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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hey howya goin Danny mate, looking good mate looking good, I may have to try this kit at sometime, I like the handles. I couldn't get the sanding sealer from bunnings there are all sold out, Did you use sanding sealer before you painted the cabin?
  2. hey howya goin Carl mate, coming along great mate cant wait to see the finished model.
  3. Hey howya goin Danny mate, you mean people who ride in your stagecoach have to sit on the hard wood and not soft cushion seats
  4. Hey howya goin all, heres the inside of the cabin lined, later today I'll get some Sanding Sealer from Bunnings and seal them.
  5. Mike I didn't realise you where from the Scotland, was the shop this one Cornwall Model Boats <-- Click here they have them to.
  6. Hey howya goin DavidG mate, shes looking good mate.
  7. Hey howya goin E.J. mate, your doing a fine job on her mate and riggings coming along nicely. Would love to get my hands on this kit.
  8. Hey howya goin Mike mate, I like the way you did the sail with wind in them well done mate.
  9. hey howya goin Mike mate, your a great model builder, its a pleasure to go through your build logs.
  10. Hey howya goin Mike mate, wow very impressive work on her mate I hope my Mississippi comes out just as good as your model.
  11. Hey howya goin Mike mate, that turned out real good mate. Hope to see more from you mike.
  12. Look at Model Expo site thats where I got mine and Torbogdan got he's they aren't plastic there wood and metal.
  13. Wow thats great Danny and you have it hanging from the ceiling didn't think of that I always thought where am I going to put mine when I make it .
  14. Hey howya goin Danny mate, Thanks. Hey Danny and Mike have you guys thought about doing Model Airways airplane next like Torbogdan is doing the Fokker DR 1 and I got this one in my stash, I've had this for years.
  15. Hey howya goin FrozenRabbit471 mate , welcome.
  16. Hey howya goin Mike mate, wow that looks good what kit is that from.
  17. Hey howya goin Lou mate, welcome.
  18. Hey howya goin all. Thanks Danny mate. will goto Bunnings and get one. Bill you know if I can get them in 150mm - 6" long.
  19. Hey howya Mike mate, I got some magnet wire I forget what gage it is but its thin and I might get a push switch like this one and run the wire between the ply and the lining of the roof and put the switch in the trunk on the roof since the truck has working hinges. I just notice there are bags on the sides of the drivers set if I can get one small enough I might put it in there or I can jury-rigged something in there so I just squeeze the bag, I will have to think about this a bit more and see what I can get. Whatya think Mike.
  20. Hey howya goin all, heres one thing I missed when going through the kit it comes with two lights with 9 volt battery connector but they want me to go buy the 2 micro on and off switches, I was thinking I just rewiring them into 1 circuit and 1 switch and 1 battery.
  21. Yeah I know this little trick I got one of these for those little itty bity tiny brass photo etch part you know the ones that go flying off into nowhere and you spend hours looking for on the bench and floor, you can put the smallest amount of CA glue anywhere, you can make a cheap version by getting a peice of wood for the handle getting a sewing needles put the pointy part in the wood and cutting just next to the top of the needle hole look at the second pic. Heres is a macro look at it.
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