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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thank you very much, Nils, but I am not satisfied jet Just some more testing ... This time, clay for relief Hmmm.....
  2. Thank you Marc. Yellow or white railing around lower front panel - pure aesthetic issue. I decided long ago to try to copy Her today look, but just thinking - which option will look better both rails gold, both white, upper white down gold ... anyway matter of individual taste and feeling. Option with one white and one gold on some way match with aft visual solution .....
  3. I stolled some time from myself after full day of office job, to run some tests about this little "gold tinny star on blue rounded surface". Circle has 4mm diameter, and this is really little beast. Carving with thinnest and sharpest tool did not give me relief effect I expected on that scale. It seems that I have to glue there something really small and tinny. Analyzing photos, I noticed that main look of gold ornament on lower panel has quite different visual structure than gold ornament on stern, which leads me to different way of making this. For now, I am thinking about clay with little side cuts .. More tests in front Speaking about this panel, on some photos, longitudinal rails are gold, and on some - white ??? Upper panel has/will have it's own story, considering very thin gold molding that surrounds letters and form square figures left and right It will be more easy to work in 1:50 scale than this approx. 1:100, but I think that Admiral could not be happy with model of CS 2m long and more than 1,5 m high in adequate glass cage in our living room Can you imagine 2m long model in living room 4,5 x 5,5m ? That would be something !
  4. Famous and rare photos of Her under sails. She really was something She is still something
  5. Rough works done. Next - fine trimming and positioning Pointed details: on upper panel, outside moldings are more narrow than rounded molding on the bottom of lower panel In my scale, this is about 0,5 mm and I can not make it more narrow. I use for it hardest wood I have - walnut strips 1x1 mm, and careful sanding, sanding, sanding until I reach 1/2 mm Think I got them in scale (ok, near scale) Also there is a little difference between C-plans, where both panels are equal length, and present look of CS where upper panel is little longer, and has rounded rear edge It seems that working on gold ornaments and letters will be some kind of horror, because I have less space than on stern, and surface for ornaments is only 4-5mm wide
  6. I remember ... start working wirh PC even 286xt/at time Ups, I quoted before seen upper post ... sorry
  7. Hey Cap, did you picked up some of very nice and usefull stuff surgeons use (blades, peans, threads, scisors ...) just for memory, not for modeling ?
  8. Thank you, dear friends, this was only experiment. Having seen what I have to do, started to make bottom panels. Panel is made from veneer 1mm thick, glued on regular veneer. Rounded batten 1x1mm was "pulled out" from squared batten 2x2mm. Square batten stays 2mm, later will be fitted to existing white batten on hull One almost ready for next step Slowly ... 2,5 hours and only this done? Bob, in mean time, remember this song from our youth ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K_MdSu0I620
  9. I like to watch somebody who knows exactli what he is doing I am glad to be pupil in this scool
  10. Just little testing materials and method of making ... Obviously it is more interesting to play with some tests than to finish roman numbers on stern, to mount eyes and to finish bowsprit rope/chain - hard new word to remember Line is good, scale is good. Squared batten is made of balsa, and this is not good. All structure is glued on paper with CA, it will be better to glue on very thined veneer. Curve can be better shaped, panel surface maybe will get a bit of putty. Rounded batten has to be a bit more thinner, angle of curve maybe go little higher (1-2 mm) just to meet central batten and upper panel on more easy way. Upper panel will be problem because it is higher positioned it has to be
  11. Telephony wire again Different type of eyes on hull/deck Here is process after soldering ( "eye" made around 0,7 mm steel wire from paperclip)
