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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. The Wales are like anatomic curves. They need to be distinguisahble But not too much Not too Little as well If you get me
  2. I have ordered replacement Films for the bottom VAT immiedately so i can Experiment. I have a 5litre Glass jar which i could use to cure the IPA, just have to Check if it will fit in the wash and cure station.
  3. Sanding MDF is more Toxic, Acrylic Paint is more Toxic On the note of Cleaning the IPA: couldnt you just leave it in the Wash&Cure Station and start the UV Led's for a few minutes or so ? Wouldnt that also help in curing out the particles ? (abviously not in the same container but some glass container so the included vat doesnt get clouded - although that shouldnt matter anyway if the Vat for cleaning is kept clear or not) And for cleaning the Resin tray for the printer - also i saw one guy just starting a "blank" print, so the printer only started turning on the curing screen, after that he just removed the Resin rests from the bottom with the included spatula
  4. Current state of Stern and bow. No tapering at the Stern, 9 Strakes: Bow 8th Strake added without tapering, using an Ancient Technique called "Squeeze it in until it sits": I felt i needed the untapered plank to correct the line for the rest of the planks (and this wont be visible so who cares) Garboard both sides with 3 Strakes done.
  5. All i can say is, even with all of them broken off, the hull didnt flex, i was fitting them for test after placing the bulwark liners and all is still fine
  6. I'm far from being a succesful 3D Artists, but i know my way around different 3D Programs (3DMax, Lightwave, Modo, maya, brr Blender) so i can only speak from usabilty Experience from the Software side: Photon Workshop: Basic but seems to have all the needed features Chitubox: Crashing and completely unituitive PrusaSlicer: Complex and a mess of an interface Lychee: Just works and all is easy to find (The lifting and lowering speed seems to be in the Resin Settings) Update: The Admiral is so enthusiastic about the idea, that we ordered the Photon X, who am i to argue with the Admiral
  7. Another idea to steal i think (the inner planking, i was thinking how to handle it properly)
  8. I know about the Hotwheels Figures, hower i am looking for 18th Century Stuff. The only thing i found so far is modeled in 1:72, so would need to upscale, hence loosing detail. I do know how to make 3D Models myself in Maya/Modo, however i hate doing character skeletons and especially posing them afterwards All the Gaming Figures just dont cut it somehow (Except i'd go with the "Sphinx-Egypt" Theme and do some Mymmy/Skeletons Crew I am sure i will find something suitable sooner or later
  9. I am compiling a lostof interesting things to print, my Son likes Robots, hence taht got on my list I am also hovering over the Trigger, Admiral is already convinced, we even agreed on converting one of the Storage Rooms in the Attic for this + some heavier machines (like lathe and proper airbrush station). Now only if one could find proper Crew Figures for 1:64 Although i still think if it wouldnt be better to wait for the DLP Printer from AnyCubic
  10. Try this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4149818 You need to Support IT first tho, i think I'll use Lychee
  11. That's not even the worst part of it, if this would be a Fort-Gun then the Carriage might be on rails, so small wheels arent the biggest issue
  12. I second Waldemar's oppinion, these drwaings are so wrong, i cant even point out anything that looks right
  13. Right, i was using Method 3 for the 1st and 2nd planking on the LN, also mostly on the 1st Planking of the Sphinx (basically paint the Hull with diluted PVA before sanding so the mix gets into the gaps) I was wondering if using Varnish would be better or worse than PVA ?
  14. As long as you are showing the guns in the 'Ready to fire' position then yes, if they'd be stowed then i'd only add some kind of tackle
  15. are you collecting the dust and mixing it with glue or how ?
  16. Oh, then you have bettercompressors over there in the US, the ones for ~100€ over here run max at 6 Bars (but they are quiet on the other hand)
  17. It's a valve where you can Set the pressure and there is a dual to Show what pressure is bei g deliverrd
  18. Thanks, now have to finish the Same on Port side, then 4 or 5 more planks So the stern will be done until the waterline. I didnt measure yet, but as per my Initial counts i will need at least 2 more Bands of 7 planks each, will try to do the 2nd Band Properly, the 3rd i will decide when i get to it
  19. The Air Erasers require 2.5-4.5 bar pressure, a standard Single-Piston Airbrush Compressor goes up to 4 bar (the stable range is 3-3.5bar). To be on the safe side you'd need ideally a Double-Piston Compressor which are only slightly more expensive (20-30 euro more than a single-piston) and they go up to 6-7bar
  20. The hull shape is really easy flowing and that pear in connection with CA doesnt need really too much bending (i only add a tiny bit of Edge Bend to avoid Clinkering but dont have to use any tool to ben around the Bow). In hindsight, i should have used CA for the Upper Bulwark liner so i could have avoided those nasty Pinholes (they wont be visible i know, but clamping this with PVA causing warpings was a pain)
  21. 1st Planking Band Ready on Starboard side and Added Garboard strake, blatantly copying @glennard2523 with his 2-Plank Garboard Strake idea: Mu 1st Plank Band consists of 7 Planks, 2 are very lightly tapered, 5 next are tapered to 2.5mm Port side almost the same status
  22. i dont think you would normally attach anything to them unless you want to secure the Gunports in a closed position, then you could run some rope through them or use any tackle you'd have at hand, wouldnt be attached however when the gun is in use and 99% of the Models show guns in firing or loading positions
  23. search Amazon, this is basically a sand blaster which looks like a regular airbrush but with a bigger container for the sand and needs a compressor to work (around 100EUR on Amazon for the compressor)
  24. Ye the point is, i would start with small stuff, propably 1:64 scale figs and Lego parts but then at one point i am sure i would realise i want to build larger things as well. Decisions
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