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Everything posted by ddp

  1. those are not barbettes for the 6in guns but casements. the barbettes are the bases for the 13.5in turrets to sit on. they are similar to what was on the American standard battleships with the New Mexico class being the last to have them in the hull but no guns installed.
  2. BOGP's PG45 USS Panay 1928 (Yangtze River Gunboat, reclassified PR‑5 '28) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/mz81mayc5eoa6svhws8cy/ACbuzDy6E6HS2hT_gcp98o8/PG45 USS Panay 1928 (Yangtze River Gunboat%2C reclassified PR‑5 '28)?dl=0&rlkey=wolm1da4b6wtrvw7yi1tbszyc&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
  3. redo the float test after you got it all built & rc stuff installed to make final ballast adjustments.
  4. that used to be the German passenger liner George Washington. https://www.history.navy.mil/our-collections/photography/us-navy-ships/alphabetical-listing/g/uss-george-washington--id--3018-0.html
  5. any friends who are cattle/horse farmers as they would have those big galvanized steel tubs for watering those animals?
  6. CVE-90 USS Thetis Bay Booklet of General Plans (1945) https://archive.org/details/cve90bogp1945v3
  7. HMS Puncher Booklet of General Plans (1944) https://archive.org/details/d79bogp1944v2
  8. i'm doing 1 too but correcting the hull 1st. the kit is actually 1/429 scale not 1/426 scale as the box says.
  9. i split the garage in half with 1 half as an insulated wood workshop & the other half to be for their 2 cars but endup being used as a metal working workshop, storage for riding lawn mower & for his Harley. your east of me as i'm in Lefroy south of Barrie.
  10. not all plastic stuff as most of my 1/144 scale warships are balsa frame with 1mm thick styrene plastic skin for the hull & superstructure. my 1/144 scale County class Destroyer is balsa frame & skin as it was my 1st big model ship. did a billings boat decades ago & i think i have it somewhere that is if my cats did not chew it up. but my biggest wood scratch building was my friend's 25'x35' garage that i had to partially redesign before helping him build it.
  11. Keith Black, i did have build logs on another site til i took the logs off due to issues with that site. have been thinking of doing build logs on a couple of sites but might wait til i finish editing/cleaning up well over 140 Booklet of General Plans of the US Navy i have saved on my computer. my smallest warship is about 6" long & the biggest is about 52" long. my current long term project which is on pause for the past 3-4yrs due to medical issues & the editing of those plans is doing all 16 USN OBB's during ww2 & 1 after using Revell's 1/429 scale model of the USS Arizona as a basis to kitbash those ships. i have also been doing some model warship consulting with 3D-Wild plus providing them with plans/drawings or links to same. example: http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=393968
  12. your decking pattern appears to be the same as done on 3d printed warships which i think is wrong. border planking would be done 1st around structures & hull edges then the 1st planking would be laid on the centerline then infilled on either side of the centerline so will have staggered butt joints not what you have done.
  13. look at your model's 20mm ammo magazine with the 1 in this picture. http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_2cm-70_mk234_Iowa_pic.jpg you might want to thicken those magazines.
  14. did you show the corrections to your friend that you did to your model that he did not do to his? i have 5 of Revell's 1/480 scale Yorktown kits either built or in the stash with 1 of the stash being the Hornet with the Mitchell bombers. the intention is to build the 3 Yorktowns at different stages of the war with the Yorktown at the begining of the war, Hornet during the Doolittle raid & the Enterprise at the end of the war so that the differences between all 3 can be seen. the other 2 kits will be kitbashed into the Ranger & the Wasp like i am doing kitbashing Revell's 1/429 scale USS Arizona into to 16 old battleships of ww2 & an extra Mississippi as a gun missile training ship after the war.
  15. the model's crossbar seems to be wider then in relation to the 1 in the photo on the ship. is the height of the mast from base to crossbar the correct scale height because if it is then it can be used to calculate the correct width of the crossbar?
  16. Haze Gray, i have the drawings of BOUVET 1896 17.4mb , JAUREGUIBERRY 1893 16.5mb & MASSENA 1898 6.41mb saved on my computer from the French naval site years ago before that site got hacked & shutdown so if you need a copy, let me know. BOGP's PG45 USS Panay 1928 (Yangtze River Gunboat, reclassified PR‑5 '28) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/mz81mayc5eoa6svhws8cy/ACbuzDy6E6HS2hT_gcp98o8/PG45 USS Panay 1928 (Yangtze River Gunboat%2C reclassified PR‑5 '28)?dl=0&rlkey=wolm1da4b6wtrvw7yi1tbszyc&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
  17. wrong shape as looks like it should be a 4 point diamond as in baseball with home & second base the verticals & 1st & 3rd the horizontal bar as that is what it looks like in your previous picture. what are you going to use for the angled supports as thinner then the horizontal bar which is thinner then the main vertical post?
  18. what is going wrong as i thought we worked out how you are going to make it?
  19. are you talking about the one that you posted a picture of at the top of pg 5 or on the island?
  20. no problem. thought it might come in handy for you when i saw it so linked it for you to watch.
  21. what are the 4 notches on the 2 edges of the elevator in the middle picture for?
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