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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Great info, Bill. I don't even have room on my deck for double Bentincks. My deck is completely full of guns and coils, etc. On my mizzen, I'll have to use futtock staves since the spanker is in the way. As for the main and fore? Here's some pics of other choices. I'm not happy with any of this.
  2. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to install double Bentinck Shrouds to hold down the futtock shrouds. Constructo doesn't call for these to be installed, but they are the correct way to do it. . They just attach the futtock shrouds to a futtock staff. At my scale there is no room the drill into the gutter of the deck to mount the Bentick Shrouds. Too much gun clutter. I shall ponder this for a while.
  3. I've started to install my pre-made deadeyes on the upper fighting tops. I'm not permanently gluing any of them on until I can be sure of symetery and alignment. I've made those kind of mistakes before. The upper shrouds will be rigged like I'm supposed to...one shroud looping from one deadeye to another with some siezing.
  4. Bill, after breaking them off twice a long while ago, I now give them wide and gentle berth.
  5. I just finished the lower ratlines. Lots of rookie mistakes, though. Boy will my next model be good!
  6. While I'm finishing up the starboard side lower ratlines, I drilling the fighting tops to take the upper shrouds.
  7. I'm still working on ratlines. I also salvaged those aluminum deadeyes from Bluejacket. They were a good distraction from the very tedious ratline job. I should be finished with the lower ratlines in a few days. Then I'll start on the upper shrouds.
  8. The rank thing was kind of strange anyway. How could I be a full captain with only one and a half models to my name. My rank should be Chief All Thumbs
  9. Mr Bluejacket, Most everyone on Model Ship World builds wooden replica ship models and except for a few fittings like anchors etc they are made of wooden parts. Deadeyes especially. Your metal disclaimer is in very small print buried in the middle of the cover. If you didn't mention it in the above message, I would have never seen it. Your five color brochure sells wooden models, so you led me to believe I would recieve wooden deadeyes. Second...I ran a metal manufacturing company for 25 years and we would deburr and clean up all parts before sale to a customer. I had to drill out 15% of the deadeyes and de-burr most of them. I managed to make them look wooden with flat paint.
  10. You're right, Frank....it'll take me more time to fix it than it would have to do it right.
  11. I have to take a break with ratlines....I found myself slipping a bit more space between the ratlines to speed things up on the starboard side, so now I have to rip those out and space them according to plan. It's breaktime!
  12. Bluejacket sent me poorly made aluminum deadeyes. I was expecting wood, but since their catalog is black & white drawings so how do you know. I had to drill out many of the holes and file off a lot of flashing and paint them wood color. Go figure?
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