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Lin Feng

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Posts posted by Lin Feng

  1. Frank

    beautiful job!

    Just a question: could you recommend a good book about Wasa which shows good pictures of the carved decorations? I would like to carve a few of them  but I haven't got good pictures as yet. I have seen her last summer and took some photos and also searched the Internet for those. I found lots of pictures but not the real 'normal' ones which would show the decorations (first of all the tafferel) 'normal' ie. without too much distortion.


    Power and the Glory: The Sculpture of the Warship Wasa


  2. Hi Matti,


    fantastic job, I also admire your scratch build cannon barrels. My Sergal kit contains only one size of 43 mm long barrels for the upper decks. I want to try if I can also build the longer and thinner barrels, as you made it. Do you have any measurements of this barrel in relation to the other cannons on the upper decks.


    Cheers Lin Feng

  3. Congratulation to your new toy.


    Hi Everyone,


    revised posting  from yesterday's 


    Part 1 of 2; chain-plate installations.


    Nothing new here, I've mirrored how most of you install these when there are no bracing timbers above or below the plates. In regard to this build there is, of course, an other error.


    The chain-plates, above the galleries, are to be attached to the hull upon, or just below large longitudinal timbers that run the length of the upper outer hull. I did not install these on each side. In deference to Corel their instructions were correct, I just missed it. I have an idea for a fix.


    Again, thanks to all of you for spending time here.





    Hi Michael,

    I made it the same way, but I think you mean the "Channels", chain plates are different things.



    Lin Feng

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