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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday Malcolm, I can only reinforce the advice given. A couple of the things for me is to enjoy yourself and be open to learning new skills. Best of luck with your build. Mark
  2. Gidday Mike, I'm liking your work. The hull looks great. Mark.
  3. Gidday Mike, Sad to hear of your loss. I'm 57 and have been with my wife for 35 years. As my late father in law used to say " That's about 3 life sentences". Good to hear some positive feedback re HiSModel parts. I'll have to find some things to hock and order some parts as well. All the best with your build. Mark
  4. Gidday and welcome from the glorious land Downunder. I also have an aversion to photographs and mobile phones. I am not exactly a Luddite but am closely related. Good luck with your builds. Mark
  5. Gidday from downunder and welcome. Mark
  6. Gidday Dave, All the best with your new hobby. I have a copy of Frank Mastinis book. Its straightforward. It's easy to be confused by the myriad kits out there. Speaking from personal experience I would definitely start with a beginners kit. Deciding which kit and in what medium is exciting. Good luck, Mark.
  7. Gidday FAA, I'm sure you'll find some excellent advice and encouragement here. You must have a very big shelf. Good luck with your builds. All the best, Mark
  8. Gidday from downunder Mike, I will be following your build with interest. I've recently purchased an original unopened 1970's USS Constitution 1/96 by Revell. I'm juggling health issues, family and too many projects. So I'll pull up a chair and come along for the ride. Best of luck, Mark
  9. G'day. I'm baaaaack. Been a long time. I've been crook and very busy.

  10. G'day Greg, A mob on E bay sell long reach toe nail scissors,16 cm long, for around $8 AUS delivered. The name of the store is tafsdownunder. Hope this helps, Mark
  11. G'day Sapphire, Due to some health issues I need to use a wood filler that is low in fumes and toxicity. I have found Timbermate meets my requirements, it sands well and is available at Bunnings. The only thing I have found is that low temperature does affect the hardening of the product, nothing a heat gun will not fix. Also do not apply too thick. I suppose I should not be in the garage working on my models when a frost is coming. Hope this helps. Mark.
  12. Gidday from downunder Chuck, I am a newbie at ship modelling and have read several build logs, I do not have the nerve to start my own build log yet. I believe their is no bias for one type of hull or another on this site. I do believe their is an abundance of support and knowledge provided. So to answer your question, as long as you enjoy yourself and are happy with your results you are winning. Best regards, Mark.
  13. Gidday Rick, When I need blades I type in x-acto into the eBay search box. I have purchased several mixed packs of blades fairly cheaply. The type of blade used is dependent on the application. I would suggest buying a set of micro / mini chisels as I have had some bad experiences with the plastic handled x-acto variety. I hope you find this useful. Regards. Mark.
  14. Gidday Rick, Here are some of the glues I use, Selleys Aquadhere ; Woodworking glue. Bunnings. Weldbond; White woodworking glue. Water clean up. Bunnings. SikaBond - Techgrip; Polyurethane glue, Metal, Wood, Glass, Rubber. Bunnings. MAGPOW; CA, Online EBAY. Stik it, 5 minute epoxy. Hobby shop. Hope this helps. Regards, Mark.
  15. Gidday Spiderpig, My son bought me a rotary tool complete with 130 something accessories and a flexible shaft for around $50 AU. it came from Autobarn of all places. Admittedly I have not had much experience with it but it seems to perform OK. As others have said be careful not to remove too much material. Regards, Mark.
  16. G'day Bob, Being new to this hobby, I will come along for the ride. Hopefully I can learn from your build. Regards, Mark
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