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    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    last week wasn't a very productive week for me......I started it off with one simple step,  and it turned into a bout of reconstructive surgery.  this week isn't shaping up to be any better........fixing an electrical problem with my car windows on Tuesday,  and acquiring a part time job yesterday {interview}......I'm hoping the rest of this week is a bit less eventful.
    now that the ship doesn't have to be turned over anymore {I hope}....I figured that I would put in all the belaying pins in the rails.   they were installed on the mizzen pin rails.

    they were installed in the fore deck pin rails

    they were installed in the bow stem pin rail.  I had also fashioned and installed a horse shoe shaped collar for the bow spirit boom

    but,  when I got to the main mast pin rails,  here's where the project began

    apparently,  they were not as sturdy as I thought they were.   refitting them,  I could see where I had left a gap along the rail and the bulwark.   rather than open or deepen the slots in the rails themselves,  it was decided that evening off all the posts,  would be the better remedy.   to adjust the slots would bring the pins closer to the bulwarks and could make it  harder at rigging time.

    it was a long process......but I did get to the point where it could be cemented back into place.

    the port side wasn't as bad........but I did do a little adjusting to the slots in the rail.  everything is back to normal now.  I can move forward again 


  2. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I wanted to post this update last night........but I was too pooped to pop     I did this on Friday.   with the rudder fitted out,  it was dry fitted on the ship to see how it would look.

    it was cemented in place........holes were then drilled for the simulated bolts

    completed,  it looks like this.

    the other side was done........and then it was touch up time.   once done,  the final results.


    just to add to it,  a monkey chain was added.  it looks a bit off.......there is a reason.....the rudder is turned to port slightly.  I did this to compensate.


    now....I can do a bit more to the bow.......first the gammoning was done.

    lastly,  the knees were added to the bow stem.......still a bit more to go in this area.

    I have one more work day to go...........happy labor day.....to all who celebrate it    .....and a belated happy Father's day to all of my Australian friends 
  3. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I wanted to get more done yesterday........but since it was my birthday,  I became limited on what I could get accomplished. 
    I did get some done though         I did make a couple more gungeons and pintle assemblies.....I will choose the three best ones and go from there.   I made them a few days ago........

    I had also painted the rudder with the bottom paint.   with this done and dry,  the notches were cut into the rudder to cut down on the gap that will be between the rudder and the stern stem.  

    here's a bit of a dry fit....

    this photo is a bit blurry,  but it will give you an idea of how it will look.

    so now the assemblies were cemented in place on the rudder,  and drilled to accept cut down brads as bolt heads.  I used 10 mm brads for this.....I have so many of these brads.   the heads are so distinct,  that I could never use them for fastening planking........don't even have a tool for inserting them,  like I do for the 7 mm brads.   I did both sides......before touch ups


    ....and after touch ups....


    I'm half way there! 
  4. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I wanted to further along with this build,  than I thought I had.........if that makes any sense.   these past couple of days,  I have been moving from one table to the other.......surprised that I only got a few pictures of mu time with the Half Moon.
    I did some measuring and spacing with the gun port lids

    masked and painted the rudder.........went into my inventory and got the Gungeons and pintle hinges I had made for an earlier build.   I need to look at the actual ship to see if I can get away with just the two.......if not I can make another.

    the gun ports are cemented in place.  the only chain board  that I'm going to need to make any adjustments on,  will be the main mast boards.


  5. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    thanks Nenad.......but I can't do that.   but at least now I can juggle 
    as mentioned,  I did do more this morning........should I get back to it,  I'll be sure to post it.   the poop deck railings are done.


    doing a little more at the bow,  the pin rail was added and the stops for the gammoning.

    the ladders.........the one for the lower aft deck....

    ...and the one for the poop deck.

    both are now cemented in place

    the progress of the deck layout.......


    even an overview......thought this was cool 

    the cleats for the tack lines were added as well.........a real pain trying to drill holes for them.   since that was a bust,  I cut off the locator tabs and super glued them in place.  I hope that doesn't turn round to bite me later.   this ship sports a lanteen sail.......block and eye bolts installed,  along with a couple cleats.

    now it's time I think to figure out the chain boards and the gun port lids.   where I've made the modifications to the bulwark railings,  it may have an effect on the boards.   who knows,  I may have to make a set that are a tad bit wider.
  6. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I also am trying to pick up where I left off with the ship's boat.   there really isn't too much to it.   if you recall,  I had the parts to make one with a frame and planked it with some wood I had ripped up.   I combined it with two others that I have lying around...I'll most likely use them for the trawler......still need a little more work.

    there are two Sampson posts that locate in the lower bow deck.    there is more to be done at the bow.   they were cemented in place,  since they won't be in the way.......I have other aspects that I made ahead of time.

    with the ladder done and in place....I was concerned about interference with the ship's boat.   a dry fit shows me I have plenty of room.


