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Everything posted by Auger

  1. Back at it; built the cannons and have begun the masting and rigging.
  2. You’d probably be surprised at how many people follow builds here but never really comment on them. There are several that I’ve been tracking. Keep plugging along with your log, you’re off to a great start!
  3. Nice build thus far; I’m going to follow along. My girlfriend has been eyeing this model for my next build. I’m pretty sure she already has a place in the house picked out to display it.
  4. There. After a lot of carving and cutting, it looks a little better. Still not a great piece, but better. I still have some work to do on it.
  5. That’s what my girlfriend said. One day she said to me that she wanted “one of those nice looking wooden ships”, so I told her to pick one out and I’d build it. She chose this one because it, “looked very elegant “.
  6. This is a fun build, I really enjoyed mine. Wish I could point you to it but unfortunately, my log was lost way back, but here’s a pic of the end result: I’m gonna follow along.
  7. I’m going to have to do something about this. It’s a pretty sorry looking part.
  8. Little update, looking at these photos now, I need to bend that bell out just a tad, give it more of a hanging look.
  9. Yes, I’ve taken good care of it during these idle years. I’ve always kept it wrapped in foam sheets on a formed styrofoam base and strategically placed in the garage to avoid any damage. I’m happy to be continuing and look forward to finally finishing it.
  10. Been a looong time since I’ve posted here, but I thought I’d drop in and give an update on my build. I recently dusted her off, found a spot on the work bench and am continuing the build. It’s slow going, just a piece or two a night between diner and bed, but I’m starting to see the slow progress. Excuse the mess, we’ve recently moved and I haven’t arranged everything yet:
  11. Good job. I'll be following along, I have the same kit that I am going to kick-off soon; a gift for my (French) Father-in-law. I'll commence laying the keel and bulkheads once my Bounty build reaches the rigging stage. That way when all that spaghetti starts driving me crazy, I can go work some wood in the garage.
  12. Yep, my first post back on the board goes to you! Been really busy lately and haven't had much free time, but hopefully I can re-post my Bounty build log since its still in the works.
  13. Looking really good. I just dusted mine off last night, what a nightmare job that was...
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