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Everything posted by jim_smits

  1. Well.... This post is over three years overdue! Two new jobs, one house purchase and move, wedding and an early first baby. Quiet really.... I am taking the late shift on feeds whilst my wife gets to bed early. So while baby Edward is napping I have two hours to kill each night. Really struggling with space to build Hood until my workshop gets done so time to unpack the Snake build and get it finished off finally. Tonight is is going to be spent re-sorting all my bits and pieces and trying to find all the wood, dowels, styrene strips and tools that have been packed up. Small shopping list needed also! Kitchen table is dual role!
  2. The “Shore Leave” section of the forum. Its for non-build Chat....
  3. Hi Stergios Having checked my Snake (currently in attic...), the cleat is as per Jason’s. For your problem I would just use the adjacent belaying pin as it is a “spare”. As for the backstays, I think i did each one as an individual stay with a false splice, but don’t quote me as it was three years ago (wow!)
  4. Hi stergios, For current events please see my post in Shore Leave!
  5. Hi Stergios I can double check my build tonight when I get home from work. Jim
  6. Not a huge amount to report as I was away in Belgium last weekend and have been busy at work during the week. Still working on smoothing the hull and now trying to remove the join between the plastic bow and wooden hull planking.
  7. Already ordered! Means I have a proper version of the instructions now....
  8. Well that’s ironic! A copy of Issue 119 has surfaced on eBay only a month after I source the parts from Amati!
  9. With a great hull takes a great amount of sanding. Slight paraphrasing of the quote but never mind. Not a huge amount to update other than I have been applying various quantities of filler and sanding down to the wood again in order to obtain a nice smooth hull. Given how large the hull is, this is taking a while and not particularly exciting! I will however soon be onto applying a proper base coat and hopefully that will look like progress. Photos will follow soon afterwards.
  10. Thanks cog! To avoid accidentally diluting this build I might have to make a “build log” for the garden in the general section.
  11. It was a raised pond. Garden split into two levels as it is in a slope, the retaining wall formed part of pond and then three other walls about a metre in height. Here it is early in demolition: And at the back left corner a small sunken pond also:
  12. Got to say, well done to Amati! Package arrived today with the photoetch spruce I needed. So by hook or by crook I have finally managed to collect everything required to finish the build. Phew!
  13. Hi Thanks for the likes everyone. Just waiting for my parts to arrive from Amati. Not really the right time of year to be waiting for international post to arrive but never mind. In the mean time, it is back to touching up the hull and trying to sand out any imperfections. The underside, whilst not visible, needs a bit of work as it is very uneven. Might break out my disc sander and give it a quick blast. I can collect the sanding dust and mix with PVA to help fill any dips and gaps. Hi Eamonn! Got to love diy. Bit of minor work in the garden....: Halfway demolished pond: Almost gone but lots of work clearing debris and shoring up the back of the garden. Getting there and nearly ready to lay hardcore down.
  14. That’s interesting that Hachette (Amati?) have decided to use a plastic stern piece. Definitely an improvement on the Hood partwork.
  15. YYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS! Ahem. As a long shot I tried contacting Amati in Italy as they were responsible for the components of this partworks, and asked if they could supply components for the last issue I am missing; issue 119. Got a prompt response. Yes they can! Quoted the photoetch fret number and a cost. Just awaiting delivery charges after forwarding my address. Have been rather apathetic to this build of late (plus busy with house and garden) due to the parts I was missing. Hopefully I can get my head in order and press on again!
  16. In between filling a skip with a couple of tons of rubble and digging up the back of my garden, I have managed to get a bit more done. The 7" armour belt has now been added to both the port and starboard sides. Hopefully I can smooth out the joins when it comes to painting and sanding. A couple more pieces of brass etch have been added to the superstructure, as well as construction of part of the second level. Not yet fixed in place as it will stand on a brass etch piece of decking yet to be fitted. I think a few pieces of brass etch and castings to be added to the lower level of the super structure, and then I can think about painting the hull.
  17. Best of luck with the build! There are a few of us with Snake builds on the forum, as Beef Wellington mentioned. Feel free to ask any questions!
  18. Hello all! The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated! Its been a busy year with wedding, honeymoon and then Christmas and a new job. Most of my free time has been absorbed in working on our garden, which is getting an extensive landscaping, and we still have stuff everywhere after well over a year in the new house! Got round to having a tidy up of the kitchen table and made some room to work. The Hood is so large that it needs a fair amount of room! I've started to lay down the 7" armour band using polyethylene sheet on the port side of the ship. Also glued in place two sheets of brass etch on the super structure. I'll try and ensure some better progress going forward. Still looking for issue 119 btw....
  19. Looks great Stergios! Remember feeling accomplished when I got my first yard fully done. Just have to look forward to fitting the parrals....!
  20. I ditched all the cast items and photoetch and used strips and tubes of styrene instead. Bit of effort but looked better. Think there should be some pics in my snake log.
  21. Beaten to it slightly but here is the piece as attached on my Snake.
  22. Hi Stergios Got some of those fitted on my (stalled!) snake. I'll take a photo when I get back home.
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