    I'm still working on the railings and ladders for the aft section........I got the railings done for the lower aft section.

  7. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    thanks for the good word and the likes folks.......glad to have put the  'bad paint day'  behind me......couldn't wait to fix it.   I bought the flat red a while ago,  in anticipation of this day.
    this next update is a combination of the last couple of days.......first off though,  is my little freeloader......the bow fore deck railing.   I had fitted it and left it in place.......and of course,  forgot about it through the masking and painting process.

    I think the round stock looks better than the 1/16 x 1/16 square stock Billing says to use.   for the aft fore deck railing,  I wanted to do something different.   in the assembly instructions,  it appears as a full length railing across the span,   but,  on the full size rigging sheet  {shows you as well,  where everything locates},  it stops to allow for a ladder.  the ladder sits up along the bulwark......since there is a tack line coming through the bulwark in that area,  I gave the ladder some space.  this will require a two piece railing........this is the port side part.

    this will be the starboard side part.

    raw as they appear......they would soon arrive at what I was shoot'in for.   the port side fell a bit short........rather than make a new part,  I added to it.  stained a bit better,  it won't be as noticeable.

    the bow fore deck railing was stained and cemented in place.........no more runn'in 'round for you.....kid!

    work on the aft fore deck railing was done........it too was cemented in place.


    the opening does look a bit too wide..........I was going to put a ladder on both sides.  I opted to just do the one ladder,  since if I did it for one deck......I would have to do it to all three.   the aft deck and the poop deck will have a set of railings and ladders as well.   these will have narrower ladders......since this is such a large deck,  I made it a little wider.   I have quite a bit of strip stock,  I had stained when I did the hull rails.......this looks like a good place to use some of it up.

    while making the fore deck ladder,   I got the other parts together for the other railings

  8. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    as this dries,  it will lose most of the sheen.   it had better.......it was flat paint     I went back in my pictures and found the perfect  'before'  picture........

    here is the  'after' photo.....big difference!

    yea........very glad I chose to redo this
  9. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    here you go J.........the  tack line decorations are finally in place.  Corel sent me ten of them.........I drilled and painted up the whole lot.   I picked out the best ones and put 'em on.


    long time in the making my friend........I recall how impatient I was to get them.   again......I thank you for showing them to me.......and I thank Corel {if your browsing} for being so generous    now with the bottom paint.......between the paint bleeds and the fact that it was too low....well,  it was something I really had to fix.   it was raised almost 3/4 of an inch.......it covers the bleeds at the stern and the incorrect arc at the bow.

    ....sanded lightly a few areas that had a raised paint line.


    a lot of the problem here,  is that I had thinned the paint down too much.........or had done it for another build and forgot about it.   too bad......I did like the way it looked.......kind of an antiquing hue to it.   I'm still painting on the porch......lots of ventilation and light.  I spread out a box to widen the area.


    keeping the hull perpendicular and letting it skin over a little..........the tape came off!   my lovely assistant helped me by holding the removed paper     at first,  she was afraid that I had painted over the wood color........but I assured her that there's still plenty to see.   another funny I had.........I had showed you the fore deck railing to go along the bow.   I had fitted it and it was awaiting the walnut stain.   well........I forgot it was on there when I masked it up.   I held that hull every which way but loose.........it never came out of place!   while I was removing the masking,  I hit it with a finger,  and it fell on the cardboard table!   it didn't break........WOW!    the stern cam out looking much better.

    the coverage was even better.........close to 1/4 oz of paint was used.   the bleeds are almost non existent.   the bow came out better as well........the line is a lot straighter.  it too is a lot crisper than it was before.....the bottom isn't so blotchy either.



