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Everything posted by oakheart

  1. Thanks Craig, once my head has settled down, I will do all of the things you suggest. As to what's next as a build ( apart from the my Bounty Launch in cedar ) Do I get a kit or do another scratch ? I am rather taken by the 18th century Cutters. The Sherbourne and Lady Nelson? I think they look kind of dumpy, some would say cute. so possibly an Alert / Rattlesnake much more elegant. The Rattlesnake appeals because I had family from Folkestone ( my Uncle Stan ) As a pensioner I can't justify the cost of the Vanguard Alert kit, it does look nice. Are there others out there? For a scratch there is a good amount of information about both, AntonyUK and others on this site have done drawings for them. I will do some more research and look for information, there are some good scratch build logs on here built from the Goodwin book. Tim
  2. I have heard that "we learn nothing from success", can't remember who said it. Thank you for the encouraging words, they help to keep the fire going. Thanks too to all the lurking likers 🙂 moving on, whats next? Thwarts and gunwales I guess. Tim
  3. Well here we are, I finished the planking and let the glue set overnight. Then with great trepidation I cut the frames away from the jig. With some wriggling and gentle pushing the hull popped off. Now some detail shots External Inside from stern and stem close up I am really pleased with my very first plank on frame. It needs a fair bit of fettling, I have learned a lot by doing this The frames need a lot of sanding, but I have learned to be careful when sanding.... I think I can fix this by gluing in a patch on the inside so as a proof of concept it worked. Comments please. Tim
  4. I don't have a lot of experience with model ships either, but along with the old hands on here, I welcome you. They are a great bunch. Tim
  5. I will have to try this with tape, all of the tape I have at the moment is opaque. I have used some 90gsm tracing paper which sort of works. The problem with using paper is its a bit stiff and when transfering the shape to the wood, you have to cut the paper to shape then run a pencil round the edge, it's awkward and fiddly to get accurate. The tape method looks much simpler to do. I will look for some different masking tape, I tried parcel tape and sellotape, but could not get any marks, pencil or pen to stay on the tape. I see some people have used the special 'invisible' matte tape which I don't have. Tim
  6. Wow, thanks Craig. I have only a couple of planks left to bodge on this build, ( the dirty boat ) but on the cedar version this is what I will do. I have copied and pasted it into a word document and will print it out so I can refer to it. Tim
  7. Allan - thanks for reassurance Note to self : must pay more attention, not just zoom off following my nose. Tim
  8. Thanks for that Håkan. I do need to remember that this is going to be my 'dirty' boat so any errors will be hidden, the next version in cedar wood is the one that I want to look good. I will read you build log. Tim
  9. The planking has been ongoing. I am really not sure about it being correct. I need some advice. The way the planks are tapered from the frame towards the stem looks odd, but I cant figure out what it is I've got wrong? should it be more like the penciled in line ? With the photo above , I can also see that I missed the tick mark on the stem one plank up, that can't be helping. Tim
  10. That's something I learned early in this game, you can't have too many clips, clamps or elastic bands to hand when gluing up. I sometimes wish I had an extra hand or finger too. Looking good so far. Tim
  11. Waiting for the 5th plank to dry, trawling through the incredible amount of build logs there are here on MSW. I found this build log : https://modelshipworld.com/topic/3741-queen-annes-revenge-1710-by-shipmodel-finished-136-scale/ Thanks shipmodel ( Dan ) your work on the QAR boats gives me a goal to work towards. It has re-inspired me, my planking was beginning to get to me. I know this is only a tiny model but it is testing me. Reading the QAR log I'm being tempted towards a larger project, like a pirate ship or a Bounty. But I really do need to finish my launch first. I am too easily tempted into a new project, leaving a trail of part finished models in my wake Tim
  12. Thank you for these plans, I may just have to give this a go................. when I finish my small boat of course Tim
  13. I have now glued up the matching plank pre-bent and faceted the frames. It looks good, so I think I will continue with this technique until I get round the bend, then up the straighter sides go back to normal. I saw some one on this forum ( website ) who had planked straight from the Garboard right up to the gunwale in one run, so on this build that is what I am trying out. As a programmer I was taught "only change one thing at a time" or you won't know what is causing the problem. Here I have just jumped in with all feet first. Tim
  14. so my take on those options are : 1: Could I live with the faceted inside - Yes, if it's not to noticeable it could be alright 2 : looks like it would be really difficult to do. 3 : Planks are only 0.8 mm ( 1/32 ") going even thinner may work, worth testing, may break. 4 : This would help but may need a lot of clamping pressure and crush the model. 5 : with the clamps I am using that's the only way they work, will try elastic bands Thanks for all of those ideas, I will see how my faceted frame worked when I un-clamp it later Tim
  15. Even native English speakers ( Me ) are having problems interpreting, understanding and remembering the nautical terms used here. It does sink in over time. Tim
  16. I have now got to, as Craig said - the interesting bit. Moving down the frame, now when I lay the plank on the frame, the plank is flat but the frame is curved ! In the photo, I have used a wider plank to exaggerate what happens, the problem is made worse when you can only clamp from one side of the plank. Sorry - I could not get the phone to focus on the end of the plank, but you can see what's going on. To overcome this I have just tried a test laying of a plank. Firstly between the tick marks on the frame, I sanded that area flat. It's glue up right now, we will see later if it worked. How do others overcome this? Is there a trick I am missing? Tim
  17. No really 🙂 I just want to see how you do it, I am having some problems with mine, so looking for clues. Just like you said, it gets more interesting. Tim
  18. Thanks for the compliments. Allan and Craig are the experts here, There is a load of information on the their other logs as well. I'm just here having a load of fun doing some research, trying new ideas and learning new skills. Question : Should all of the detailed information be collected together and put it in the "launch details" log. Who started that log ? was it Craig or Allan? my memory is not so good Tim
  19. Don't you just hate it when that happens. It's looking really good. Are you ready to start on the planking? Tim
  20. Based on what Druxey advised I borrowed a heating tool from a model aircraft mate. and bent the plank. It really makes it easier to fit. Tim
  21. Thanks for the tip Druxey, I think when I do the next version in Cedar, I do some pre bending as you suggest it would mean less clamping needed Tim
  22. Thanks for the compliment cisco After sanding down I'm sure my planks will be uneven thickness. Tim
  23. Thanks for the encouragement, even more interesting 🙂 This is actually pretty good at getting me to slow down and not rush, rush to get onto the next thing. Tim
  24. Okay here as promised the next installment. Got three planks in place over the last couple of days, taking it slow. Third plank clamped in place here is a close up after the clamps have been removed, a bit of clean up needed but pleased with it. onto the 4th plank There is a a bit of a step of levels here, I think it's because the first plank did not glue down tight to the frame, hope I can sand the new plank level without sanding right through it. here is a view of the whole thing, pretty pleased so far comments please Tim
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