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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  2. Thank you one and all for your very kind comments. In spite of directors very obviously trumping curators, I think I want to get her finish as soon as I reasonably can, as I'm anxious to get back to my 'Meteor' model. John
  3. Keith, I doubt that avessel such as 'Lula' would run to anything as sophisticated as telegraphs. Probably a signal bell, or even perhaps just the skipper stamping on the deck!! John
  4. Congratulations on a job very well done! Once again, I agree with Druxey - get her under a case to protect your beautiful model from dust and grime! John
  5. Hello Mark, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  6. It's been a couple of weeks since I've been able to get to the museum due to our train drivers causing industrial problems, however I've continued to work on the rigging hardware at home and now have all but two of the square yards complete and ready for sails. The model is also now sporting three square sails - two rigged and one simply attached to the mast. I've also got quite a few lead blocks seized into the rigging, but as they're painted, they're very hard to see. There will be another slight hiatus in progress as the Admiral and I are off for a couple of weeks holiday down to coast shortly, but hopefully, now that the yards are almost completed, there will be a bit more rapid progress in the future. I have a problem with the speed of progress on the model. Our Senior Curator is really anxious to get her finished and into a proper display case ("The Registration Papers are all complete and ready to sign, John"), but the Museum Director wandered past yesterday and was very enthusiastic about the model being under construction for as long as possible in the gallery as an attraction for visitors! 🙂 John
  7. Hello Doug, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  8. No point in spoiling the model with a poor turning, Keith. The purchased one will look good. John
  9. Hello John, and another warm welcome to the form from 'Down Under'. John
  10. A warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under' Wolle! John
  11. It just gets better and better, Ilhan. John
  12. Difficult shapes to fabricate Greg - especially when you need two identical ones! John
  13. Love the dog! By the way, I don't think I want to come anywhere near that model except with full PPE!! John
  14. Not sure about American ship building practice Hof, but in European practice there wouldn't be any cleats to secure the rigging. John
  15. I must say they do look a bit odd. Maybe a detail to be forgotten after all? John
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