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    42rocker got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Triton 1773. POF. 1:48. Daniel   
    Good Luck with everything. Your model is looking good.
    Later Tim
  2. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Tim...... NO, the tail stock came with a 4" Rotary Indexer I have, but it works great for this project also!! Just like the 3" 3-Jaw Chuck came with my 7x10 Harbor Freight Mini-Lathe but I use it on this rotary setup for the CNC Wood MIll. I use a 5" 3-Jaw chuck on the HF Lathe which works better for me then the 3" did for holding larger size parts in its jaws.
  3. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Finished cutting out all the Poplar wood Cannons! Now to start making the Carriages for them!


  4. Like
    42rocker reacted to jaerschen in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello guy's
    I will start my build of the Triton again.
    Christian (AnobiumPunctatum) and I are started our builds in 2009. But we built the hull in single frame and not in double frame based of the original drawings (Christians idea). It was originally planned to use the MSW frame drawings. But I realized during the build of the fore cant frames that the MSW frame drawings were not suitable for a single frame build. That's why I had a break for about 4 years. Now I pencilled all the frames new and would like to continue the build of the frames. After the frame build I'll use the MSW drawings for the remaining build.
    Now there are some photos from The keel, stern apron etc.

    More photos are following soon
  5. Like
    42rocker reacted to Chuck in 18th Century LongBoat by jburchfield1 - Model Shipways - 1/4" scale - SMALL - 1st ever build   
    Its just another way....There are many techniques out there and you must find the one you are most comfortable with.  Those that say you should never do this or that.....well,  they are just partial to one method over another.  You could spile and cut the shape or try something else.  As long as the run of the strakes are proper....it doesnt matter.  The proof is in the pudding so to speak.
  6. Like
    42rocker reacted to mtaylor in 18th Century LongBoat by jburchfield1 - Model Shipways - 1/4" scale - SMALL - 1st ever build   
    Your log is in the right place.  I guessing someone moved it.   As for "bold"... the only time the title is in bold is for a topic you haven't read, or one with posts you haven't read.   Pick and choose what to read at your leisure.. 
  7. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    First completed Cannon done! Just need to make 3 more just like it and then the mounts for em.
    Its also VIDEO time again!! Who's got the popcorn???



  8. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Tim..... the TANK wheels where for a 1/6 Scale German TIGER I model tank I was scratch building, but thats another story in itself...
  9. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Tim....... a few pages ago.... LOL
    OK Guys & Gals hope you all have your popcorn ready!!... here's the video of the tail end of the cannons being cut! Now I have to re-design the main body of the cannon and cut them out!
    Mark..... Not sure how the posting of that 18:1 things goes but looks good to me...

  10. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    I agree with you on that Ray! Finished with the first one, came out great!! Uploading video now to U-tube, when done will post and some pictures.
  11. Like
    42rocker reacted to mij in Simulated caulking   
    I use a Chinagraph Pencil on one edge of the planks, as seen on the deck of my Xebec.

  12. Like
    42rocker reacted to NMBROOK in Simulated caulking   
    My trial with black tissue paper has been a success.Using a similar technique to Steve,the tissue was glued to the plank edges first,trimmed back and then the planks laid in the normal way.The glue fully penetrated the tissue so there was no issue of it 'tearing out' when sanding.The glue penetration was an important issue for me as this will be used on the hull planking and keel scarph joints as well as the deck.Having used a pencil for many,many years,I do feel that this gives a superior look that is jet black without the greyish tinge you get from graphite.The picture doesn't really do it much justice and the planks were rough cut for the test(I didn't even put a fine blade in the table saw)
    Kind Regards

  13. Like
    42rocker reacted to shoule in Simulated caulking   
    Please pardon me if I sounded like I know what I'm doing. I've never built any kind of model before now; though I've planked a lot of decks and floors.
     I found an old AL Virginia Schooner kit, and some free time, and decided to give it a try.
     I didn't think much of the instructions or the kit parts so I've been improvising my way through it; stumbeling, is more like it.
     When I got to the decking, I was copying the way prefab decks are made by attaching the caulk joint to the plank ahead of installation. At the end of the day, they use an adhesive and vacume bag system to bind them into a panel, which goes to the boat rough fit. It's a cheat, sort of, but a big time saver on the boat. The quality is there, too.

  14. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Got the Cannon dowel jig completed!! Now I can hold the cannon blank and cnc drill the barrel hole. Made from Poplar wood and a block of Nylon.



    Also got the rear end of the Cannon just about ready to start some test cuts on!


