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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Second layer (thin orange and thin white mixed, transparent) Almost there ... On next picture is approx. color I get
  2. Thank you David My workshop has no direct sunshine light, and as I almost work there in evening, I must use electrical light In the middle of floor there is one bubble 100W, and under the desktop another bubble 200W on the right side, and third bubble 100W on the left, both about 1m under workbench on a wall in front of me. Enough for working. Comparing my experience with old camera ( old HTC Wildfire) and photos from beginning of log, in same light conditions, I concluded it is camera issue ( HTC Desire 310) ... I was mailing to HTC, but answer was something like this ... "what do you want ? You`ve got Quad-core processor for so little money, what do you expect more ..." All mailing what follows expose their politic to put the worst 5MP camera the had in really brilliant phone, to turn its price down. I wrote earlier about. "Honest" to the limit ... I decided to bye for 10€ SD card for my old HTC and to use it only as a camera (luck of money for any better solution considering long time I didn`t work last year)
  3. Thank you Edwin, I applied on deck two very thin transparent layers of acrylic yellow-white mixed with thinned mat transparent warnish, maybe ( just maybe) I'll add 1-2 more. Yhinning warnish I have got nice "satin" shine Must do something about camera and colors ... it just do not look as on pictures
  4. Thank you George for kind words and support First thin transparent layer ... just to give little yellow tone which is presented in most of photos, to be under next layers, to "shine" through them ...
  5. "...there are cases where added detail should be as pronounce as other forms of added detail ..." Usual trap ... one detail "pull up" another, without end ... Btw, do you maybe want to exchange your son for mine?
  6. Violently disturb Her privacy ( you sleep to much, let's do something) and start with "primer" Begining before cleaning After "primer" Several layers remain "Primer" is thin acrylic in color of wood, with purpose to cover places and dots I can not reach to clean this strong brown Idea comes remembering almost 30 years ago when we, as a young just married couple rent apartment, and after few years we were waiting our daughter to be born, and decided to replace wallpapers in future princess room with nice bright white color ... ( Admiral`s wish ... my command ...) removing before all wallpapers, and ... what I found under ... I could not believe What I see ... dark purple brown and intensive black acrylic on all walls .... $#%#%# ... later I was told by householder that this was some Canadian facade paint ... there was absolute no way to remove paint surfaces and traces, and Admiral did not want new wallpapers ... she was in 8th month of pregnancy, and I could not resist any of her wishes ( young, fall in love etc etc) ... it could be resolved only by gypsum panel, but this was not our flat, and to invest a lot in ownership of another people was out of question ... so, what to do ... I mixed gypsum and mass for smoothing, and covered most intensive blemishes of brown/black in one, two, three layer ... and after a while, they "disappeared" under coating, and I could paint walls in white ... and wait for Princess to be born ... Admirals make us happy ... sometimes ...
  7. Thank you for your interesting, Wefalck Actualy ... something between ... thinking about weathering whole model before masting ...
  8. Thank you Piet And now, artistic work in applying multiple semitransparent layers of acrylic and balancing between them begins ... Wish me luck ... there will be no fun in third cleaning of inner bulwarks with 2mm sandpaper in pean ... two cleaning is quite enough !!!
  9. From my small experience... second veneer layer allow you to make planks more narrow and to be more in scale than planks from first layer
  10. Definitely, before masts I am close to finish hull painting before start building houses etc etc on deck, and scarry to death if I forgot something on hull ...
  11. More photos Insuficient camera, there is no purple tone, all is in brown tone
  12. Curiousity is direct enemy to our intention to go fast forward I was not satisfied with deck color, and while I was cleaning rails, my attention jumped down to deck all the time, thinking ... can I do something to look better ... sanding, sanding, sanding, and again ...individual deck planks are not visible enough ... sanding sanding sanding ... how it will be if ... sanding sanding sanding ... could I try to ... and in circum Yesterday I finished cleaning, and tried to "wash" part of deck under houses with rough brush and water Hmmmm, not bad ... Today I washed all decks, and sanded with 360 paper ... hmmm ... better, but, to much contrast Then I mixed acrylic mat warnish with little tip of brown ( just to give some nice thin tone and to stay transparent) and this is it And macro shot to have idea about color I get I think this is better, and as nusproduct, it looks pretty old
  13. Dave, one question. I made couple on your way ... nice, in scale, but ... seem so fragile to use with rope ???
  14. Cleaning as preparing for repainting, mixed with 2 tones of anthracite for heating and Hothead visiting us, continued slowly ... His two days visit just remembered me why he make me very nervous from time to time ...
  15. "...READ THE INSTRUCTIONS STUPID!..." Sounds very familiar ...
  16. Where have all the husbands gone, long time passing? Where have all the husbands gone, long time ago? Where have all the husbands gone? Gone to workshop everyone Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn Ooooh, when will they ever learn? Who do not learn from his mistakes, repeat cleaning mess he made Cleaning continues... Booring ... And some bad ideas in my head Better look of deck color ? Hmmmmm again Gonna get upstairs to look Hobbit 2
  17. Love, dedication, strong will, patience, and lot of thinking about, practice, and a bit of stuborn mind, and as you experience grows, there must be significant results In any field of life
  18. Belayin pins from toothpicks .... thank you Dave ... it is possible ... just what need to know
  19. Thank you Denis I ignored Her calling today. After long long time, today I suddenly and unexpected, get a new client who needs some paper urgently to the evening ... 12 hours of lunatic work without any stop, job done, and 300€ in cash in pocket ... also after long long long time... If every day could be like today ....
  20. "Ouch" on its way to become "Yeah" If you could not fix this, who other can ? Spices of our hobby
  21. Hey boys, from your discusion I concluded that you are more worried about finding place to live than finding new job in new town ... In my country, this is just opposite - you can find flat, room, house easily if you have money, and you can find regular job .... almost never ... if you want to work regular with social insurance ... if you do not want insurance, you can find easy low-paid job Prices In Belgrade - apartment 50-60 m2 - 200-500€, house 100-200 m2 500-1500€ per month In suburb of town - apartment 50-150€, house 200-500€ But average earnings net per month Workers with or without elementary school - 150€ Workers with high school or craftsman - 150-300€ Workers with college degree - 400-600€, and if you are a chief, director or leading manager or expert with significant knowlidge and experience, maybe double of that If you are in private business or inside or connected with politic or criminal, you can earn a bit or a lot more on one or another way, depends of your morality In my country, main thing is - find any job. It seems that with you is different ?
  22. Bob, if you are crazy and stubborn as me, you can always use sand-paper and enjoy in blessing of multiply unnecessarily repeated job ...
  23. I see I am not alone in this club A lot to learn from your log (if I first understand what is going on ...)
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