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Everything posted by kgstakes

  1. Have railings on. Decided to do a wooden railing instead of the "rope" type railing that was in the kit. Looks pretty good to me. Next the mast and the stretchers and all the rigging that goes along with that. Then I think it's pretty much finished. Then need to make a base for it to hide controller for the lighting. Might even make a diorama for it with water "river" and shorelines. We'll see.
  2. Halvoric, Have you seen this website https://canoemodelkits.com/ or https://woodenboatusa.com/products/ ?? I would like to some day build one of these canoes. They look like excellent kits but have never seen them either. Some day (hopefully) I would like to build a 12' solo strip wood canoe. Don't know if that will ever happen, they are expensive kits so maybe. Always loved wooden canoes or small wooden boats for fishing or exploring. Your build as I've said before looks great!! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  3. Your canoe looks great !! I've always wanted to build one of the those kits. Mine is a Peterborough Model 44-based model. I believe it is anyway, been so long ago since I built it. Great job!!
  4. Hey everyone I'm looking to upgrade my old pin vise. Any recommendations? I've seen some on Amazon but I figure what better place to ask then here on tools. Let me hear what you suggest
  5. Update: Been getting more work done been slow going but it’s getting there. More to do but wanted to share how far I am. It’s been a challenge that’s for sure, but enjoyable. For my first ship/boat build it’s coming along pretty good.
  6. Well I’ve kinda dumped the idea of a tool/model carry thingy too and from shop to house and back. Decided to organize the hobby shop and I still have tools in the house for modeling just not as many. Few pictures of the hobby shop and what I’ve done for organization.
  7. Video of turning a taper on taig lathe. Photo of finished spoke sanded ready for next step. IMG_3104.mov
  8. Thought I would post this here about using my taig lathe. Has nothing to do with ships or building them just wanted to show what I've been up to with my lathe. I'm building a wooden wagon wheel. No particular scale, just something to hang on the wall. Still more spokes to turn but the hub is done other than the metal bands to put on it. I have half the spokes turned. This is the first time I've off set the tailstock to do a taper. Works great !! I'm using the power feed to turn the spokes. The square end of the spokes still need to be cut for the length of the spoke and then a tenon put on it to fit in the hub. I used a collet in the headstock so had to sand down the material for it to fit in the collet. Would be nice to have a 4 jaw chuck but I made due with what I had. The hub I turned using lathe tools by hand with tool rest. The holes for the spokes I did with a drill press and just eye balled vertical for each hole. 14 spokes and the finished wheel will be 12" diameter when completed.
  9. Thank you for telling me. I’m sure someone told me before but I forgot. My first boat/ship build, been fun, challenging but it’s a nice build. I know it’s not a replica of any river boat but people that come to my house wouldn’t know the difference anyway🤣🤣.
  10. Little more progress been slow going. Been painting a lot of parts lately so when the time comes to put them on the model their ready to go. Still have the wheel house to complete ( guess that’s what it’s called) but it’s getting there. Sorry guys don’t know the ship lingo for each level.
  11. Oh in the first picture I'm looking at the round white "pin" like things for the railing posts.
  12. This is what they are (these are probably better) from Model Expo. Yeah, I figured as I'm building this vessel that it's a "general idea" type model not a scale vessel by any means. Harbor Models Inc. stanchion, 1 Hole, 13/16" https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/yhst-72470122933521/round-stanchion-1-hole-13-16-31.jpg Item# AER5601-20 $8.95
  13. Hey everyone I have a question in building the Mississippi riverboat. The railings around the top deck they have (which looks to me) large head pins as posts for the railing. (picture 1) Can I use these instead (picture 2) and do these have a hole in them to thread "rope" through them? I like the looks of these and seems to be more in scale. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is how far I am as of today. (picture 3). Kurt
  14. Sorry, I guess I do have to remember that some of us don't have the space to do what I'm doing. I know years back I would have to put everything away to set up for painting or bring the table saw out or just a small miter box and hand saw. Years back I only had one hobby bench to do everything on. Looking back on it, probably wouldn't change a thing, know why? It taught me as a young teenager to keep things organized, picked up, and your hobby bench cleaned off after you were done modeling. Now, LOL I have two hobby benches, a folding table now a paint booth cabinet, all in a room "office" in the wood shop and clean up? Maybe tomorrow, close door and go to the house. We all have space limitations, sure what a pain, but your organized. At least you know where things are. Small is good. Stand alone room for hobby building, has it's perks, but can get really messy in a heart beat. Keep it simply, keep it clean, and keep striving to be perfect in everything you do. Have a great day !!!
