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    JanV reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi friends:
    Unlike the lateen sail where I used the rigging show in the Vasa model pictures, for the topsail of the mizzen I followed the BB plan, especially for the braces, because it seems to me a more logical arrangement. According to the pictures in Vasa´s museum,  the topsail braces are fixed on the lateen yard and in BB plan there are fixed on the main mast shrouds.

    Also I have changed the main mast topgallant yard braces a little, due that they were interfering with the mizzen topsail (compare the next pictures, noting the mentioned braces with an arrow):
    Before                                                                       After

    It’s important to remark that is a good idea not to fix the lines of the sails and yards (braces, topping lifts, halyards, downhauls, buntlines, etc.) on the pin racks or belaying pins, because the order they are placed can be modified (as in my case) and it is important to avoid crossing lines.

    Saludos and Happy Holydays, Karl
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    JanV reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Finished the bulwark stanchions& railings - approx.390 individual pieces & a coat of poly applied.Also made the pulley block which goes between the railing at the center of the ship.Also got the gratings made. I will paint the deck flat black under the gratings.If I had paid a little more attention I would have cut the openings in the deck before fastening it down .




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    JanV reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Made the curved ladders & installed them along with the gratings. Also made the benches just below the poop deck. I didn`t have any figures to put under the shelf between the 2 lower companionways so I just used some extra railing stanchions that I had. Thanks for the looks & likes.



  4. Like
    JanV reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi friends:
    Now I finished the Lateen sail of the mizzen mast, as usual I must to combine the information on the BB plans with the Vasa model pictures.  

    There were several differences but the most relevant was the way to fix the front of the yard.  According to the BB plan the threads lay exactly on the sides of the upper part of the main stairs (the first behind the main mast), blocking them.  In the Vasa model pictures it can be seen that this lines are fixed to the main mast shroud, as I did.

    Additionally I also had to add new belaying pins to fix the lines of this sail.
    Thanks for all your likes,
    Saludos, Karl
  5. Like
    JanV reacted to CptNautilus in Vasa by Nautilus - Corel - 1628, scale 1:75   
    Yeah! A rainy Sunday gave me a boost and allowed me to complete the hull before Christmas. Finally it will have taken me less than one year to complete the hull.
    Chapter 19 - The decorations

      I felt that sometimes a bit of copper paint would improve the fittings:

      I am now moving to the masts, which I feel will asks for several new techniques.
  6. Like
    JanV reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi Mates,
    Thanks for your nice comments, likes and just looking in- still and always much appreciated.
    Continuing with the cannon door assemblies and dummy cannon installations it struck me that I really wanted to also add upper and lower “carriages” look.
    I looked at the positioned (but not yet fixed into place) first door, and its cannon - wanted to do something about the missing carriages (pic 3).
    So now I needed to simulate these bits.
    I played around with some ideas (pic 4), the first two carriages, left to right, did not drop down enough into the dummy opening (pic 5).
     Added a longer leading edge vertical strip, looked better (pics 6 & 7)
    I was going to use the Proxxon MF70 and cut a groove into a long piece of timber, but I still would have had the leading edge visual problem, and I imagined that if I tried cutting tiny little slivers of “U” shaped wood, I would loose most to breakage. My fear of the unknown J
    So the pics were my solution. Made also sure that the wood framings were of the same diameter as the weather deck installs (pic 9)
    I’m comfortable with this. These will get “lost” when one looks at the finished ship, but for me it adds a level of detail to the dummy openings that seem to work. Labor intensive, for sure. Each dummy has 5 pieces X 50 Hmmm that’s another 250 questionable parts added to this kit. Having fun-no rush on my part…
    PS: You might note pics 2,5 & 8 (carriage bit in place) the very tip of the pull open rope for the door is a bit darker colored. That is GS Hypo at work. Thumb and forefingers bit of glue makes the rope tips hard and straight- so easy to push into its hole after positioning the doors. Here I actually thought ahead, must be some foresight going on (;-)

  7. Like
    JanV reacted to ChrisLinden in Friesland by ChrisLinden - Mamoli - 1:75   
    Hello, its been too long, i was kept busy with starting a new company, decorating our 3 story office and now re-decorating our own home to try and sell it.
    Long story short, little time and headspace ro focus on the hobby.
    This week I had a few evenings to relax and build. Here's what ive done:
    First I completely finished the galleon section. I scratch made these parts from putting thin 1mm strips together to give a profiled look, then bent them using a jig.
    once in place I used Nuln Oil black ink from Citadel paints to stain the wood. I created the grating to go inside the galleon. While not perfect I am happy, it is better than the parts provided by Mamoli. The paint job on the lion figurehead is still basic, iplan to develop this further when i have some daylight to work in.



    Next I scratch made the crane bars, that hold the anchors. One turned out better than thether but overall I am satisfied. I plan to add lion head carvings on the top ends of them later. Finally I added the first anchors.
    Now I am working on adding the deadeyes around the hull to take the standing rigging. This is not as difficult as I had feared, and I am making good progress. After this I have a ton of small ljobs to do around the hull, that I left unattended in favor of making progress on a big picture.

