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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday everyone. My father often told me in regard to tools to buy the best I could afford. He would have been 100 this year and my son and I are still using some of his hand tools. Even with limited funds I try to save and avoid the instant gratification that so many people seem to enjoy. I hope to pass some tools on to my grandson when he is older. Just a few thoughts. Mark.
  2. Gidday Pete. Give this mob a go. I'm unsure of postage to your area. Frontline Hobbies, Hunter Street Newcastle. N.S.W. Let me know how you go. Good luck with your builds. Mark.
  3. Gidday Pete. I agree wholeheartedly re postage costs. I am regularly quoted more for postage than the price of the item. I can only suggest an Internet search or contacting local hobby stores. If I can find anything to assist I'll get in touch. All the best. Mark
  4. Gidday Pete. Wood supply in Oz is pretty good. I'm looking at Bunnings, Ozzie hardware chain,for Tassie Oak. It might be a bit too coarse grained. Like most Modellers I look at things with an eye on how I can adapt or use them. The biggest problem is Postage and Handling. I can understand to some extent when sheets of thin ply have to be mailed but I still feel ripped off. I was buying car parts from the states but with the Ozzie dollar in the toilet and the exorbitant postage it's not practical. There are plenty of suppliers in Oz. What state are you in, not mentally but physically? All the best with your builds. Mark.
  5. Gidday Pete and a hearty welcome from the land Downunder. Congratulations on your recent nuptials. Sounds like a major score at the clearout sale. You will find a lot of support and encouragement here. I guess your biggest problem with all the kits and plans is where to start. All the best for your build or builds. Mark.
  6. Gidday and a warm welcome from the land Downunder Dave. You'll find a lot of support here. As a former teacher I'm sure you know there is no such thing as a stupid question. Infuriating at times but not stupid. All the best with your build. Mark.
  7. Gidday and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You will find no discrimination re type of ship or medium used on this site. The forums cater for a diverse range of ships. You will also find a lot of support here. Keep us updated on your progress, ideally through a build log. All the best with your builds.
  8. Gidday Milos, Mistakes are all part of the process. The trick is to learn from them. Looks like you are off to a good start. Mark.
  9. Gidday Milos and a warm welcome from the land Downunder. You will find plenty of support here. Any questions feel free to ask. Good luck with your build. Mark.
  10. Gidday Michael, Thanks for the update. Fantastic job on the plane. All the best with your build. Mark.
  11. Gidday from the Land Downunder, Absolutely beautiful work Thunder. Pity about the lost photos. All the best with your future builds, Mark
  12. Gidday Michael, Please keep us updated if you proceed with making the plane. Mark.
  13. Gidday everyone. I too have a fetish for tools. It seems every flat surface in the shed and workshop is covered with tools. I have bought a lot of pegboard to try and get them off the various benches / work surfaces. I must get around to putting it up. One of my most recent purchases was a D Shackle rated at 9 tons. I hope to find a use for it one day. I can justify my tool obsession to myself by having a lot of interests. Or my interests are an excuse for my tool collection. Mark
  14. Gidday Jim, I've always believed that you are never too old or too young to start this extremely rewarding hobby. Looks like baby Edward is starting really early. Wishing you all the best for your family and for your build. Mark.
  15. Gidday Anthony and a warm welcome from the land Downunder. You will find plenty of support here. Any problems do not be afraid to ask for advice. I hope your order arrives soon. Best of luck with your build. Mark.
  16. Gidday Peter and a warm welcome from Downunder. It is a pity more generations can not continue in this or many other industries. The tyranny of economics I suppose. Once again welcome to the site and all the best with your build. Keep us updated on your progress, Mark.
  17. Gidday Andre, I am a big fan of historical literature for Ships and Automobiles. This is fascinating. It is relevant but obviously is on a hugely different scale. I often wonder where all that machinery is today. I don't suppose we have the timber supplies left anyway. Regards, Mark
  18. Gidday Curtis and a warm welcome from Downunder. You are sure to find plenty of advice and support here. All the best with your build, Mark
  19. Gidday Michael. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself in my old town. Good news re your health. Keep us posted on you build progress, Mark
  20. Gidday Aaron and a warm welcome from Downunder. Is it possible to place some temporary blocks or braces on the keel until the fillers are glued in? I received a broken keel in a kit and return postage is prohibitive to say the least. I am toying with the idea of a Plank on Frame modification. That will be in the future as life tends to get in the way. I hope I haven't confused the issue. Good luck with your build. Mark
  21. Gidday and a warm welcome back from Downunder Michael. I hope you have met and overcome your challenges re your health. All the best with your builds, Mark.
  22. Gidday Kevin, Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I cannot watch the video as it is not configured for my device. What ???????????????? I did search and found some absolutely amazing footage. What a fantastic time to be alive and witness this. As you can tell I am blown away by this. Regards, Mark.
  23. Gidday Richard. Fascinating. I can't wait for the Discovery channel to get involved. Mark
  24. Gidday Mike, Looking good. Keep the work to this standard and she will be a beauty. Regards, Mark.
  25. Gidday and welcome from Downunder Aaron. You will find the people here very supportive and offer assistance freely. Best of luck in your build, Mark.
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