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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. Opening gunports and Char Removal: Admiral isnt too happy about this task, amount of mess this generates, phuh. Next up: Port Gallery changes and "Gallery Drop" Still waiting for Blackening solution and Acetone. On a side Note, Amati did decide to send my order to Germany (i have placed an order on their website giving my Parents shipping address in Poland but then i sent them an E-Mail asking them to send this to Germany citing the EU Anti-Geoblocking and anti-cartell regulations...) - i think i will describe this in another Topic as i have very strong feelings about this situation...
  2. @hollowneck @Tankerman Thank you for those replies, i have never used vallejo Liquid Gold and i surely will try to paint all of the stern and frieze decorations with it, but in case i fail i want to Explore alternatives. I am more comfortable with 'normal' acrylic Gold paint and i do have experience with citadel washes so this got me thinking, especially considering the fact that this is a small ship and i am also not convinced that she Would be as much covered in Gold in real life (maybe on launch but surely after the first damage, nobody would ever reapply so much Gold) BTW, Does blackened Brass hold paint better?
  3. Yes, but what i meant is, some decorations Look like liquid Gold, some like normal Gold paint
  4. I do need a piece of advise @glennard2523 or @James H do you paint all the decorations with liquid Gold or some of them with 'normal' Gold paint? Or anyone for that matter who could advise?
  5. Yes, Please do, if you have some twchnique of Re oval without sanding away too much it Would be greatly appreciated
  6. Guys really, let's Calm down. @Chuck's comments and tips are valuable but they might come down as bit harsh, especially when they are written on a forum which sometimes doesnt properly convey the poster's intentions... So, Please tell us your Char-removal technique, i am curious. And honestly everyone, it's a hobby, i know @James H that we should thrive for perfection but for some of us there is a sanity-limit as well as a time limit on how much we can dedicate for it. I believe @glennard2523 conciously rushed the further steps after having reslised that he has made an unrecoverable mistake. So please, let the comments flow
  7. SPAM NOTICE: when i play video games, i feel old with all the kids around, here i feel like a kid among all you Oldtimers (no offence meant, i am 40)
  8. After feeling being recalled to the Principal's office by @Chuck i decided it's time to finally open up those gunports: They were never meant to stay the way they were, it was just laziness and putting it away to another time (and now Chuck gave me an Excuse to focus on some other tasks than the Galleries) I am keeping the Char only in places which will either be invisible, or covered in black paint (but i do remove the laser-sheet tabs there and give them a light touch of 400-grit sandpaper which doesnt remove the char but smoothens the surface) Also thanks Chuck for pointing out those wooden decoration pieces (Sheer rails) I was going to ask if i should round their edges Also guys, it's not a Museum-Piece and let's chill a bit
  9. Damnit, i really need to finish the port galleries so i can catch up with you
  10. Wood definitely forgives some mistakes (or if it doesnt, then you can take another piece quite easy)
  11. i do make a mess, i attempt to hide it behind bad pictures (although i do appreciate the feedback)
  12. yes, you are right, i have placed the Upper Counter pattern now against the Stern Fascia and it seems that the rail will cover the gap and should also connect with the Quarter Gallery Rails. That little piece below the Quarter Galleries took me several hours to make, i am trying to gather my strenght for the other side (need to remove the gallery window partterns there first for a tiny correction tho)
  13. This piece was a pain in the backside to do, i wonder if it wouldnt have been better from other wood as mdf: Still have the portside to finish, then some small filling in the quarter gallery area...
  14. Right @Blue Ensign, let's cover these 2 Posts with a smuch Thread pages as possible Stern Fixes and works on the Quarter Galleries I will place the Engraved Upper counter (the one with the name) centrally on this area, the rails wich will be glued at a later staeg at the counter edges will cover the extra space here
  15. I have a similar feeling about the guns, i want to rig at least the 5 on each side which might be visible below the Boats although i am running into a Problem with fittings (again): Cornwall Model boats doesnt ship to EU, Amati doesnt ship to germany because they have an agreement with a reseller here. That reseller charges 6 times the price of Amati... I need to move to the UK
  16. 100 only ? I am already at 50eur and i ordered only additional Blocks and eyebolts
  17. yup, looks good with the eyebolts, for the ring on the carriage you used something bigger than the 2mm rings ? (is it 4?)
  18. Actually i cut out some of the leftover wood from which that piece was taken, attempting to fit it now
  19. Ok, Changed the Fascia position: Now i will need to fill that hole, shouldnt be a problem tho:
  20. On a side Note @Blue Ensign what size of eyebolts and rings Would you suggest for the cannons? (actually if i'd replace the cannon eyebolts then i'd go replacing All eyebolts and rings, just dont have the oppinion what sizes Would Look Best)
  21. The weathering effect looks great, but i'd present 100 lashes to the Crew, who'd let their gun get to this stage
  22. That gap is the smallest issue here, i have enough strip-wood to fill that, i will try tomorrow to remove the upper counter-Inner and reposition it
  23. no, i'm clear about step 220, what i am not clear about if the Fascia position is correct in step 313 or in step 202 (level with bulwarks as in step 202 or higher as in step 313)
  24. Ok, ok, little panic, some cursing and the glue gave way. I positioned the Fascia as in Step 313: Ok, so this would be the proper way ? But then, the connecting rod of the trandom timbers is visible through the windows (te gap between the counters i can cover with something, no problem, but that connecting rod irritates me here a bit - because it would mean the top of the windows is flush with upper deck level, possibly even higher)
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