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Everything posted by gieb8688

  1. Greetings! After a long period away from the shipyard, restoration work has resumed. Finishing the standing rigging, boat davits, running rigging...........and all of the associated details that go along with it. Happy to back and look forward to posting more on the restoration progress. Thanks, Mark
  2. David, Great idea!! I will try that tonight and see how it works out. I do have a build log for the restoration and here is the link. I have been at it for quite some time and hope to have new pictures up before too long. Thanks for your help gentlemen! Mark
  3. Thank you so much for the prompt reply Jerry! That measurement is perfect and gets me in the ball park. I needed a starting point and will adjust from there. This measurement helps me do so. Thanks again, Mark
  4. Beautiful model, thank you for sharing! Question for you, can you tell me the approximate length of the boat davits? I am restoring an HMS Victory and have to make mine from scratch. Approximate length would help me tremendously. Thanks, Mark
  5. It has been quite some time since my last post, but as you can see some progress has been made! Clearly some cleaning is in order!!
  6. To keep it simple I would recommend cutting the sprue into small pieces and dilute in liquid cement. You can adjust the consistency and get it to whatever thickness you want. Keep it in a small glass jar and it will last forever.
  7. Good stuff, thanks for the help Antony!!
  8. Hello, Does anyone have a basic diagram they could share on how lines were threaded through the cathead to the anchor hook block? I have seen a number of pictures online showing a rigged cathead, but I can't quite make out the sequence of the line through the cathead, down to the anchor hook and back up to tie-off. I am restoring an old Sergal/Mantua 1/78 HMS Victory so something specific to this ship would be ideal. Thanks, Mark
  9. Adding a few recent pictures of progress. Holy cow are the shrouds time consuming! Then again, maybe working smarter instead of harder would have helped! Thanks for looking, Mark
  10. Hi Gil, I love picture day on this build log!! We all appreciate the valuable reference material you present with your pictures and narratives, thanks!! Thanks, Mark
  11. Hello, Happy New Year to everyone! I found some time to work on rigging over the holidays and here are the results. After looking at some of the other build logs and my plans, I realized the placement of the forestay was not correct on the bowsprit. Decided to go ahead and move them to the appropriate location before getting too far down the road. Thanks, Mark
  12. Hi David, Thanks for sharing the detailed photos. This is going to be helpful in my HMS Victory restoration! Mark
  13. David - Thanks for the encouragement! Since this is a restoration I am sort of making it up as I go, HMS Victory purists would be able to point out a million different things"not quite right", but I absolutely love this old ship and the character it has! I am adding a couple of other pictures that may help you with the bowsprit. Craig - Hello! I am trying to blend the new parts with the old by experimenting with different stains, number of coats, etc. So far it has come pretty close to matching the rest of the hull. You can see where the parts are different, but overall I am very happy with how the new parts blend in. The ship in the background is the USS Perry. This will be another restoration once I get the HMS Victory back in shape.
  14. Finally finished the shrouds on the foremast along with some misc. standing rigging. Moving on to the mainmast next.
  15. Hi Kim, Any seam resulting from two pieces of plastic glued together. In my experience with plastic models there is always a seam of some sort resulting from two halves being brought together. By using the sprue technique you are using the same material the model is made from to fill and/or smooth out the glued seam. Once it dries, you file, sand and the seam disappears. I have been using this technique successfully for years. Thanks, Mark
  16. Hi Kim, I have had good luck filling seams by cutting small pieces of sprue and placing them in a small glass jar. Pour in liquid cement and either add more sprue pieces or more cement until you get a thick paste like consistency. Place it on the seams as even as you can and finish up by filing and sanding. Keeping it in a glass jar will preserve the mix and allow use on other models. Thanks, Mark
  17. Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I am working on a cleaning and restoration of the Model Shipways Kate Cory. The ship was built in the late 70's or early 80's so the rigging is pretty fragile. Given the variety of techniques suggested, I should be able to use one or all in getting her cleaned up! My main concern was not to make matters worse. The rigging seems to be in pretty good shape overall, just a bit dusty. Thanks again, Mark
  18. Hello, Does anyone have a good technique for cleaning rigging that has sat collecting dust for many years? I am working on a restoration of the Model Shipways Kate Cory and need to clean her up a bit. Looking for advice on how to clean without destroying the rigging. Any advice or direction to an existing post would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark
  19. Just a couple new pics for today. Three quarter view of the model, plus starting on the shrouds.
  20. Thanks ZyXuz! It all had to be built from scratch so it was a little bit of a challenge. Starting on the shrouds now, so wish me luck!
  21. I have been away for a while but that did not stop the work!
  22. Hello, Here are a couple of pictures of recent activity. Not much progress, but at least there is some progress! Work has slowed down a little, but I am hoping to move to the shrouds next. Thanks, Mark
  23. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of knowledge on this site! Thank you all for sharing. Excellent information!
  24. Hi John, LoL! I was not sure if canvas was a generic description for many different materials. For the larger warships it must have taken forever to make a sail set. Thanks for the information! Mark
  25. Hello, Can someone tell me what "canvas" sails were actually made of, and whether or not they were treated in any way to deal with the harsh ocean environment? Thanks, Mark
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