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Paul Salomone

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About Paul Salomone

  • Birthday 02/09/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Malta (Europe)
  • Interests
    German, Italian and Japanese warships, related to the first and second world wars

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  1. Hello all, Glad to be finally back at last. just a few words to tell you all that we came back to Malta with our adopted son last September. Sorry guys, but with all the things and documentation we had to wrap up, the forum was the last thing on my mind. Now our son settled in well and has began school. I am planning to get back to my Scharnhorst in January 2016. I would also like to take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year with lots of ship modelling fun.
  2. Hello Nils, Yes - I fully agree with you, a large scale model of the Vaterland would be more than welcome on this forum. Actually the Emperator class consisted of three ships. After the armistice of the First World War, the Emperator was taken by the French and renamed 'Liberte', the Vaterland was take over by the Americans and renamed 'Leviathan'; while the third ship, which was still in the state of construction, and which was to be Christianed with the name of 'Bismarck' was taken over by the British. Cunard or White Star Lines. I have a book which relates the story of the three ships. The book is published by Verlag of Germany. Quite expensive, as it cost me some 290 Euros including courier postage to Malta. But believe me Nils, it was really worth it. The book is full of construction pictures, and that is the detail we always look out for. I was informed that the set consists of six books, and I would believe that one of the books could be dedicated to the ship that you are building.
  3. Hello Nils, I see that you have tried out a sample piece before putting your hands and tools to the job. Just one tip if I may, When it comes to drilling of port holes, this is the worst nightmare for us modelers. Passenger liners and German Warships were littered with port holes. I would strongly suggest to construct a jig tool. this can follow the deck line or the water line, according to how the portholes were actually placed. That is, if they in reality in a straight line or follow the curve of the deck lining. The jig must be able to move along the ship side. This would prevent the twist drill moving around. If I am not mistaken and stand to be corrected on this, as time may play some tricks on my memory, I should have posted a picture of the wooden jig I made for the Scharnhorst.
  4. Hello Nils, Just browsed through your build log. Fantastic work and very neat finish. I once started off with the Emperator class. I actually had the 1:350 scale Titanic, but was never eager to build it. One fine day, I bought a book - German Passenger Liners, issued by Schiffer History; and when I saw the Emperator class Passenger liners, I looked at the Titanic, and uttered - Your day has come. Come to Daddy and let's do some conversion work on you. I started off, but then came along the Scharnhorst. First things first. With regards to the port holes, did they actually protrude out with a flange or were they just inline with the the ship Hull? I will check my books and see how they actually were at that time. I am under the impression that at that time the portholes were of the flanged type.
  5. Thanks for your support guys, Thanks Kevin - I browsed the site and just found what I was looking for. they have also the 37mm calibre anti aircraft barrels. Hello Nils - Pleased to meet you on this fine forum. You asked a very specific question, and the answer is not that simple. So let's start off. As you may know the eye brows of the portholes follow the extended diameter of the port hole. Now, the most important thing is that once you look at the eyebrows, you see a srtaight line. The eyebrows are the correcting solution for any portholes that might have gone astray and out of line. place a soft steel ruler at the installation points of the eyebrows, and lock it in place with some tape. Place the eyebrow in place and leave it. put some locktite liquid super glue on a sheet, dip a piece of 0.3mm copper wire, hold the eyebrow in place and just pass over the top of the eyebrow with the copper wire piece. This will be enough to hold it in place. Dip again in super glue and pass over the whole length of the eyebrows. Allow some hours to dry up and cure. After just rub gently with a grade 200 sand paper. this will eliminate the roundness of the copper wire used and will leave a neat flat edge. should you need anything else, just ask. I will try to help out in any way I can.
  6. Good afternoon all, some good news that I would like to share with all my friends on this fine forum. we just came from a four week long court session in Siberia. the judge has approved our child adoption application , so now its just a matter of a few weeks. Our son will be finally home with us by mid-October. Yesterday, I went down to the basement, where the Scharnhorst is resting in a well air treated room, and spent some good three hours trying to remember as from where I should restart. the cardboard sheets are still intact and the polystyrene sheets are still in a super flat state. The room is kept at 22 degrees Celcius at a humidity rate of 40%. my wife of course was not that happy, as she is insisting that once our son is home with us, I have my share of duties. Well at least I have Sunday afternoons and some hours during the night, to continue the works on the Scharnhorst. By the way, just one question if I may - is there anybody out there who can furnish me with a brand name who can can supply the 20mm anti aircraft gun barrels in 1:72 scale. I tried to work them out on the lathe, but all I managed to do is a big flop.
