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About mrmadalena

  • Birthday 11/26/1963

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    Pittsburgh Pa

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  1. Yancovitch, Thanks for checking in. Everything is great. Sorry to hear that about Augie.
  2. The break I wrote about was a bit longer than expected. LOL. I have been working on the Confederacy, just slowly. I did treenail the hull, which took some time. I then moved onto the stern and quarter galleries, which proceeded with several stops and starts. Of course I broke the cove over the stern lights. Also, for some reason, I just couldn't get the molding to look good on the quarter galleries. I had to redo the molding a couple times. The stern decorations took some time to get to line up correctly, but once done, things looked good. The rudder went quickly and looks good. I completed the rest of hull details before moving on to planking the bulwarks. I did sand the bulwarks down before working on the stern section. The planking was relatively easy, but things are tight in the captain's cabin and I think it would have been easier to plank before closing in the stern. The last thing I have done was install the margin planks and the checkerboard floor. Some pictures on how things look now on the build. Looking at the pics, I did notice some clean up needed on a piece of molding in the stern area that has some paint on it.
  3. Thanks guys and thank you for all the likes. Augie, good suggestion, I think i will hold off on the nailing until after working on the stern and thinning out the bulwarks.
  4. Hi all. I am mostly finished the lower hull. The hull turned out ok. Im going back and forth about treenailing the lower hull. Im not sure if it will be worth the effort. Im kind of burned out on plwnking and the hull. Any thoughts? Other than taht, I still have a bit of clean up to do and then I'm going to apply a natural stain. Pics below
  5. Thanks guys! Also, thank you to all the likes. I am looking forward to completing the planking. I do need to build something to turn the ship over before I start. Yancovitch, thanks for the reminder about reinforcing the stern frames. I appreciate it.
  6. Hi all. Time for an update to my Confederacy build. Since the the last post, I stained the hull using a 30% golden oak 70% natural mix like Augie did on his build. (thanks to Augie for the indirect suggestion!). I then did the drilling for the treenails. I did not use the same pattern as Chuck's prototype. I treenailed every other frame. Next, I filled the holes with wood filler after cleaning them out a bit. I resanded the hull to clean up excess filler and applied two more coats of stain. After drying, I taped off around the wales and below the quarterdeck and forecastle. I applied multiple coates of thined hull black paint. After drying, I installed the the fancy molding that was made using the provided scaper. (first time using scrapers and they work great!) The molding was stained the same color as the planks. Next up, a bit of clean up and applying satin polyurethane and get ready to plank below the wales. Pictures of the complete ship below.
  7. Hi all! First off, thanks for all the likes and comments. I appreciate it. I have been working on the hull planking for the last month. This is mostly done with a bit more clean up to do. I have also installed the main wnd channel Wales. Next up, some more clean up, install the sweep ports. Then, staining and painting before tree nailing.
  8. Thanks Augie. The sheaves are a nice detail on the model. Since the last post I painted the gun ports (bulwarks red) installed the lower counter, installed batten strips and made sure everything was straight. I made the jig to pre-bend the planks. The pic below shows the first strips (5/32" x 1/16") in the jig drying.
  9. Quick post. The sheaves have been completed. Pics below. Time to paint the gun ports and layout the jig for the planks.
  10. Ben, thanks! The last few days I added the frames for the sweep ports and marked the ports off using the templates that were provided. I also started installing the sheaves.
  11. Augie, thank You! Familiar is good! I want to thank all of the likes too! I appreciate them very much.
  12. It has been a bit since my last update, but I have been busy. A bit slow going. I have worked on the beakhead bulkhead and the gun port framing. I just finished installing the hance pieces. Now for lots of pictures starting with the bulkhead and moving through the gun framing progression.
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