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Everything posted by jarero

  1. Absolutely amazing work! I have never seen any wood modeling done at this scale before. You say this is you just getting back into it for the first time since you were a kid? If you keep this up you might get accused of bringing in a ringer! I second what Daniel said, you should submit a photo or two to the calendar. -Jared
  2. Buck, That last picture looks amazing! Is it wet or dry in that picture? I need to look into this french polishing you speak of.
  3. I can tell everyone that having seen this completed first hand it is a thing of beauty. It will make a great addition to our collection of models to display!
  4. Your work looks amazing! I can hardly wait to build this one myself!
  5. I for one am very happy to see this posted as I plan for this to be my next build. It looks to be a text book example!
  6. Thanks to all for the congratulations! I might have been able to finish without this site but I know it made it easier, I learned more, the ship turned out better than it would have otherwise and it helped with the motivation to finish instead of giving up when it wasn't going my way. Thanks again to all.
  7. I might skip the bottle this time since I would get in trouble and have to clean the carpets afterward. The queens name is Holly. She is almost 4lbs and is in charge of the pack. The other three all sleep curled up together and she sleep on top of the pile spread out. If one of them makes an unauthorized movement she growls and bites them.
  8. Wayne, I can really appreciate the scale that you are working at. I spent months with my 1:50 scale swift sitting on the table next to Sarah's Harriet Lane and the difference is stunning. Now I am attacking a build at nearly the same scale and I have to say it is intimidating. Your ship looks great and like Sarah said hurry up so she can copy you!
  9. The name plate was included but all the other mounting hardware and base were furnished by me. The color photos even show a base that used to be included in the kit at one time and no longer are. I believe she just woke up for that photo opp so it is likely tired with a side order of cranky!
  10. Here is my final installment after three months of working on this ship. I completed it on March 2nd.
  11. When I was reading through all of the Swift build logs on MSW 1 I noticed that the biggest issue was that people got to the end of the build and didn't post many pictures of rigging. It seems that the ship went from no masts to fully rigged in half a dozen pictures. So did I do a better job of documenting it? Nope. Despite my good intentions now that I am reviewing my pictures I took I realized that I am also guilty of minimal documentation of these final steps. Hopefully no one makes me walk the plank.
  12. Thanks Sjors. I finished with the Swift nearly three weeks ago so I am just catching up the log now and I will get another one started on the Robert E Lee when I have enough progress to make an update. It always seemed that once I got in a groove with one of the steps (like planking the hull) and started to get the hand of it it was time to start work on a whole new part of the ship and then the learning curve was reset again. To worry about the details though, with the work you are doing so far yours will turn out awesome.
  13. Here are a bunch of random pictures of me working on the masts and erecting them. Not much I can say about this part other than I think it was my weakest area of the build. On a positive note I learned a ton.
  14. While I was waiting for varnish to dry and glue to set I worked on my dead eyes and ladders: A small hobby vise or Keith's new vice would have probably helped with this step! I blackened the wire after forming it. By the time I finished with the ladders I thought they came out mostly ok but I would highly recommend that you make your own if you think you have the skills and throw away the pre made sides that come with the kit. I think most people on here could make a better ladder.
  15. Here is where I made a departure from the plans. In the end I was happy with the results but it wasn't without some headaches.... I decided I didn't like the hinges that the instructions tell you to make so I figured I would use some of my extra eye bolts as part of the hinge assembly: The unknown consequence at the time of this change was that the top hinges would now be spaced out too wide for the houses and would require shimming.
  16. Thanks Keith and no problem. I used a varnish that my wife picked up at Hobby Lobby. I would assume most varnish would be able to duplicate the results though. That is some cool looking wood and I look forward to hearing your opinion on that tool when it comes in! Jared
  17. Thanks Keith! I wouldn't worry too much about those color pictures that were included as they are of such poor quality that they didn't help much, although they were better than nothing when this site was down. If you want I can take some high resolution pictures and send them to you or if you PM me your address I would be happy to mail them to you. I have no use for them at this point. Very kind of you to say but I still have a lot to learn before I can really be of much help to others. Someday though. Right now my work place has taken over the dining room, family room and part of the garage but nothing upstairs yet.
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