  15. Like
    42rocker reacted to Capt.Fisher in HMS BOUNTY by Capt.Fisher - Artesania Latina - 1:48   
    Ha-ha! Al, you made me smile! 
    I could be anything but FAST!
    Maybe you didn't read carefully my first post - I started this project beg.October. I started this log only now and decided to start posting pics from the very beginning.
    The truth is that I an in a great shortage of free time.. I spend maybe 3-5 hours a week in my wonderful shipyard. I wish I could make them 3-5 hours per day, but I'm afraid this would crash my family wellbeing     
    So, here are some more pics, and very very soon I am catching up and start posting them in real time. And as you will see - this will be slow!




  16. Like
    42rocker reacted to P_Budzik in need Help enlarging image to start first kit over   
    Scan your document at the highest optical res that your scanner will do.  Take it into Photoshop and bump your levels up so you get a nice contrast. Might hit it with a pass of Unsharp Mask.  Size your document in inches/mm but keep your pixel count up.  Select the white area and then go to Select - Modify - Expand and put in 1px , delete the selected area and see what it looks like.  You might have to play around with the resolution and expand number, but it should thin the lines out for you.
  17. Like
    42rocker reacted to Don9of11 in need Help enlarging image to start first kit over   
    If you decide to scale the drawing using some scanning/enlarging method and the lines get thicker just work to the center of the line. My reasoning is that years ago drawings were drawn in pencil, very lightly and then draftsman would "ink" over the lines. The pencil line acted like a center line and measurements were taken from the center of the line to the center of the next line, never to the outside or inside.  This reasoning can be applied to lines that get bigger by enlarging.

  18. Like
    42rocker reacted to jaerschen in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Here the next photos. There you can see the Ballard-Timbers.

  19. Like
    42rocker reacted to Randy in Randy's Triton   
    I have done some work on the forecastle area.  I have the beams in place and also the jeer bitts.  I am in the process of the installing the lodging and hanging knees.

  20. Like
    42rocker reacted to KennyH78 in H.M.S Triton Cross Section by KennyH78 - FINISHED - 1:48   
    I finished treenailing all of the planks up to the lower deck clamps with bamboo treenails. A single coat of finish has also been applied to the planks. I really like how the poplar turned out for the planks. Hopefully I'll find some time to start on the lower deck frame tomorrow.
    Anyways, here are a couple of pics for your viewing pleasure.

  21. Like
    42rocker reacted to Chuck in Triton Notes   
    I thought I would post these two images of a cross section model from the science museum.  I thought it might help or at least act as inspiration for those building teh cross section Triton.  What I find very pleasing is the change in the plank thickness.  Especially the outboard planking.  I have no idea which ship this is as I didnt write that down when I saved it.  It is one of hundreds of pictures I saved and now I am trying to organize. Based on what I see it may be a later vessel...but still worthy of inspiration.

  22. Like
    42rocker reacted to dgbot in Model Machines 4" Table Saw   
    Great website.  However I am fortunately the owner of a Preac saw.  Unfortunately the owner Charlie Files passed away.  He was a fun guy to be around and his saw was mainly used by dollhouse makers and the like.  For the mini or micro cuts I use the Preac.  My reason is size. and I do not like changing blades.  Plus since I have both I use both all the time.
    David B
  23. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in Model Machines 4" Table Saw   
    YEPPERS!!!! Thanks guys!! Yes, these things are addictive !!!! LOL Saving my lunch money so I can get more toys from Jim!!!!....LOL Love these machines!!!
    And to think I drove an old Dremel table saw for all these years!!!   Now I'm driving the Lotus Europa of table saws !!!!!!.... LOL   
  24. Like
    42rocker reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    Got the 2nd Cannon Cut but had a collision between the bit and the part during a move doing an end trim!! Just nicked it a tad, a little bondo and she'll be ok.... LOL It was my Boo-Boo in some hand made gcode I did, I told the machine to move from one end to the other and drop in height at the same time, the machine is blind and so must I be at times because I didn't think about it hitting as it went to the other end... LOL  Another problem I need to work on is drilling the barrel hole, I normally use my HF mini-lathe 7x10 to bore a hole in a shaft but these Cannons are too long for the tailstock & bit to accommodate them. So I'll need to make a jig that holds the blank vertical and drill on the Cnc wood mill.
    The cannons pivot shaft hole was bored from both sides, I feared a tear out of the wood as the bit came out the other side so I only bored half way, did I 180 degree rotation and bored again into the same hole location. I was a tiny bit off but close enough to make it work with no wood tear out in the poplar wood. The gcode to do that simple thing had to be coded by hand, the expensive gcode software can't do it!!! So now my gcode is getting more things to do, one step at a time, I can bore the pivot hole & trim the ends by Cnc. It's still taking roughly  2-1/2 hours to make one Cannon, not exactly production run speed by any means..... LOL




  25. Like
    42rocker got a reaction from egkb in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Happy Easter back to you and yours.
    Your build is looking great even if you are working with stuff you did years ago. I guess you were as good then as you are now.
    Later Tim
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