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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thank you George, main tools were the thinest brush I have, and a famous thined toothpick for dots and little drops of paint
  2. Collateral damage fixed, color corection done Right side Left side And famous under-bow look of Her Stern lettering left, and I can finaly left paintbrush for a while, and climb to the deck to make some sawdust. I mean under fore deck first (animal area) to make a room for Bob's piggy
  3. Thank you Denis Associations and thoughts about "The Ugly Duckling" by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen "... He comes to a river (MSW). He sees many beautiful big birds (models) swimming there . Their feathers are so white, their necks so long, their wings so pretty. The little duckling looks and looks at them. He wants to be with them. He wants to stay and watch them. He knows they are swans. Oh, how he wants to be beautiful like them..." It seems that swan starts to appear ... Poetry soul ...
  4. Try this link and dont be discouraged, be motivated and inspred ROYAL CAROLINE by Doris - CARD - 1749 -1:40 You can do that !!!
  5. Denis, you give me bad idea again ... it will be sweet to have lader as yours on.model ... but it dont go with sails Only left for me to be amazed with your work, with idea to try to imitate ... some day ...
  6. There is a really easy way to double lines Just double beer cans, and all lonrs will be doubled. But, how to fix them doubled? It is also easy Keep beer doubled
  7. Monkey with a little help of Bob's runaway pig finished left side Next is color correcting on bow area, and fixing collateral damage I made on bow (CA drops, scratches, etc etc)
  8. Thank you dear friends for kind words, but ... where is the famous learning Monolith ? Ahh ... it is renamed ... now it is calling - MSW At the beginning of my build, sometimes I felt like 2001 Odyssey monkey who find a bone, do not know what to do whit it, and start batter with bone around with no point and idea why, and with any sense about use it ... suddenly, he discovered ... so do I And a little secret ... Under my working bench there IS hidden learning Monolith, and every evening I go under table to get my learning curve raised
  9. Little cheating, George, not a real twistin'. I decide to use "my" patent for that short, more helping than real rope lines not so much visible, but not sure when real rigging come For this I use regular sewing rope, paint it with thin acrylic in desirwd color, twist hard, bend to the half and let untwist double lines together, remove exes of acrylic, fire hairs with lighter, light twist again and tight, another acrylic layer, remove excess of acrylic and wait to dry. Acylric turns to plastic and fixed rope not to untwist. It works for short lines, but I am not sure what forces are captured inside, and with flowing of time what will happen with them and with rope itself. Imagine you just finished standing rigging, and from unknown reason all this little captured forces release and start to twist masts ... I do not want to watch this movie
  10. After a couple of days pause it is time to go on Today goal First, to finish construction under plates. Little putty to fill some accidental hes I made, thinning of "pillars", fine trimming surface and pilars with 400 sandpaper, and color repair of whole area. Next is upper panel mounting. I hope it is strong enough Don't forget eye bolts under, Nenad and some ropes attached to. Ropes are hand made by me Latter it would be just impossible to put eyes without damage Next is wooden rounded molding between. Making it was quite a horror ( less than 1mm thick). Cracked several times, hard to curve without break ... I think it really looks like, and I am pretty happy I mainly succed to mask LHL consequences with minimal deviation from original proportions and posotion of panels. One day when cats and another content comes in this area, this will be less important in comparing with visual dominating full rigged bowsprit with 4 sails under Final color corecting of area left, but first go to another side to make same
  11. Bob, don't vory about, I feel ..., I know ... you are always arround. Our hobby is very contagious and when it catch you, you can not go out even you want to. And I think ... no, I am sure that it gets you very hard ( three simyltanous buildings of three very demanding models speak that) and that means you'll come back as soon as possible Take it easy, step by step, and all will be ok
  12. On Balkan there is old believe that if you find something like that on your shoulder or arm, this means happines On ship.model ... good sign !!! Be happy you have not eagle or condor .