  12. Marc, thank you for your support You force me to learn strange language terms to understand your comment, and, …. to understand what I have to / I am actually, doing … Thank you very much for moving lazy Nenad So, this is for me not to forget meaning of terms with some comments and answers Gammoning (The lashing or iron strap by which the Bowsprit is secured to the Stem) - originaly made of chains, on my model it will be of spetialy prepared rope. Wish me luck with this. I tried to make it from very thin iron - dropped very ugly Bowsprit support - IT IS actually there. Is it neccessarry ? I do not think so. Is it visible ? I do not think so. In my case, considering too much space I have between bowsprit and stem, I do not think to make it - I think it will be too large and too much visible. So, question was pure academic consideration Bowsprit sheave - it seems that it can be only simulated in my scale, but I am not sure will it look as a sheave or as a scrap and mistake … something to think about Hinged jibboom ring which can be opened - Also thinking will that be visible, and is it possible to make neat, strong enough and in scale to can open. And what is point od this - another thing to think about Dolphin striker - for me - far away for serious consideration, but thanks for pointing it “G” - it really seems to be a light - if you englare some photos, you can see thin thin thin wire roads to it. Definitely not to be made on model. No point if it has to be only 1 mm long Sheaves for the top mast stays - yes there are on my drawing, but I can not make sheaves in such a scale, so decided to made them as eyes Middle eye on the top of the bowsprit cap - here it is. I enter confusion because I didn't draw them in scale on my drawing, I draw it only as a remark not to be forgotten later “… you'll need to rig the fore top mast stay to the bolts beside the bowsprit before putting on the rails, etc. Otherwise you wont' be able do it later. Same is true for the bowsprit foot ropes where they connect beside the bowsprit … The jib boom guys and bowsprit guys are much easier to rig the lines to the eyes off ship and then just slide the eyes into place on the ship, especially if you are using lanyards. Also do this before the rails are put into place - at least for the bowsprit guys … Bottom line is make sure that you have all of the lines that either originate or terminate around the base of the bowsprit in place before you put the rails and billboards in place. …" Thanks, I ll keep it in my mind (I hope to) The fun of history - аh, yes “ … jib boom guys … deadeyes … … hearts … lanyards …. “ To understand this, I have to consult wiki and another sources ... and to enrich my dictionary
  13. Thanks Marc, very useful Here is picture If you enlarge area near chain, you can see some square structure
  14. Massproduction ...Telephone line wire Make smaller ... no sense ... and impossible to me
  15. Thank you Dave, but it can not compare with your Mayflower(s) and other models I saw on your web page
  16. Analytic continues ​I am a dummy attorney, know nothing about engineer drawing programs, and must help myself in this way - hand drawing sketch scanned and imported into MSWord, draw some elements by MSWord tools to be more visible, copy this picture in MS Paint and finalize it there saving it as *.jpg ... complicated, but still more simple than to learn PhotoShop, Corel, Auto/ArhiCad or simillar And a question You can notice two undefinied and unknown places That issues are so little in my scale, that I doubt to made them, but I am just curious - what is this ? What is purpose of them Next is - analytic of support construction of front panels, and experiments about their size and position
  17. Great challenge Dave. As I saw in your logs, you like challenges and had a great fun in it. Of course, you have skill to deal with Have a lot of fun my friend, between poker nights Force will be with you
  18. Keep on. Knife is knife, and surgeons just like to cut (my experience with dental surgeon, surgeon who fixed me after fallin' from my son's bike, and friend of mine (surgeon) who caused me to jump and glue to floor screaming, telling me before " it will take 10 seconds without any pain, just lay down and relax..." Considering I didn't kill him then ..) Waitin for your return
  19. Not jet Dave Little thoughts here and there, not serious thinking. I keep in mind this fragile construction, just as on top of masts, and had some ideas how to make this parts stronger ( more elastic wood, steel wire inside, made of several longitudinal layers ...) Still far far away from this stage, and probably I'll learn something about on MSW until time comes Only conclusion about I made until today is that I must aquire Hothhead's room when times come, because my workspace I use now, will be so small for Her with bowsprit. Try to imagine Her in full lenght in this workbench. ( This is barbeque toothpick
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