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Everything posted by oakheart

  1. Thanks @druxey I think you are right there does seem to be different usages of the term 'fashion piece', I am still learning so just use what I see used here on MSW. Chuck Passaro used the term on his speedwell build, in that instance it was a carved piece, I just assumed it would also apply to a simple uncarved piece applied in the same place. As I said before, there is so much to learn. Tim
  2. Looking closely at the planking I can see that the water based WOP ( NotWOP ) has raised the grain but only where I had not sanded down enough. The finish had looked really good but scratches left by coarser grits are now showing as raised lines. Does real WOP do this as well? Tim
  3. The hull is now dry, so here it is unmasked I think that the wale needs to be a lot darker than it is. The fashion piece ( when fitted ) should be the same tone as the wale thanks everyone for the likes Tim
  4. @Mirabell61 I just had a quick look at your Pegasus build, it's fantastic, that is the kind build I aspire too. I would love to do a cutaway ship like yours, but I feel I still have a lot to learn. Tim
  5. Thank you so much. It is difficult sometimes to keep up the enthusiasm but a few encouraging words help a lot.
  6. Mixed up some NotWOP 50% varnish, 50% stain, it gave a nice milk like liquid. tested it some some scraps, seems to work..................... Masked up the hull, then I bit the bullet, it was a bit of a pucker few minutes. Here is a profile view of it drying, I guess it will change tone as it dries but I am pretty pleased with the result. View of the stem end Now I'm going to sit down and have a cup of tea, or maybe something stronger 🙂 Tim
  7. Thank Craig @iMustBeCrazy That's good advice, I will need to mask the deck as I am happy with that. Will test on scraps first. Tim
  8. I have still got plenty of those to go.................. Your drawing show it really well, I was not clear before, but looking at the drawing it I am now. thanks.
  9. Hi Craig @iMustBeCrazy Not sure which you mean here? I have got it wrong or they are correct? I did make them as per the drawings ( yes I know they are in the wrong place 😞 ) and they are trapezoid in shape. It could be the angle of the photo. You can see it better in the photo in post #123 On a different topic Seeing it coming together I do think that the all pale wood is a bit too bland and needs some variation, so I need to do staining. as was discussed earlier. Tim
  10. Managed to get some good work done over the last two days. working from Bills booklet Bulwarks lined, spirketting in place on both sides now I need to cut away the gun ports, line them and add the waterway fillet Tim
  11. Hi VTH what a brilliant idea. so I downloaded the program ( GUI Version ) it runs and says its finished and the pdf has downloaded but there is no sign of the file? Even search of the whole machine does not turn it up? running Windows 10, chrome is installed in correct folder. any ideas? Tim
  12. Thanks @druxey and I will make sure to follow the line of planking. Tim
  13. Thanks Mark @mtaylor, I happen to have purchased a copy from the famous Booths bookshop in Hay-on-Wye last summer. I often go there as it's only 40 mins down the road. I paid £5 which was a bargain looking at the prices online. Now I have some non fiction bedtime reading. Tim
  14. here is yet another revision of the chains mockup I have tried to incorporate the advice you have all given. Tim
  15. Thanks Craig @iMustBeCrazy that as you say gives a clear example, what a fantastic resource RMG is. so now I have a couple of names, channel is the block of wood, chainplate is the metal strip. Is that correct? Now I am thinking I will make mine like this, with a planted strip on the outside. Tim
  16. Talking about a lot to learn. The drawings in post #105 and #114 show the deadeye straps passing though the board attached to the hull, other drawings show it on the outside? OK now I think I need to do some more research on the names for the parts of what I believe are called the "channel" or "Chains" I found this webpage useful even though it seems aimed at a more general audience http://www.ageofsail.net/aostermi.asp Is there a good reference I can refer too? here comes yet another rabbit hole......................if I don't get too sidetracked I might get some ship building done. Tim
  17. thanks @druxey I will amend the mockup, there is so much to learn and keep track of, I have learned so much on this forum. Tim
  18. Thanks Craig @iMustBeCrazy, that will need to be worked out, but they should swivel on the bolt so I can adjust after they are fitted? Tim
  19. Thanks for the advice @druxey, @Thunder and @iMustBeCrazy. have done a new profile view and think I will be able to make it work. This model will not represent any particular cutter but should work visually. I am not sure now if the straps ( don't know what their real name is ) should bolt into the wale? Tim
  20. I know the feeling. I am struggling with a scratch build of a cutter in wood, can't decide whether to rig or not. You have inspired me with your excellent build, I will have to get and build this kit. I need to watch the movies again to get in the mood. Tim
  21. Thanks Craig Using the side view helps to visualise how it might work. I will have another go at sorting it out in the morning. Tim
  22. Thanks druxey So would it be better to move the shrouds back like this? Tim
  23. Thanks Thunder, I can see how that could work. I have just been working up some drawings in photoshop. The rigging would take me well outside my comfort zone at this time. Lets see how I feel when I have completed the hull. Tim
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