  13. Here was seen some snow, Denis. Only seen. The greatest snow this year was max 10cm high, and stayed only a few days. It was light snowing another couple of days, but not remain longer than a next night. I am very gratefull for that, because it means - I cleaned my street and garage entrance only once. Also significant saving of energy in so bad bussines year means a lot. I am not sure if this is consequence of climate changes, but last 4-5 years we had very worm winters ( under 0℃ whole day not more than 10-15 days) and very rainy summers (which litteraly means - grass cutting every weekend if you dont want wildness of grass in backyard) You are both right, Igor and Denis. When first time ornament job stayed in front to me I was wondering ... what to hell ... step by step and it turns well at the end. Same thing with planking, nibbing, not to forget soldering ... just jump to page 1-2 of my log and see deadeyes I was very proud ... until I had seen Syren Co deadeyes and blocks ... couple of days ago I was playin' arround and made deadeye 3mm in diameter with functional holes With me, the last thing which can dissapear is - self-confidence. Ok, little panic here and there, but after that - hmmm, a new challenge, yes! Spiced with persistance and stubbornity, there is a little chance not to be some results. So, here is yesterday stage - this evening is dedicated to my leg nails, which means almost 2 hours of different activity ... As you can see, there is a little playing on the scene, with light rescaled panels and little moving them up/down in trying to resolve consequences of MHL and trying to get as final result look and feel as on photos
  14. Looking "a bit" forward ... Scary to death ... Look at this picture and try to imagine all this in that place on that scale And I wish just this to do !!! Too ambitious ?
  15. Igor I thought I can make small stuf. You made me to hide in a dog house. Fascinating !!!
  16. Somebody are masters of "do", others are masters of "re-do"

  17. Not jet, Jan. In April everything explode with colors and smelts. I was born on asphalt, in Belgrade downtown, where I spent growing, learning, working first 30 years of my life. Then I got married, and as Admiral was born in this suburb of Belgrade ( 20 km from downtown) there we built our family house and move in 1993.year, and I'll never change this rural ambiance for any kind of any luxury apartment in down town. In house, flat has 120m2 living space, five rooms, and beside that attic 50 mm2, garage and heat room another 50m2, and one room in basement 20m2 and yard 700m2. Belgrade is relative small citty ( 2.000.000 inhabitants with all suburbs) and with car I need only 20-25 minutes of relaxing drive to reach downtown. Our suburb, named Umka , layed on Sava river, has over 5.000 inhabitants, almost all in private family houses with 700-1000 m2 of yard, and atmosphere and feeling living there is something relay special. Only a few people live from agriculture and keep animals, almost everybody work somewhere (local factories, near town Obrenovac or in downtown). Urban village. Nothing can compare and replace quiet spring/summer evening after hard day sitting in backyard drinking glass of red wine, chating with Admiral and kids. Main road is 600m far away near river Sava, our house is on hill, and you can hear - nothing, except birds, cats, dogs etc etc. Church can not be heard because it is on another side of hill. Therapy for nerves. And if you enjoy in working in yard when you have time - joy of life. Add to this full equipped place with installations of gas, el. current, tv, iptv, net, many shops with everything you need daily, school, nursery for little kids, small medical center, post office, bank,w cinema, pubs and restaurants ... what more do you need? Hey, George ! Considering how it look right now, I think there will not be re-do. Mess is more visual because I have to remove my nice black color on some places on bow part of hull to get better adhesive with glue, and it seems pretty ugly now. I am not afraid of re-do, I practiced re-do exercises and re-do skills almost all my building, and I am sure there will be a lot of re-do and boo-boo. Spice of hobby And a spice must flow!
  18. Thank you George and Denis. And now follow complicated part - building a support structure for upper panel, mounting both panels and middle wooden moulding, two eyes per side under supporting construcrion, and nice final triming and painting Started today, going well, but it seems so messy I am shamed to show
  19. Three ships murmuring in a darkness of their boxes ... what a noise ... Wish you all the best in your moving stage, my friend, and hope to your soon come back to modeling
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