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About john46

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    Rotterdam, Netherlands

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  1. Leaving for holidays for the remainder of this month, so no updates to follow till then. Best regards, John
  2. With those lanyards she start looking like a real ship. Great job Sjors. Regards, John
  3. Sjors, this looks really great. Regards, John
  4. Hi Edwin, Thanks for the compliments, highly appreciated. If you refer to the brush on the picture below : Well that is not a wire brush, but a clean shoe brush which I use to clean the wood before varnishing or painting. Regards, John
  5. Congratulations on finishing the Spirit, she looks great. The portable workshop looks to be a great help to keep things organized. It was a pleasure to follow your log. Best regards, John
  6. Welcome back Jared, hope you had a splendid holidays. Thanks for the compliments. Regards, John
  7. The lifebelts are looking good Mick, so the passengers can embark safely. Regards, John
  8. From the result I cannot see your frustration, only your love for detail. Although being tiny, they are looking great. Regards, John
  9. Thank you Mick. Indeed I think it is better to built in a sequence which makes sence to yourself. I have decided to do the railings just when all other parts are placed, so working from inside out. For instance, to do the rigging with the railings in place looks rather difficult to me. Regards, John
  10. In the first picture the bow is pointing to the left, in the second to the right But more seriously speaking, she is looking great. Regards, John
  11. Sjors, for what the opinion of an amateur is worth, to me they look great. Regards, John
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