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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thank you dear friends for courageing my stubornity ... So, cleaning mess again ... booring precise hudge job with sandpaper 360 and 400 in second hand with my sanding jig ... During cleaning, I made some tests, considering transparency of thin layer of acrylic. I think I've got it !!! White, then yellow, orange, brown, black, yellow, orange yellow and brown Bad camera on cellphone disorts color temperature, and I make macro shot which better repeesent true look of color I get But all this layers on all rails ... huh I must think about and try to shorten procces of repairing
  2. Painting goes on And famous question "how to get teak color with acrylic" arise Even I have seen many models of CS avaliable on google/search/photos, I think no one has color of teak. Of course, there is another famous question about light conditions, camera used, etc etc I am not satisfied with color I get - too much dark and brown when dry This is ... targeted color Something has to be done Experiments again For instance Hmmm Not look as weathered, rather as a bad painted... Hmmmmm......
  3. Keep on, my friend. We already miss your posts. Hope everything will come in line soon and smoth
  4. It is said First 50 years of life, you browbeat your body. Next 50 years, your body browbeats yoy or just Payback time
  5. Ahhhh ... still without answer ... just thinking ... Stair blocks closet door ... With stairs you can not see pig pen etc well ... Stairs are nice detail Maybe both ... one side rail at another stairs ... Maybe rails with stairs separated and layed somewhere near ... Hmmmm Some photos to show fragile stairs and space under Bob, what is your opinion ?
  6. Never to late, David. After a year of start building I somehow discovered that I am able to make very little things, and that my fingers can play very precise moves in small scale ( playing guitar 40 years probably). There is something truth in words "if you can make something little you can always make it bigger". Beside that, somewhere in same time, I also discovered that I can change my "Lego" approach to something with preliminary good fore-thinking instead aft-thinking, with necessary analytic and forced patience before acting. All this spiced by lot of things I learned on MSW, and my nature to rather accept challenges ( bigger=better) than reject, rather chose something new than "elephant path" and results simply must come one day. "Some" experience still miss, but there is no help except spending more of my time in workshop So, changed approach obviously gave satisfied (and I must admit - unexpected) results in frame of my experience, but considering I long ago decided not to make Ver. Nô 2 from begging, some misfits and big mistakes ... just can not pretend they are not here ... working on railings I can not close my eyes to wrong and not equal width of inner bulwarks I am not crying, I can happily live with this, particular somehow I succeed to make outside lines of hull after second layer of planking, coopering and painting, and whole full profile look, on some way that inside mess is pretty hiden and invisible, and I am happy to the sky !!! I picked up first WOWs from friends who see Her in present stage, and I'm very proud to myself, and very motivated to continue in such a, or if I'll be able, better way Great great fun and joy, and medicine for stress and nervous. Why I didn't start 10 years ago ? Probably "someone" had to play computer games instead ( F-16, Mig-29, Star-wars, Call of Duty and Battlefield, and all that over and again in net/lan multiplayer version) My head is still not-attached to body in proper way, and decided nit to work on Her today BTW, it is NOT good having doctor in home ... Before, if you have headache, just wait to pass or take aspirin. Now ... Dad, I'll measure you blood press ... 110/170 ... you must urgently to medical center ... bla bla bla ... pils ... bla bla bla ... diet ... bla bla bla ... exercises ... bla bla bla ... Tell me something new ... Things were more and much simpler before Just kidding ...
  7. I agree with Marc. At fore deck I did this "nibbing" (?) after making bulwarks .... it was horror when you realise that one milimeter is big and you can place in it 3-4 very different cuts with different consequences, and was followed by mistakes. Also changed margin plank several times, but in one moment... to the hell ... and now it is to late for corrections after painting ... BTW, we are unpatiently waiting for new CS log here, Jim , and for new member of CS fleet!!!!
  8. Hey Denis, you are too much kind ... Right now Im down ( blood preasure issue) and cant write much Rigging ... with no serious experience ... but I think ... big big inspiration in Danny's HMS Vulture , also Nils Lagenmann works etc&etc, rigging ... really bad influece lead me to devil's road to try something like those phenomenal works Again my usual life story: too much ambition VS too little skill Something will "drop down" from this soap I hope ... and maybe I learn something untill ... First to finish painting, then to play with deck furniture, fittings and another content, AND THEN !!! Masts ... Spars ... Rigging ...
  9. Thank you Marc for kind words. I am looking for upper horizotal deadeye rail surface content, in intend not to miss something. I think I found 90% for now. Probably I'll find rest when start to learn about and follow all rope lines Thank you Mark for support. "Carrion comfort" by D. Simons ... good book for beach, but written on a template "how to make bestseller" ... you know this style used by many USA authors: " East London, 14:45... Taking short look to his Rolex, Hero hit his Samsonite briefcase throught window ... They hunt me !!! " Almost Huh and Ouch ... but after hard artilery I have read before, it is a nice change Her Majesty is happy today, I spent with Her almost whole afternoon, considering strike is over, and we start to work on Monday Both rails finished and mounted, and I am starting with painting, looking for correct color Things slowly come to their place ... White panels now look very well, and this stage I was waiting for until time I made them Now, color war begin
  10. So, we suppose to be happy if our dog is small with small doghouse, or live indoor? Or opposite? He he ... Admiral's stuff is full of usefull things we can use, and with another things we can not live without (most precise and most finest scisors in house, needles of all kind and size, clothes for all purposes ...) And a wish and a need to take this is usually stronger than us. I think only problem is - we just do not return borrowed stuff back to the place ...
  11. Thanks Mark. Goin to bed to read Dan Simoms horror novel. Just finished historical book of Serbia between WW and a new short book I found about D-day , and need something difrrent. Mind Vampire .... mind control ... match with some stupid movie I watched today after returning from downtown. In meantime, still investigating (tryin' to) detail content of bulwark rails and content under rails. Considering structure and object of most pictures available on net, including all photos of Her I collected ( more than 3gb) I noticed that most of visitors who take a shot were impressed by rigging, wheel, decks in spread view, outside panoramic view, bunch of ropes, ... and if you look for specific detail, you have to pass a long way. Details to we are interested are not interesting for most of people Probably we are not interesting for most of people. Our work - yes, but our stories about ship we make, all things we learned about, I think - not. Who cares about reasons for ending of sail trade era, and consequences. Who cares that sailships in mid XIX were top of technogy. Who cares about enginiering masterpieces from their time (Victory) famous ship battles .... But, I think this are things world must never forget. Without history, you do not have identity in all means. And whole history was created under somebodys sails
  12. Thank you Michael and Denis. It seems strike will be really over until end of week ... And new stage of drama starts ... hunting lost clients ... But it is ok, this is life Two more fields to go
  13. Thabk you Scot. If my skill could go on this way ...
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