  15. Been wanting to build this for a long time. I always hated setting up the spray booth then after I get down take it down and store it. Now I just walk over to the cabinet open it up turn everything on and away I go. Get done, clean up close it up and walk away. Heck, you could close it all up with parts in the booth to dry and not worry about dust or anything getting into the paint. May just work out better than I figured. It does need another coat of paint to make everything even but it's usable. Video (23).mov
  16. I've shown my "work area" in the house (first picture), here is a picture of my miniature workshop (second picture) in my wood shop. Still getting things set up but for the most part it's the way it's going to be for awhile until the next tool comes in (which won't be for awhile).
  17. just wish I knew what some of the things were used for ( see below). Anyone know??
  18. Well guys I’m back at the work bench building the river boat. I showed my office hobby room in the wood shop (see gage block post) and this is my “hobby bench” in the house. No I haven’t built a tool organizer yet but this works for me now in the house. Basically this area in the house is for building plastic kits like cars and trucks and the hobby room in the wood shop is where all my messy tools are ( table saw, lathe, drill press, etc.) let me know what you think of my set up and I’ll get back to building the riverboat. Thanks guys you’re an inspiration to me to build something every time I come here so thanks again and enjoy the pictures.
  19. Just thought I would do a short video on how I use these gage blocks I received from my father in law. He was a machinist and after he passed away the family gave me one of his sets of gage blocks. Let me know what you think of the way I use them and let me know what you would use them for and other set ups I could use them for. Video (21).mov
  20. Nice but wish it was in English so I could understand what you’re saying but nice video. Following in subtitles is ok but sometimes hard to follow. Just me I guess.
  21. I have a question (which is happening to me more than not). I have found that every or most hobby tool storage design is for in back of the work area. At least for me, which I'm trying to fix, is that every tool that I use on a regular basis seems to be behind the model that I am working on. Now when I'm building a HO scale structure or a railroad car, the tools are right there ready to use. Yeah, I reach over the model but, they are small and never really got in the way. I'm just wondering, do you all have the same problem with reach over, around, under, etc. your model to get to a tool or is it just me? Yeah, I can put them in my drawers in my model bench (aka craftsman workbench) which I've done for years and dig through to get the right tool (yes, I do have some organization to the drawers but seems I have more pliers, tweezers, screwdrivers, etc. etc. you know how that is), and I'm trying to design, buy or both so that most of my often used tools are right there handy. After seeing the video I posted of the guy building a small (briefcase type) tool storage. I started thinking, why not design something similar but instead of having it open like a briefcase (flat), why not have it open the same way but have it vertical. See my design (not finished yet but you get the concept. Anyway, with all the humbo jumbo said ............... are you having the same problem I am with reaching tools, supplies, etc. behind your project?
  22. Don't know if anyone would be interested in this video but I thought it was a cool idea. Basically hobby on the go sorta speak. Take a look, it's an interesting concept.
  23. Oh any what I been doing with the cross slide is when I would back away from the cut note where it was and then come back to it then increase cut. Also if just turning down to a smaller diameter. I would just take the backlash out and the increase but 5-10 thousands and make another cut. You can take a pretty healthy cut with it but I prefer to take lighter cuts just seems to perform better. It’s a fun machine to run and figure out what I can do with it (and not). I like it. Glad I bought it.
  24. I agree cross slide has more play than I would like. To measure the longitudinal length. When turning towards the headstock there is a bar that you can adjust so you have a stop. Carriage will come up against it and stop. Even when power feeding, it will stop. Then back out and take another cut. That’s what I was doing when I was practicing how small a turning I could do. See picture.
  25. I don't have a way to measure the backlash so here is a video of the cross slide and the longitudinal rack-and-pinion. Hope this answers your question. Video (20).mov
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