    this was a win / win.........with a little paint left over for the rudder..........which I should get off my duff and install 
  10. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    you'll never guess what build ended back on the table.........     it was about time that the Titanic was moved to the other table, the parts have dwindled down enough.   now I can have the best of both worlds 


    looking at the rigging diagrams.......the old familiar headaches surfaced again.   though I need to look at the  'real'  ship pictures again,   I recalled the Corel kit that was done by Jerry and JCT,  and I still want incorporate some of the detail from that kit,  to this one.   I already have the decorations for the tack line sheave holes...thanks to JCT and the kind folks from Corel for sending them to me.  the other hurdle will be the cannon port lid spacing.   Billing's only show two lids at the fore section {half} of the ship.........the Corel kit show four,  which looks much more logical and appealing.   the main mast shroud has an even spaced arrangement.......while I am writing this........I took a quick glance at JCT's build,  and saw that Corel made allowance for it.   so,  I will do the same for this build     as soon as I can get back the jist in direction of which I was going........I'll be OK 
    the first thing was to assemble all the lids I cut prior,  and arrange them on a piece of sticky tape.   I was not happy with a couple of them,  so I cut a couple new ones.

    on the transom face of the ship,  I had included the four lids there........for the seal along the tops,  I trimmed the anchor rope I had made up for the Gothenborg.  there was quite a bit extra and that build would not need it {another poor soul that I need to get back to}.......I used it for this purpose.   seeing that there was no more.......and no more extra,  I had to make more.......just some medium thickness Billing's thread,  stained,  and then coated with diluted white glue.

    now for the hinges......the transom's were done with simple mahogany strip painted flat black.   more was made to continue the process.   it would not do to replace them with brass.

    when we were out looking for the doll house lighting for the Titanic.......we checked out the local Michael's craft store.   they had moved to a new location.......wanted to see if they had expanded any of their product lines.   bit bust on that front......I guess the only place I can get them will be from Hobby Lobby.   I did come away with something though.......they do stock Balsa and Basswood.......nice to know........but I also found this package of thin dowels......they'd be like 2 mm.......can't give you the diameter value.

    these will come in handy for railings,  cannon wheel axles, flag poles,  among some of the uses for them.   they couldn't have been spotted any sooner........railings will be what I'll used them for     the hinge hardware was then cemented to the lids........the extra part on the end will be for the life boat........the very step I was working on before I fell victim to the tangent that took me away from this build.

    one aspect I was going to delete.........{perish the though.....it ain't so........}  was the whip staff.    located behind the mizzen mast root,  as it passes through the decks,  I thought that it might not be very visible.   seeing it added to the otyher builds made me think differently.  it was quickly assembled and added to the build.

    the light was directly over it........now THAT'S mahogany!  {that's the stain color}.   the build is being enhanced with dark walnut with a mahogany tone added.  it's kinda neat........makes some of the aspects stand out     the flag pole bracket was also added to the build......located on the poop deck.

    so.......at this point,  I'll be working on the railings and ladders........* ohhhh! not ladders again!  I just went through all kinds of grief with the last build..*       I should be glad about this........they are in the Billing's diagrams.   I began by assembling the bow railing,  using the round stock.   next will be the ladders......so to gauge the rest of the railings.

