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Everything posted by oakheart

  1. Hi Craig Well spotted, you have a very keen eye, it is high and I did not join it the same as either you, thunder the booklet. I went off on my own and it worked out wrong, I have no idea where those angles came from? So back the the drawing board, printed out new templates and cut some new parts. I now need to sand them to the correct angles and glue them up. Back tomorrow Tim.
  2. I cut the parts for the transom, but the parts on the plans do match those in the booklet or on Thunders log. They will need to be sanded down to match more closely. the top part is too wide ! here is the version from Thunder's kit build see Tim
  3. Found some time time to cut the rabbet and then trying the keel in place. stem and stern post its beginning to take shape Tim
  4. Just a couple of small jobs to keep the build moving along. Glued on a strip of limewood to cover the raw plywood edge. then added a layer of limewood to the stern. In my next build I really want to make a solid wood stem, keel and stern post. but for this simple cutter model that I am using to get some practice at planking, this will do. Tomorrow I will cut a rabbet. Tim
  5. Hi Igmar welcome to MSW I am glad to be retired, I used to build models for customers ( not ships ) Will go and have a look at your YouTube channel Tim
  6. Yesterday in the workshop I managed to get quite a lot done. Pasted the paper templates onto the plywood. then made some sawdust here are the bulkheads and the 'deck' which holds the whole thing together. I then glued the rabbet strip on the keel using some 1mm limewood. I will leave that to dry overnight , then cover the plywood edge grain as well. A good days work Tim
  7. That has turned out fantastically, congratulations. Gives us all something to strive to achieve. Tim
  8. And your Bounty Launch is fantastic, I have just been over there to have another look. So patience and hard work pays off. For me, I definitely see this small cutter build a step in the right direction. I am already having new ideas on how the Rattlesnake might be constructed for a PoB model. Taking ideas from Bill Shoulders original model and mixing it up with modern ideas. Tim
  9. Fun ! I think I may need that Aspirin now.......... Just spent a good ten mins looking for a way to search for a specific name? Any clues? I was looking for more detail on the cutter Rattlesnake ( I already have the profile and lines that Craig sent me the link too ) Tim
  10. Hi Bruce Thanks for the link, the drawings will be useful for the detail. What an amazing resource, how on earth do you find specific ships? Tim
  11. Hi Bruce Thanks for thinking of me. Where can I get hold of the Danish hi res version of the plans? Anything that will help my build is good. Tim
  12. Oh Craig, I should have guessed as usual you are one step ahead of me.......... I will crack on and see if I can keep pace. Question. Are those bulkheads directly from the booklet plans? Tim
  13. Just heading off to the workshop. Here are a couple of the drawings I have been working with, lets see what we get This shows the original bulkheads directly off the booklet plans Tim Here are my corrected bulkheads overlaid on Bill Shoulders original 1972 drawing. I also cleaned up the scan of Bills drawing. Now ( after I have cut the lawn ) to make some sawdust. Tim
  14. Hi Jaager Thanks for all of that information, it will be / is really helpful. As I said before, I am really impressed with your research skills. Although the actual ship may be ambiguous, I think this could make a nice little cutter model. I have to warn you that this is going to be a simple PoB build so don't fall back to sleep 🙂 Tim
  15. Thank you Craig, Jaager and Bruce. While I was asleep dreaming peacefully about the sweet little cutter I was going to start building today, you lot have been living a nightmare..... I am deeply impressed with all of your research skills, I will need all of that kind of information when I get back to my other cutter "Rattlesnake" the plans for which are still being developed. Craig is right, I the plans that I have 'corrected and scaled' are adequate to build a cutter, it will really be a generic cutter of the period. For this build I would really like to develop my planking skills and end up with a nice looking hull in wood, it will not be rigged. A note on what I meant by scaled and corrected. I imported the RMG drawing and made sure it was at 1:48 scale. Then I imported the other plans into that master drawing and scaled then to 'match' the RMG draught. The bulkheads are really badly distorted and needed a lot of work to get right. The 'lower deck' part that locks the bulkheads together was also not symmetrical. So today I will cut out some parts and see how they fit together. It should only take a couple of hours, so let's meet back here for tea. ( or grog ) Tim
  16. I now have a complete set of drawings scaled and corrected. As Thunder commented in his Speedy build the bulkheads needed quite a bit of adjusting to get correct. So tomorrow I will print out the keel and bulkheads, paste them to some plywood and make some sawdust. Tim
  17. Hi Craig This really is a small world, I had completely forgotten about your Lapwing, heading over there right now.... Tim
  18. After being a bit sidetracked by the Corel Unicorn hull I found at a local flea market, I was still looking for a new project. I spend Tuesdays mornings at my model club, HSME ( Hereford Society of Model Engineers ) After searching in the clubs library (the clubhouse loft) I discover we have a large collection of Model Shipwright magazines and the quarterly books dating back to 1972. After much rummaging, I find some plans and articles by Bill Shoulders for the cutter "Speedy 1828". I was very impressed by Thunders build log on the old kit he found that happens to be based on these articles. So HMS Speedy 1828, looks like it will be my new project, small, simple and should make a nice model. So its over to RMG to get the original draughts that Bill used to develop his plans. Lets hope there is a high resolution version on Wiki as well Then I need to scan and scale the drawings, I think I will stick to 1:48 for this build, my Bounty's launch was very fiddly to learn on. Tim
  19. Hi EvenKeel, welcome to this crazy place. Don't follow anything I did on my build, I had ( have ) no idea what I am doing except following my nose. Good luck with the build, I love your other work ,I'm sure this will be as good too. Tim
  20. You missed me 🙂 Glad the outcomes over there were good. Off to take a look right now. That's life anywhere it seems. Let's all remember to enjoy this day we have. Tim
  21. Thanks for your comment, it helps. Talking of research, its something I really enjoy doing, just putting it into practice on the model is what I have realised I don't want or need to do to achieve what I want out this hobby. Tim
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