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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday everyone, I am struggling with this thread. Surely the websites for reputable companies, and from all accounts Cornwall falls into this category, do take into account where the order comes from and is to be delivered to. Therefore all applicable local charges will be added. I may be wrong but surely this is reflected at checkout. Regards, Mark
  2. Gidday Ab and a warm welcome from Downunder. The photo on the cover of the Journal is simply outstanding. You will no doubt be a valuable asset to us all. Best of luck with your research and builds. Mark.
  3. Gidday Greelt and a warm welcome from Downunder. Re your question on under deck planking. Are you attempting to show the planking from both sides of the deck? All the best with your build. Mark.
  4. Gidday and a warm welcome from Downunder Phil. I'm sure you will find a lot of support here. That hull at 6 feet is huge. I will open your links and hopefully have a great read. Best of luck with your future research and builds. Mark.
  5. Gidday Mike, As so many others I also have this ship waiting for me. Your work is a credit to you. Best of luck, Mark.
  6. Gidday and a warm welcome from Dowunder Castos. I too have recently returned to the fold. Good luck on your build. Mark.
  7. Gidday Mike, The decks are looking good. Painting looks to be going really well. Keep up this standard and you will have one fine model. Mark.
  8. Gidday from Downunder and a warm welcome Glenn, I too bit off more than I could chew with my first build. I've learnt a great deal here. I'm positive you will find plenty of support. Good luck with your build, Mark.
  9. Gidday Tomek and a warm welcome from Dowunder. I'm sure you will find plenty of support here. Good luck with your builds, Mark.
  10. Gidday from Downunder Popeye, I use White P.V.A. for gluing wood to wood. I have a breathing difficulty related to illness and use solvent free epoxy, I have to be outside, on metal and plastic. I hope this helps, Mark
  11. Gidday from Dowunder. Dave Welcome. I don't envy your winters. Ours are mild by comparison. Enjoy you model. Best of luck, Mark.
  12. Gidday Kevin' Very instructive link. Seeing something rather than just reading about is very beneficial. Regards, Mark
  13. I agree with Old Collingwood re spraying. The only things I know about rap music are you can't hum it and its spelt with a silent c. All the best, Mark
  14. Gidday from Dowunder and welcome Kevin. If I may suggest searching for advice on tools etc. I have found tool selection is a very personal thing. Some people are comfortable using a certain tool while others detest it. One rule I have is to buy what I need not what I think I need. Wishing you all the best with your builds, Mark
  15. Gidday Richmond, Thanks for the advice. I've noticed a lot of international sites, not just related to modelling, where postage and handling can be 2 or 3 times the cost of the item. As I said earlier it is hard when the Ozzie dollar is in the toilet. All the best with your rigging supplies. Mark
  16. Gidday Richmond, Is it possible for you to tell me your secret for getting around the system? Regards, Mark
  17. Gidday Richmond Glad I could be of assistance, Mark.
  18. Gidday Richmond, Have you tried Hearns Hobbies in Melbourne. The prices seem reasonable. International shipping is a bugger and the Ozzie Dollar continues to go down the gurgler. I hope the link works. All the best, Mark https://hearnshobbies.com/collections/ships?page=2
  19. Gidday Henry, I second that welcome from Downunder, Hope you enjoy the site. Mark
  20. Gidday Shawn, I recently obtained a lamp with a magnifier in the middle, 5 8 and 10 magnification. As I age I need all the help I can get. My glasses aren't made for all this miniature stuff. All the best with your build, Mark
  21. Gidday Vegaskip, I am constantly blown away by the talents on display on this site. Your art is really something to be proud of. Fantastic work. Regards, Mark
  22. Gidday Old Collingwood, I was asking re your forum name. I don't know which part of the world you are in. Collingwood is an Australian Rules Team here and played in the Grand Final, the season finale, last weekend. Mark.
  23. Gidday Old Collingwood, is the name a reference to Australian Rues Football? What a fantastic idea. I'll be coming along for the ride. Best of luck, Mark.
  24. Gidday Rod. Welcome and all the best with your builds. Don't become overwhelmed as there is heaps of support here. Above all enjoy yourself. Regards, mrk.
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