    I should get the chain boards set up and ready to install..........this will help to position the cannon port lids    wwe'll see what happens?!?!
  11. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Estoy_Listo in What is "entry level" in the world of Wooden Ship Building? - moved by moderator   
    So after much debate with myself, ultimately losing I decided to go out on a limb and throw this out to the masses.
    I have seen many people ask here on the forums, and I personally have been asked by friends of mine, some variation of - what is a good entry level wooden ship?
    When I worked in the hobby store, the answer was easy – not personally having built them myself I had to go by the marketing materials and the word of the ship builders who came through.    When I got into the hobby myself last spring I leveraged that information as well as the write ups of various ships to decide ultimately on the Phantom.
    However, after building the phantom and now working on a few other models I find myself sometimes wondering myself, when that question is asked, what is a good starter ship model?
    I had been debating on bringing this up here, just for general conversation as I don’t think there truly is a “correct” answer, but the opinions would be interesting I think.
    Where I kind of found myself drifting towards is that there really isn’t an easy answer to that question.  After answering it to some degree in another thread earlier today I decided what the heck, let’s bring it up and see what sticks!
    Here is where my thoughts on the matter tend to circulate.
    In the plastic world you have a box of parts and those parts, with zero modification, create a rough model of the box art.  You can in some cases (snap together) create something with zero tools and zero experience.  You can, of course, get more expensive detailed kits but still in most cases the parts in the box will assemble as is to create what it is you are after.  The difficulty of plastic comes in when you start adding glue or when you decide to go for it and craft aftermarket parts etc. to add to the existing model. So there is a curve, but in many ways it is a voluntary one.
    Wooden ship models are very much not the case.   You cannot (as far as I can tell) open a wooden ship kit and create a model of the ship on the box with the parts in the box as is.  It isn’t even an option.   I remember joking about it when I opened up that Phantom.  I was staring at a bunch of wood with a handful of prefabbed parts. 
    So this is where my thinking that there really isn’t such a thing as “entry level” model ship kits.  By default, the model ship world starts you at advanced.   I have seen people marvel at scratch building, and oh my there are some incredible masters of it that scratch build from front to back and top to bottom .  However, I think some people do themselves an injustice in not believing that they themselves have scratch built something on their ship.   Whether it is a door way, a hatch, a wheel house or a mast; everything about model ship building is about taking one thing and making it into something else so as to fit the rest of the things to make a ship.
    I think with wooden ships you start at advanced and go up from there.  I think when we talk about “difficulty” in wooden ships it isn’t so much what you have to do, but how much of it you have to do.  The skills come with the practice of what is done; learning how to plank properly, learning how to lay a deck, rig a mast, mount a cannon etc.  The difficulty and challenge is how much planking has to be done, how much detail is in place, how many lines have to be rigged and the pattern or how many tree nails have to be done, sails etc.
    Please do not get me wrong, I am not in any way saying that everyone who builds wooden ships are at the same skill level, trust me I look at my work and then at others and it is painfully obvious I have a way to go. 
    What I am suggesting is that newcomers to the hobby should not steer away from things because they are “advanced” looking or complicated because in reality whether it is a small boat like the phantom or a huge boat like the MS Constitution, you are using the same sets of skills and doing the same activities just more of it on one than on the other?
    I can see the phantom being beginner due to quicker turnaround time, easier to “get one under the belt” maybe.  But after building the phantom and realizing it may be smaller but there was a lot more to it than what I expected.   The Harriet Lane, also listed as an entry level, seems to have a level of complexity that may initially shock someone who picked it up thinking entry level in a different way than the model ship world does.
    I have done the Phantom (a solid hull) and worked on the hull of the Willie L Bennett (planked) and the Mayflower (planked) and I personally think planking was easier than the solid hull!
    I truly hope I am getting this question out correctly,  as I have said I have debated it back and forth so many times in my head because I think it is a more complex answer than – This one or That one.
    Now, this does not include built from plans type ship building, which is a whole different ball game.  
    This is primarily in regards to kits.
    Maybe a lot of this comes from what my expectations were of “Starter” versus advanced.  The Phantom was a challenge, again coming from the world of pre-formed parts.
    Having only been at this just over a year just has me philosophizing over wooden ship building in general.   Looking at the builds and the people around here just got me to thinking; there really isn’t an entry level wooden ship builder. 
    By default it is an advanced hobby.
    Is the advancedness of  a particular model  in the kit? 
    Or in the builder?
    Or in both?
    What do you guys think?  (And if you think I am just out of control, feel free to say so – I can take it; sometimes my mind goes weird places and the Admiral has to reel me back in)
    Thanks for taking the time to indulge my random rambling.
  12. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Yeah, I am just going to sit here in silence and look on with stunned glee.
    Just so tight and "cool" looking - almost a shame to plank up that art, but am sure it will be even more artful! =) (is that a word, I dunno.. heck, it is now!!!)
  13. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from trippwj in Emma C Berry by trippwj - Model Shipways - Scale 1:32   
