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About PeterK

  • Birthday 09/13/1942

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  • Location
    Hamburg / Germany
  • Interests
    2- and 3-masted schoonersd on both sides of the Atlantic

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  1. Hi, Ed, I have to butt in at this point. I am following your post(s) of the YA since they first came into being. I have ceaced to comment each and every post, although all of them left me dumbfounded. I was almost ready to quit model building altogether, because I felt that I never would achieve the building of PoF models your way -those were my original ambitions. Now with your PoB model in the making I started to gain confidence again. Although I do not have the possibilities to redraw my plans using CAD I will do my very best with photo copier and scanner to bring my plans to working and modelling conditions. I thank you for rekindling my confidence and aspiration. From Hamburg with greetings
  2. Thanks for your reply, Ed. Just one more question to go: You are using pine spacers; wouls bass-wood do as well? And if you are talking about aircraft grade plywood: How many layers does such wood have in the USA?? Thank you and god speed with your projects. With regards from Hamburg Peter
  3. Hi, Ed, thanks to your post I have revived my model building ambitions. Plank-on-Frame and my humble abilities did not match. But your method to erect and align bulkheads on a spine inspired me to try it again. I assume that this method would be feasible with less effort and tools. I am waiting desperately until you hit the planking stage; because I am not yet seeing how you are to align and fasten the planks to the solid body. With regards from Hamburg Peter
  4. Hi Ed, whenever I read your newest post, the lines of an old Beatles song hums through my head: It's getting better all the time..
  5. Hi Ed, I second everything that has been stated above. But I am sorry to be a bother again: If you write "you boil the planks" do you realy boil them? Or do you just soak them in hot water? Do you have a time limit for how log you boil or soak? Again - it is always a pleasure to read your post. Peter
  6. Ed, you leave me flabbergasted; as each time I open your post you made a big jump ahaed towards completion. The spead with which you progress with your project is amazing. Since you do not explicitely deal with spiling the planks I do presume that you dealt with it in your Najad book. Our do you expand this topic in more detail in your forthcoming book(s)?
  7. Congratulation, Ed, on your 100th part of your beautiful model project. Each and every instalment is read by me the moment it appears and then copied into my own little booklet which comprises about 460 pages in a word document. I do hope I will live to see the completion of this very arduous project. Keep going with the spirit your are showing of a brilliant example of the art of ship model building. With an awesome admiration Peter
  8. Ed, I concur with Greg. Stuff a good turkey, have a cool beer or a jug of red wine ... and relax, in order that you get back to your admirable undertaking. From Hamburg with admiration Peter
  9. Hi, Ed, do you ever sleep??? The work you are showing is so fantastic and so encouraging. I have ripped off the planking on my schooner on the work bench already three times since I am following your post. Please, keep it coming. I have already copied together sort of a script of your work. It is keeping me going.,
  10. Hi, Ed, the can is open now. Add me to the list. Peter
  11. Hi, Ed, I tip my hat to your supreme craftsmanship; for me a gleaming goal I will always strive to reach, but never will come near. Another question if you have the time to answer: Do I interpret your pictures correctly that your one frame layer starts with the floor; the other layer with two first futtocks? Is it "normal" floor or is it short arm and long arm floors alternatively? Your in depth coverage of the building of an extreme clipper in the middle of the 19th century had me dig into my schooner plans. And out came the 3-masted schooner James Miller, build in 1854. I am trying to obtain information about the building of these ships in a seperate post.
  12. Hi Ed, I have discovered your build-log a couple of weeks before; I jumped in reading from page 10 or there about. Waiting to respond is due to me being absolutely flabbergasted. Your modelling and your covering it in the build-log leaves me speachless. Since I am a volontary crew member in The International Maritime Museum in Hamburg I like to make you the compliment that our museum would be more than proud to host a model like yours. Today I started my in-deapth reading at page 24. Unfortunately all pictures on this and a couple of the following pages do not show. I do hope that the server problems our administrators have announced did not corrupt your log. I would be more than unhappy. Please keep up your wonderful work und your amazing coverage in word and pictures. I am more then eager to wait for your planking elaborations.
  13. Thanks a lot, folks, this will set me up for investigations.
  14. To Whom it May Concern, Greetins Chuck Passaro mentions in his Planking Tutorail - Lining of a Hull using 3" see-through low-tack scotch tape which he can write on. Has any body out there a more precise article desciption, number or anything that would help me, to order such tape in Germany, Europe or the US???
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