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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thanks Marc and George. It is easy. Just little playin with a thin but strong twisted netting thread, lighter to burn hairs, acrylic color and acrylic warnish to give basic color, hardness and longitudinal elastic, and , carefly making knoths, not squezze hard, then extend "chain" little until little holes appear, and gold acrylic over. Real thing will come when riggong chains come to line, I.am not sure about self-made chains for that purpose
  2. Thank you George very much! Here is my nice birthday present I got from family Waitin GoT I made another, this time final attempt to windlass chain It very looks like my idea I was looking for
  3. I follow this with great interest, because I do not know anything about real rigging, and that stage waits for me ...
  4. Wellcome heathCarman, thanks for nice words and dropping by Almost hit ... Cotton thread, tighted and twisted, then prepared with thin layer of wood glue, burned hairs with lighter, another thin layer of glue, burned haires again, then two thin layers of black acrylic, and after knothing, overaching new chain line, and then very thin layer of gold acrylic. Of course, clear method for knothing without mistakes of line directipns, , which I will describe this days if anybody is interested
  5. In scale 1:350 it is very hard to make so small details. As I can see from your photos, it is pretty simplified model. Good luck with applying all (?) standing and running rigging by Campbell plans in this small scale. But I think that effort will be valuable, to get idea and perspective about Her extremly complicated and complex rigging. I am not sure that in this scale is possible to apply any rigging block, deadeye,,bolt, eye etc.etc, Even a rope 0,5mm in diameter is thick to much. Some ideas for horse trail... The thinnest fishing line you can find (0,1mm) hair from you or Admiral, or pet ( if you can find Persian or similar cat with soft very thin hair, that will be the best) un-purred thin cotton thread Or take pieces from bird's Feather I am not kiddin'. This all has thin hairy structure. Micro-work any way
  6. In section "Kit build logs" can be seen many examples with leaving kits plans/instructions in different stage of build, and go forward by another plans not included in kit, often with different material than in kit, with more/less detailing than in kit. This builds stay in this category, even you can classify them in a scratch in present stage. Opposite way I did not notice. It seems to me that most often, crossroad is somewhere during/after hull finishing
  7. This is a prize question Mark: what bashing technique is used for making chain?
  8. Thank everybody for kind words and support O ho, BOB is here again !!!!!! Nice to see you again. Yea, She is fine ... when sitting ... but get tired express when try to do something in house ... next week we start with more doctors During she is watching "Suleiman the great" I went down, light fire in my Smithy-Forge, and did some tests about chain issue First attempt Too massive Second attempt And think this is it
  9. Just to add spjce ... border between bashing and (semi)scratch ... where is it? Lines are not straight here, there are different shades of gray between black and white
  10. Thank you boys, we hope so. Next week will bring some answers. She is feeling better - I know that when She starts again to scream on me when I deserve Thinking in front of TV ... how to bash a chain with this structure in scale cca 1-1,5 mm diam. of chain ring ? This is from Lou's photo. Today, anchor chains are not presented, but chains will be nice detail, particulary to take part in my "overload with detail" strategy
  11. Thank you David. I am sure you can do this better I have them all, but thank you any way You are probablly right. People are ... just people ... always find a way to bypass rules ... and that are usually not recorded events Thank you John. i can not help you, because I am far away from metal works, and have very little experience. Some bad news which will probablly slow me down ... Admiral gets ill, and has to go to multiple medical researching ... we`ll see another week what is this. some god news - for now, we know it is not cancer, it is not heart ... some shadow on lung ... still visiting different specialists ...
  12. Cap do I miss something because my poor english ? Looking above picture first I think about was beer can top with oppening mechanism
  13. Details can always be added, Peter. It can be hard, but it can be worth. Thanx for yuor kind words
  14. Still impressed !!!! And amazed And speechless And breathless With my jaws still down
  15. That was exactly I was thinking over during making pig pen... imagine CS in the storm on a wild ride, bow jumping 10-20 meters up and down, , waves jump over decks, and poor animals under fore deck in space full open to weather conditions .... scary from today point of view
  16. My poor english, George. I.mean "what I was doing". Now I think I know what I am doing
  17. I agree, George, C-plans and photos are my main source. I think we can not expect from every kit manyfacturer to keep all details 100% accurate. Different kits are adjusted to different modelers, different passion, deducation, skill and ambition each of them. In my oppinion, main problem is that most of begginers and less experienced modelers do not exactly know what they actualy want when start particular building. Also I think my build is nice example of starting without idea what I am actually doing, and growing ambitions interests and ... from day to day. But, this is me, stubborn and persisting ...
  18. Izzy If you are interested, here are correct names on Campbel`s plans During hervworking life, CS was cargo merchant ship without passangers, with 20-30 crew members, and after that navy training ship. On Wiki you can find nice short history of her, and more detailed history in different sources, if you are interested
  19. Izzy, word "perfect" means: " yep, nobody had seen ..."
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