    Will return soon with more progress!
  8. Like
    JanV reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Hi everyone! There's a lot on my plate at the moment, so I haven't had time to be as active as I'd like lately.
    I have finished the skankläder (war cloth?) for the tops. I then started with the tackles. I was surprised how much work they where. First I reshaped all the block to make them more like the real ones. Then I drilled the holes slightly bigger to fit the ropes I wanted. After that I made the hooks connecting them to the channels before putting the tackles in place.




  9. Like
    JanV reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    I just finished installing the sails of the main mast.  As I mention before I made some changes in the rigging, adjusting more to the Vasa pictures than to the BB plans.

    I haven´t fix the rigging threads yet, and I am waiting to finish all the sails to do that, because:
    1) to facilitate the maneuver in putting the new lines,
    2) due to the changes in the rigging some of the lines intersect each other, so it is necessary to change the place on the pinracks and this is more easy if you haven't fix the lines already and finally,
    3) to make final adjustments to the tension of the yarns

    Next challenge: the mizzen sails. I will probably make a combination between the rigging shown in BB plans and Vasa pictures to have a more "logic" rigging.
    Saludos, Karl
  10. Like
    JanV got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    a dry-fit for the canons


    and already the blocks prepared
  11. Like
    JanV got a reaction from WackoWolf in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    a dry-fit for the canons


    and already the blocks prepared
  12. Like
    JanV got a reaction from Lin Feng in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    Some modifications on the mainmast according the original

  13. Like
    JanV got a reaction from Lin Feng in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    a dry-fit for the canons


    and already the blocks prepared
  14. Like
    JanV got a reaction from GuntherMT in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    a dry-fit for the canons


    and already the blocks prepared
  15. Like
    JanV reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Now I finished the main course sail.  In this case I select to have it partially folded for a more interesting view.  At first, I didn t know how to do it because the material in BB for sails is a little stiff and even with water it is not very maneuverable but finally it seems OK.  I also change some of the rigging of BB plans to the more logical 1:10 model in Vasa museum.
    In behalf of the interested people I send some detailed pictures:

    Thanks everyone for the likes.
    Saludos, Karl
  16. Like
    JanV got a reaction from WackoWolf in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    slowly further with the canons

    the mounting of the canons has to wait till Christmas Holiday period (2 weeks off then )
  17. Like
    JanV got a reaction from tarbrush in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    Some modifications on the mainmast according the original

  18. Like
    JanV got a reaction from tarbrush in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    started with the canon rigging




    I have no to figure out n correct methode to complete all other canons
  19. Like
    JanV got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    Continued with the preparations of the mast parts, all fits in dryfit now

    next step will be the additional blocks beneath the platforms
  20. Like
    JanV got a reaction from tarbrush in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    slowly further with the canons

    the mounting of the canons has to wait till Christmas Holiday period (2 weeks off then )
  21. Like
    JanV reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Now I worked on making the straps on the masts. Woolings?
    I started by making a loop with the rigging line

    Starting with the lower end, I wrapped the line around the mast the correct amount for the width I wanted to achieve.

    Then I threaded the top of the line thru the loop

    Then from the end of the loop (at the bottom of the wrap), I pulled the loop down behind the wrap

    Then I placed some glue at each end and trimmed the ends with a razor blade finishing the wrap.

    Finished woolings (straps) on lower mainmast and lower foremast

    Checking the lower masts on the ship

    Added the metal fitting for the sheave support each side

    Now onto the lower crosstrees!
  22. Like
    JanV reacted to Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Final update !!!!!
    She's finished......
    A long journey but a wonderful one.
    Thank you all for the comments and likes, helpful tips, pointing out the mistakes to me and more of that funny stuf   
    It was a pleasure for me to build her  and to share it with you all !
    The time has come to dust off the Agamemnon and go on with her.
    Thank you all again 









    Here is our own private fleet.
    San Ildefonso, Corsair and the Albatros
  23. Like
    JanV got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    I agree that rigging is an intersting part of the build. Specially when you understand the use/function of eaxh line. I myself had some experience in sailing old sailinhboats from the beginning if the last century and this helps a lot
  24. Like
    JanV reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi Mates,
    Moving along, now starting on the cannon doors. Wanted to replicate the example from the original, so thought that the pics below were an acceptable solution. Pics are self-explanatory so I’ll remain brief J
    So after 100 of these I should be done except for the hinge pins and installation.
    The last pic is just a demo, need to square and make adjustments. I know that in the original the insert planks are vertical, and that mine are attached horizontally. A compromise, but so it has been going with this build  - hmmmm..
    As usual thanks so much for visiting, “likes”, very kind and encouraging comments, and just dropping in for a look….

  25. Like
    JanV got a reaction from cristikc in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    started with the canon rigging




    I have no to figure out n correct methode to complete all other canons
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