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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. the first "gun" and carriage, made from different PLA color. The model is made from "scratch" using some model 3d software The most important test is to add some "heraldic signs" on the gun The ready gun, with "heraldic sign" will be soon ready to show. Cristi
  2. First of all, many thanks for your interest on my work. Second, the "starting kit" here is a n easy one, around 220 USD , i can answer just on personal message, not to be considered an "advertiser" for the supplier. I saw that every one can start to build from "scratch", buing just some special parts. About the programs, there are a lot to use, and build STL or OBJ models. Ex FreeCad... 3dMax... and so on..., depand on the level of experience. Also the are a lot of free prograrams and objects to download. Regards and if i can give some help, just ask Cristi
  3. The first test was a box, that is one of the 5-6 stl given for tests.
  4. A quickly tour in pictures of how was made, in about 8 hours (with test and fist tuning. All parts were covered with gray protection, and i have to take away, it was a lot of time used for this "job". Also you have to take care to all the arrangements, and the 90deg, and paralel position of the parts. And in final i had "Printer ready"
  5. As it was the retired period from a 40 years period of tv, graphics, and 3d projects, i said it is time to test a second tool. The first was a laser and CNC tool. Now i bought a 3d printer to make from scratch, and i will show some tests. This are some of the first tests, working for the ship hobby. I also mede some "toys" for my granddaughter, just to see how to work. It seams it is a good tool, and to test parts for ships is excellent. I will show how i build, pictures and explanations soon Cristi
  6. Nice to share the video. I was there in 82 but is still a nice review for me Cristi
  7. Hi Jean-Philippe. I think i will make the whole mast, as i made for the other two cross sections. I wii make the small (25x25x15 cm) battle station, without mast
  8. work to some deck parts, and a lot of problems with gueing bras parts on wood
  9. Happy birthday! Cristi

    1. DenPink


      Hi Cristi

      Thank you so much that means alot to me.



  10. Strat the stairs, and painting some parts.. Also try to blacken the guns (using the backening solution)
  11. When i have some time (and not going out with the grandchildren all 3..)..
  12. Excellent. i work to Corel Victory cross section, i take ideas from you, and you work is wonderful Congratulations Cristi
  13. Hi to all, nice work and i will take some ideas from you. I use ice stick for sanding, long ago, but just the "flat" stick, so i will add your idea. This is how i made mine Cristi
  14. Hi Antony, i saw yours Victory, and i remembered that time ago i was looking to this cross section. It seams it is a little different, but i will take ideas from your log, hope to be ok for you
  15. Continue with decks and gratings Quality of the gratings parts is very poor Verify the position for the mast. Already made gratins for two decks
  16. Hi Antony, i saw yours Victory, and i rememberd that time ago i was looking to this cross section. It seams it is a little different, but i will take ideas from your log, hope to be ok for you Thank's for answer. Regards Cristi
  17. Continue with un upper desck, and poles. I see that the white carpenter glue, apears on the desck, so i think i have to "age" with "jewish bitumen" Any ideas about this? O it is better to paint or let "normal wood color"?
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