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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. i need to get my s**t together and move on, i am quite a few steps behind, lots of stuff to do recently
  2. I was able to pause the print several times without any issues (the plate raises) apart from that, just pour slowly
  3. i got the LN as well but then after starting i only checked the Alert Manual. Both models are designed by Chris but the Manual for his new Creations is UNIVERSES apart from the LN, also his own kits adress some frustration-issues (both in the manual as in the Kit solutions themself)
  4. Now i need to re-slice the Voyager and scale it back to original stl size but i need time over the weekend for the print - my problem is that the printer is in the attic, which is basically another apartment above ours (with separate door) so i cant just casually check up on it while doing other stuff. It's not a problem to go up, but when i go back down i somehow cant focus on other tasks bc i'm nervous something will go wrong
  5. 5hours print of 3 items at once, parrial success The miniature and heart printed perfectly, on the Voyager model the Supports detached from the hull and this is what came out
  6. Resin Calibration is the key... 2hours into the print on 2nd try, this time 2.4s exposure:
  7. So, first Test-Print failed, luckily i went and checked - the base layers stuck to the Build plate correctly but the next didnt - they stuck to the FEP Film instead... Propably (Hopefully) due to the Fact that i am using another Resin - ELEGOO Water Washable, i loaded now the RERF File and will see what the result will be
  8. hm, luckily the Admiral has enought Nail Polish remover (and it worked for me), i am actually more concerned if i can safely remove the stains from the model (or actually paint over them as they appear mostly below the waterline on the Stem)
  9. I see i am not the only one, whose glue-fingerprints are all over the model
  10. Thanks, we have an attic Space which the previous owner converted to living area for one of his Kids, so we have extra Space for a "smelly machines" room (and another room for the admirals gym + a small bathroom)
  11. We prepared a Dedicated space in the Attic for the Printer: Unfortunately, the Resin wasnt delivered so i ordered Water-Washable Resin from Amazon (only one available short notice in the area and there is no IPA available here in larger quantities so decided we will give it a try)
  12. huh, you make me fear for any success with this printer First off i'd like to print the Test-Cube and then maybe a RERF before moving on to stuff the Admiral wants (like flower pots for all her Cactus collection)
  13. My anycubic package arrived today but we agreed with the admiral, That we wont Assemble them in the Apartment. Over the weekend we will put together a desk Space in the attic for it (Gotta make the Space there first)
  14. My progress is slow as well, on Stern side i am half way down but i have 4 more planks at Stern than bow now
  15. ok, so i should be fine if i order an enclosure with +5cm on each side (height is with display base ?)
  16. Maybe someone opens a "Planking Service" for those who want to get this stage fast behind them
  17. @James H could you confirm the measurements which Christ posted on the box ? I will need to get an Acrylic enclosure before i even dream of starting on the fittings and Masting so the Cat is kept away from the oh soooo tempting thin pieces
  18. hm, maybe i should ask my Dad if he still has Granpa's old Distilling station
  19. I only saw kits from 5 different manufacturers, as for now i'd say definitely Vanguard
  20. have you considered those flexible magnetic build plate additions ? They do require a flat magnet to be glued onto the buildplate tho so no idea how that would impact "flatness"
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