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  1. For set ups on my Proxxon or for that matter, any mini tablesaw, invest in some set up blocks. I was fortunate enough to have received my father in laws gauge block set. I use it when ever I need to set up the rip fence. They are very accurate and even before I had them I used calipers to set up the rip fence. Now for cross cuts, I pretty much use a crosscut sled. I also have a 1/4 x 1/2 piece of basswood and a clamp (the ones for paper - black one) to clamp the "stop block" in place and then I can make as many cross cuts as I need. Set up time for either procedure is no longer than 5 min. if that. And to talk off the rip fence on the Proxxon, just loosen the two knobs and slide it off. Just as easy to reinstall the fence.
  2. Riverboat is in its resting place forever. Thought about a diorama but the space was too small. So a small stand for it and a box for the light controller and it’s all done.
  3. Since the riverboat build is completed I figured I do something I haven't done in 45+ years. Build a plastic kit.
  4. Spirit of Mississippi by kgstakes (Kurt) - OcCre - Riverboat Finished I finished the Mississippi Riverboat this afternoon. Been fun to build, had some challenges, but all in all I'm glad I purchased this kit. Modified a few things but basically built as per the instructions. Enjoy the video !! On to the next one. Kurt Mississippi Riverboat Finished Video.mov
  5. Well I can say this, Nope I am never going to build a sail boat with all the rigging. I have one side done and will do the other tomorrow and then the side "tension wires" (sorry don't know what they are called). Anyway, I'm closing in on this paddle boat. Been about a year and a half since I started this project. Between my hand accident and then moving it's taken a long time to complete. Maybe tomorrow I will have it all done and then on to a base of some sort. Toying with the idea of a diorama of some sort.
  6. Have railings on. Decided to do a wooden railing instead of the "rope" type railing that was in the kit. Looks pretty good to me. Next the mast and the stretchers and all the rigging that goes along with that. Then I think it's pretty much finished. Then need to make a base for it to hide controller for the lighting. Might even make a diorama for it with water "river" and shorelines. We'll see.
  7. Halvoric, Have you seen this website https://canoemodelkits.com/ or https://woodenboatusa.com/products/ ?? I would like to some day build one of these canoes. They look like excellent kits but have never seen them either. Some day (hopefully) I would like to build a 12' solo strip wood canoe. Don't know if that will ever happen, they are expensive kits so maybe. Always loved wooden canoes or small wooden boats for fishing or exploring. Your build as I've said before looks great!! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  8. Your canoe looks great !! I've always wanted to build one of the those kits. Mine is a Peterborough Model 44-based model. I believe it is anyway, been so long ago since I built it. Great job!!
  9. Hey everyone I'm looking to upgrade my old pin vise. Any recommendations? I've seen some on Amazon but I figure what better place to ask then here on tools. Let me hear what you suggest
  10. Update: Been getting more work done been slow going but it’s getting there. More to do but wanted to share how far I am. It’s been a challenge that’s for sure, but enjoyable. For my first ship/boat build it’s coming along pretty good.
  11. Well I’ve kinda dumped the idea of a tool/model carry thingy too and from shop to house and back. Decided to organize the hobby shop and I still have tools in the house for modeling just not as many. Few pictures of the hobby shop and what I’ve done for organization.
  12. Video of turning a taper on taig lathe. Photo of finished spoke sanded ready for next step. IMG_3104.mov
  13. Thought I would post this here about using my taig lathe. Has nothing to do with ships or building them just wanted to show what I've been up to with my lathe. I'm building a wooden wagon wheel. No particular scale, just something to hang on the wall. Still more spokes to turn but the hub is done other than the metal bands to put on it. I have half the spokes turned. This is the first time I've off set the tailstock to do a taper. Works great !! I'm using the power feed to turn the spokes. The square end of the spokes still need to be cut for the length of the spoke and then a tenon put on it to fit in the hub. I used a collet in the headstock so had to sand down the material for it to fit in the collet. Would be nice to have a 4 jaw chuck but I made due with what I had. The hub I turned using lathe tools by hand with tool rest. The holes for the spokes I did with a drill press and just eye balled vertical for each hole. 14 spokes and the finished wheel will be 12" diameter when completed.
  14. Thank you for telling me. I’m sure someone told me before but I forgot. My first boat/ship build, been fun, challenging but it’s a nice build. I know it’s not a replica of any river boat but people that come to my house wouldn’t know the difference anyway🤣🤣.
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