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About cristikc

  • Birthday 12/23/1955

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  • Interests
    computer, electronics, ships, music, video editing, video graphics

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  1. After just one month (staying home obliged ma Covid19) i finished at last. The quicker project On monday hope to continue with Sovereign
  2. Near the finish. All small parts prepared, and start the instalation
  3. I worked, but just now i have some new pictures. Painting parts, create gun carriage, blakening, some "rigging"
  4. I have time,and have to stay in how i use, so this is what i have done And also how i made some "jigs"
  5. I continue the work 2 days, staying inside: Made the gratings, and planking the lower deck. Hope tomorrow to finish the upper deck
  6. Hi Chris, it is not a problem that you change the name, to be much easier for search. By the way, my name is Cristi ( cristikc is the nickname) I will watch the other log, as i all the time (for all my projects ) i watched. Regards, Cristi
  7. I started this new project, in a period very hard for the whole world (the coronavirus pandemia) We are obliged to stay in home (as much as we can) and i am lucky i ahd some old kits bought years ago. I am very sad that i am not with my 3 grandchildren, and play with them. So the only "good" is that i have time for my hobby. The new project hope to finish soon (and also the virus will end in this period) This is the "unpack section"
  8. The Victory is ready, but have not posibillity to build a display case (we have to stay home, because of Covid19), so i installed Victory, in San John Display case, just to prevent dust) after this i started a new project Mantua(Panart) 740, Section Between Decks and Gun Bays. I will start a new log for this project
  9. Let's say that today the cross section is READY. I have to make just a display case, but for the moment there is no shop open for buying parts.
  10. In this period, we have to stay more at home, because even in Romania there are big problems. If we want to help the situation is better to stay in home. So for the last days ai wnt just 3-4 times to take food, else in hom. So i continue the rigging of HMS-Victory, and hope in 1-2 days to finish, and go to other project This is what i have done
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