  7. Hi Popeye, Don't worry - you did not miss out anything. The Scharnhorst is still in the state I left her. Some time I hear her weep out her loneliness. But not for long. This long absence, has also given me the chance to make out some research. The lower and the bottom part of the hull, was full of water seacocks water inlet and outlets. Incredible but true. I also found out that the Scharnhorst was equipped with two types of water RO systems. One for the drinking water and the other for the second class water, used for the water cooling systems, the fire fighting systems and the washing systems. The more research I carry out, the more I learn that today we are only reinventing the wheel or enjoying the fruits of our ancestors hard work and dedication.
  8. Good afternoon all, Sorry for the long time absence, but had some family issues to deal with, basically with our child adoption process. Still going on, but soon be over and done with. Don't worry - I will be back soon. The Scharnhorst is now sitting in it's final resting place of honour. By the way - I recently bought the LIndberg 1:72 scale model of the IJN submarine I-53 with the Kaitens human torpedoes. I bought it at a cost of some Euros 120.00. Basically, I will have to scratch build all the deck and coning tower, apart from the fact that the hull itself needs quite a good number of corrections. But anyway, as I said - will be back soon.
  9. Good morning My, Good Friends, Yes Glad to be back. Already prepared the work station for next Saturday afternoon. The house work is not over yet - but as they say, work all day makes Jack a dull boy. After finishing off the hull of the work boats, I have to finish off the radar station and the tower bridge. the reason being, is that I need to get cracking with the paint work and weathering. The secret of it all, is that since this is going to be a static model, I will have to find a balance between bright clean finish, and a slight percentage of weathering, oil washes, highlights and dry brushing, in order to make the details stand out. On a 1:72 scale model, the quantity of detailing is impressive and exhaustive. So now every piece of equipment I do, especially on the external part of the ship, has to be treated as explained above, including full wiring. AK Interactive, has just produced some good weathering washes for German WW2 vessels. For those who are going to build the Trumpeter Bismarck, these washes are essential. AK Interactive have a whole range of washes for all types of vessels. see you all next Saturday.
  10. Good evening Bob, Thanks for the tip. Can surely use your technique on my build, especially for the rigging. You will be very surprised with the amount of rigging, the Scharnhorst had. Nobody would ever image it, when considering that it was a WW2 heavy battle cruiser.
  11. Thanks guys, Glad to be back amongst friends. Yes Windows 8 is a big pain in the XXX. my office computor is equipped with it, so I have to suffer, but at least at home, my pc is equipped with windows 7. So I should be able to post the pics in a better format. Hello Daniel, - yes I made it out of boxing timber. I see that it is a real waste to see all that timber going to the scrap heap. I use it quite a lot. yes it is more laborative; but at the same time, looks like pine. Brian, Jim, Wackowolf, kevin and Grant - thanks for looking in.
  12. Hello Bob, Your schooner is getting along quite well. The brass pieces are very neat indeed. Just one question. What method do you use to bend the brass?
  13. Hello Piet, looks like I missed quite a lot. wow some very good workmanship indeed. the gun barrel looks a wonder. Do you consider buying a small lathe? I know that tools cost a lot of money, but believe me - it pays off - saves you quite a lot of time. The small guns on of the Scharnhorst, especially the twin 105mm anti-aircraft mountings, shall be made up from 900 pieces, and I have to make seven of them. I am seriously considering moulding or a 3D printer. a couple of guys at the club purchased 3D printers at a price around 1500 US Dollars from China. The brand name is Wimbo printers. They are good printers. the guys at the club are more into automobiles, so they use them to cast wheels and dashboard items. But believe me, the detail is quite impressive. They even, managed to reproduce the brand name on the tyre and the wheel hubs.
  14. Good morning all, It feels good to be back - Oh Boy - Finally I am posting again. First of all, many thanks for my birthday wishes. Some more progress on the work boats. Here goes. I have also posted a couple of pics, showing my new working station. we import quite a lot of equipment, so I aquire quite of all sorts of timber, which is used for packing and boxing. A bit of recycling, but seems to be getting there. still have to attend to some finishing work on the drawers. But at least, I can get back to work. the frames of the boats are made from the usual styrene plastic sheets, using the 1mm thickness, accompanied by my companions - the Ever green styrene strips. Just one question. My work PC is equipped with the latest windows 8, I tried to post the pictures, by of course clicking on (Add to post), but with no success. Am I doing something wrong, or has it something to do with the windows 8 - as I heard that it's giving quite a lot of problems.
  15. Hello all, a belated happy new year to all. Sorry for the long absence, but am still doing house jobs, they seem to be never ending. hope to have averything clear by next month, as I really miss my Scharnhorst, and the conversations with you guys. see you all very soon.
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