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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. They do look nice. How does 1 contact Mihail Kirsanov is there a website or something? Thanks Eddie
  2. Oh thanks Chuck I thought it was digital. I will have to sign up when I get some free money.
  3. Chuck why is the membership for NRG for International membership more then the US people? By time you add the extra $12.00 US then convert it to my local money it goes up even more.
  4. Henry is right what ever is on the right put on the left and whats on the left put it on the right to. You wouldn't put sails only on the starboard side the ship would go around in circles HAHA.
  5. Ah conflict a way of life
  6. Hi how do I turn off the dimension and degrees in autocad while drawing a stright line been looking for a while now and cant find if you can even turn it off. In the picture the ones in the black circle. Thanks Eddie.
  7. Hi Chuck Seiler what would you recommend for the masts?
  8. Hi all Chuck Seiler I look at Chuck P Winchelsea and it does look good the black but I'm thinking I might give the ebony a go if all else fails I'll give the black painting a go thanks. Davec Thanks for the colours. You said swiss pear for contrast where would I use it?
  9. Hi all mikiek No Im not going to paint or stain her just going to leave the timber raw with some sort of clear coat over her. Chuck Seiler Ok 3 inch sheets. I'll go with the 1/16" for the planking. I do like the look of ebony and I'll have a look at Chuck P build log for the coachman method thanks. Jaager Thanks
  10. Hi all Mikiek Will do thanks KenW I'll email them Chuck Seiler I have a Proxxon table saw and will be getting a scroll saw soon just looking for what brand to get and I've been looking at getting a Sherline mill to. I meant to say I dont have a band saw I edited my post. i have built a few of kits and wanted to try scratch building. Kishmul I'm in Victoria, Australia but I dont care where in the world I get the timber from just need help with what colour and sizes to order mtaylor Thanks
  11. Hi I have the plans for the Rattlesnake by Harold M. Hahn and im looking to Start work on it what I need is the timber. This will be my first time at scratch building a ship. I dont know what kind of timber or what sizes to get I was looking for different kinds of wood I dont want the ship to be one colour could someone help me. I was looking for something like this guys but I cant ask him because he hasn't been on for over 2 years http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/288-rattlesnake-by-pasi-ahopelto-scale-148-us-privateer-1781-lumberyard-timbering-set-based-on-hahns-plans/ I dont have a band saw so I cant rip pieces of off a big lump of wood. Thanks Eddie
  12. There are a lot of people that have got the sherline ones they have a lot more accessories for them I plan on getting one of them to. http://www.sherline.com/
  13. I think I'm going to be buying a lot of books lol.
  14. Stockholm tar, will do thanks. druxey i plan on buying all four of those books as i want to give scratch building ago thanks.
  15. Thanks Modeler12
  16. Thanks to everyone i'll look at those books. Thanks Eddie.
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