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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Kevin...Jusst repeating how smart I think you are to wax your rat lines. It makes a huge difference in many ways and not at least in keeping your rigging dust free. My Cutty Sark, which has all of its rigging waxed, has not had a speck of dust settle on any of her rigging for the past 18 years. Best, Jerry
  2. Nice job, Kevin. I, too, found it difficult to maintain tension in the futtocks but eventually it worked out. Keep going, you're doing very well. Best, Jerry
  3. Well, Dominic, one gets warm fingers when using the drill press also; actually...HOT fingers..... By the way, thanks, Kevin, for letting us use your site to correspond on. Best, Jerry
  4. Hi Dominic.... Is there any way you can get access to a drill press? I turn all my masts and yards on a bench drill press. Just wondering. Best, Jerry
  5. So...after 4 months of goofing off I have finally been able to get back to my beloved Bounty. There was so much happening this summer regarding houdehold renovations and such that I found it impossible to do any modelling..(the boat kind, that is.) But I believe I'll be able to stay back at it and so here are a couple of pictures of my newest work. I attached the transom and the port and starboard bulwarks in preparation for beginning the planking of the hull. I hope my instructor won't get bored becuase I take three times as long aasking questions before puttin tool or glue to the ship. Actually, he's been pretty goos about everything except for snapping the whip these past four months trying to geet me to do somethng constructive. But, I'm on my waY. Charlene
  6. Hello Kevin... Nice to see your progress. When I opened the kit and took inventory, I wondered why there were so many brass hooks. And when I was nearing completion most of the "hjooks" were gone. So besides the futtock shrouds you'll find that these hooks are used a lot. Your workmanship continues to be top notch and I'm sincerely enjoying watching your progress. (nice looking house, by the way) Best, Jerry
  7. Hello Dominic.. From what I see from your photos, your planking seems right on. I don't think it's an optical illusion at all. Too bad you're going to cover it with copper plates but we all went through the same thing. Nice work... Best, Jerry
  8. Hello Heinz.. How much will you take for the copper plates? Best, Jerry
  9. Your stern work is awesome, Heinz. This Victory will certainly shine. Best, Jerry
  10. Hello Dominic.. Congrats on getting the first planking fiished; it reall looks very nice. The second planking I found to be much easier since there's more surface to glue on. I used CA cement at the bow and white glue from the bow to the stern with white glue edge to edge. Good luck with the rest of it. Best, Jerry
  11. Hello Dominic.. Looks real good. Brings back a lot of happy (?) memories. LOL Jerry
  12. Couldn't help but add my two cents on what Boyd said..I used Bees wax on all rigging lines, served or not, because of the success I had with it on my first build, the Cuttysark, 18 years ago. There has never been a drop of dust on any threads from day one. True, the model is encased now but was free standing for 6 months before being covered. My Half Moon, finished last April, has never been covered and the rigging is still dust free. Yep, go ahead and use Bees wax... Best, Jerry
  13. Looks pretty profesional to me.....Nice work kevin. Best, Jerry
  14. Hello Heinz.. Beautiful workmanship..You are creating a beauty. Best, Jerry
  15. Yeah, Kevin..but you will know if you didn't do it right. Since serving Victory I think about doing the stays and shrouds that way for every other build I take on. I'm trying to pick my next build but have been coaching the admiral on hers. She's building the Bounty. One of these days I'll pick something. Well, talk to you soon. Best, Jerry
  16. Hello kevin.. Just checking in to see your progress and it looks excellent. I hope you're really enjoygf this phase because this part of the construction on the Victory really requires patience. I really love the way you're going ; keep up the good work. Best, Jerry
  17. Hello Dominic.. I think that you will find the Caldercraft kit to be excellent in their selection of planking strips (wood.) When building my Victory the only bending assistance required was wetting. For this I used what most other do, a long PVC capped tube. In any event, I know you will enjoy this build: I did the entire time it took me to construct it. I wish you the best.. Jerry
  18. Hello Samejia.. For a very first build, I think you are doing an excellent job. I am concerned, however, that you have planked one entire side of the hull before starting the other side. Planking one side entirely before planking the other side can cause the hull to warp. I hope you are going to plank the port side very soon before any warping can occur. Normally, hulls are planked one or two strips on each side at a time. I don't mean to be critical, just helpful. I look forward to the rest of your build. Best to you, Jerry
  19. Hello Dominic.. Thanks to David, Shipyard Sid, I have discovered your HMS Victory site. I hope you don't mind but I would like to follow your build, especially since the calibre of your work is top notch. I enjoyed every minute when building my Victory and I can tell that you are also. I wish you the best and if I can ever be of help, please let me know. Best, Jerry
  20. Hello David.. Please look for a PM which I'll send to you shortly. Bottom line, all is well at this time. Jerry
  21. Hello Glenn... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope all is well/ Best, Jerry
  22. Hello Kevin.. Your patience is definitely paying off. Looks to me like you're going to have a beauty on your hands in a little while. It's something special to see your photos as they are informative, clear and very sharp. It's a pleasure to see good work as yours. Best, Jerry
  23. Hello Harvey.. I posted the picture and I used double blocks for the outside ones. Best, Jerry
  24. Thank you, Kevin....We are all fine and hope the same for you and yours. Nice photo...and one can see the tying of the underneath blocks. I'm curious, where did it come from? And as I said I adjusted the eyelets to make sure they entered the "steps" on topside so they're not visible. I'm really happy that you are back "at it" .... I depended on your site a lot when I began building my Victory. Best, Jerry
  25. Kevin, Ok, thanks for the information about the pegs. I made sure that the tails of the eyelets were into the steps so they do not show at all. I hope this has been helpful. Best, Jerry
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