    Dioramas are just too cool, I used to love doing them when I worked plastic armor and aircraft models some many years ago.
    Lookin sweet sir! Lookin sweet!
  14. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Lovin it Sjors....  looks nice and intimidating - beautiful!
  15. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Piet in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Yeah, I am just going to sit here in silence and look on with stunned glee.
    Just so tight and "cool" looking - almost a shame to plank up that art, but am sure it will be even more artful! =) (is that a word, I dunno.. heck, it is now!!!)
  16. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Omega1234 in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Yeah, I am just going to sit here in silence and look on with stunned glee.
    Just so tight and "cool" looking - almost a shame to plank up that art, but am sure it will be even more artful! =) (is that a word, I dunno.. heck, it is now!!!)
  17. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from EJ_L in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Hey guys,
    First - thank you all for your incredible patience..   I have not dissappeared nor have I abadoned any projects.   What has happened is a combination of Work (promotion, merger, reorg  you get the gist),  School (finishing my B.S degree, wraps up in September and rather than it getting easier the load is getting heavier) AND health (my wife and I are a bit on the heavy side so have been doing Thai Kickboxing and with the nice weather getting out when time permits:  Just got our yellow belts ).   Combine those with just the normal have to acknowledge my family from time to time and there has not been much time for much else.
    I am so thrilled folks are using the  database, and priomise updates will be coming.
    Sygreen - am very sorry,  those pages are coming and were on deck but have not gotten back to them.
    Any way, these are not excuses mind you - just explanation ,  again thanks for bearing with the delay... but it is not a dead project and will be getting some life breathed into it
    Thanks all!!!
  18. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Emma C Berry by trippwj - Model Shipways - Scale 1:32   
    Dioramas are just too cool, I used to love doing them when I worked plastic armor and aircraft models some many years ago.
    Lookin sweet sir! Lookin sweet!
  19. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Canute in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Yeah, there are a few of those - I have no idea what I was thinking; will be addressing those =)
    Nothing at all, right now the details are on the main page;  those pages with the overworked cat will be where the information is moved to in order to clean up the wall of information on the search list.
    I will keep you in mind =)   My first order of business when i get back to it is moving it to MVC, I think it will help maintaining and updating it much much easier!!  But definately may tap you for some database advice- not my strongest point and am sure I will run into a few what the heck situations =)
  20. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from GuntherMT in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Hey guys,
    First - thank you all for your incredible patience..   I have not dissappeared nor have I abadoned any projects.   What has happened is a combination of Work (promotion, merger, reorg  you get the gist),  School (finishing my B.S degree, wraps up in September and rather than it getting easier the load is getting heavier) AND health (my wife and I are a bit on the heavy side so have been doing Thai Kickboxing and with the nice weather getting out when time permits:  Just got our yellow belts ).   Combine those with just the normal have to acknowledge my family from time to time and there has not been much time for much else.
    I am so thrilled folks are using the  database, and priomise updates will be coming.
    Sygreen - am very sorry,  those pages are coming and were on deck but have not gotten back to them.
    Any way, these are not excuses mind you - just explanation ,  again thanks for bearing with the delay... but it is not a dead project and will be getting some life breathed into it
    Thanks all!!!
  21. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Yep - still alive (me that is).
    Checking in and hooo-doggie is that one fine looking model you continue to make finer.
    Love the decking (I am a big fan of Pear)
    And echo the thoughts on the ships wheel..... spectacular!
    Enjoy the fishing sir!
  22. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Lovin it Sjors....  looks nice and intimidating - beautiful!
  23. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Yeah, I am just going to sit here in silence and look on with stunned glee.
    Just so tight and "cool" looking - almost a shame to plank up that art, but am sure it will be even more artful! =) (is that a word, I dunno.. heck, it is now!!!)
  24. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Kevin in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    My pleasure;  I can't contribute much in the way of advice yet so this is my way of contributing what I can for a great site!
    Thanks for the looks and the likes
    I have toyed with the idea of defunct kits and companies - that would be another effort I am afraid as it is a bit more open ended and harder to track down. Not out of  the question, but lower in the priorities at the moment.  Sorry
    Thanks Fred, I appreciate that!  Very much so and you are very welcome
    Yeah, probobly a good idea, I agree =)
    Yep - my mistake and will fix it when I get back in there, thanks!
  25. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Yeah, there are a few of those - I have no idea what I was thinking; will be addressing those =)
    Nothing at all, right now the details are on the main page;  those pages with the overworked cat will be where the information is moved to in order to clean up the wall of information on the search list.
    I will keep you in mind =)   My first order of business when i get back to it is moving it to MVC, I think it will help maintaining and updating it much much easier!!  But definately may tap you for some database advice- not my strongest point and am sure I will run into a few what the heck situations =)
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