck
  3. I've built the bowsprit bit ( inboard support for the base of the bowsprit.) Now I have to clean it up, stain it, then pin and glue it to the deck
  4. Main mast fife rail installed. I hate to complain, but the wood that comes with this kit is terrible. It splits, cracks, and just plain difficult to work with. I have substituted my own wood in many instances. This fife rail is an example.
  5. The above pics are of the deck thickeners around the main mast and foremast. Delicate stuff kept wanting to break.
  6. I just built the deck thickening around each mast. Tricky devils drilling the mast sized holes in this fragile wood.
  7. Now I'm building the Main Fife Rail. Tiny little bugger that wants to break even though it's laminated. I'm going to pin as well as glue the rail to the deck.
  8. I'm finally back. I've been dealing with the "Big C" since February and there was no time or energy to focus on my build. It feels good to focus on something other than medical stuff.
  9. I'm looking forward to your build. This was my first build.
  10. I'm experimenting making the perfect boarding ladder rungs. So far, no good. I'll have to go shopping for different woods to make them to my satisfaction.
  11. I touched up the installed pinrails with a light coat of varnish. Now I'll move on the the boarding ladders
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