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  1. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    the planking coniinued the next day......very easy to fit planking around the bulwark posts.







    I might wait on the bow planking.....but am thinking better of it.   there is a bit of a wall built up around the bow stem.   the doors are missing in the kit,  so I have to make them from scratch.



    I can't seem to find the jig for bending the planks,  so I'm making another one.

  2. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I thought I would do the deck planking ......and also get to the point where I can get the hull planking on as soon as possible.   I ended up have to put this off,  due to breaking one of the aft bulwark posts....on rib #11.   first,  the hull faring.




    I was going to divide the deck spaces 2x,  but opted to do it simpler.

    then planking began with the aft section.   the deck surface will be planked with light Annegre.....the cabin walls done in a darker mahogany.



    I made up a frame for the upper deck hatch opening.......it is to be left open.  I'll need to see if anything else is to be done with it.  there is a grating and a hatch to be added to the main deck.  I'm going to throw caution to the wind,  and just plank the entire deck before putting them in place.......I hope it's not a mistake.




    now it's time for the main deck

    the fore cabin wall was done so the king plank would meet it.   note that I have offset the wall planking and the deck planking.   in the plans,  they are in sync,  but I thought I'd twist this a bit.


  3. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I'll have to post a picture of what my part storage system looks like.

    it starts with a large box,  in which i lined with toilet paper tubes that are cut in half.  the bottles are tall, so they sit in there without too much room to move around.  the tubes are spaced out so the bottles are not crowded.  I haven't labeled them....I started to,  but the contents change with the supply I have of any given thing.....it would be a bother to relabel them.  they are organized......I have a mental idea where everything is.
    thanks Eric.......I hope you have one as well      no signs of me slowing down any time soon
  4. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    did a bit more in the last couple of days.  they show the transom and counter planked in the next step.  I had already cemented on the brackets for it,  so I figured I'd do it before the planking.....it makes sense.
    this bit of planking requires three different widths of wood .....4mm  5mm  and 6mm for the bottom.

    the 6mm is done in a diagonal pattern than the upper planks.....kind of a cool arrangement.  the mid counter is the 5mm.......the upper part of the transom is the 4mm.



    now that the planking is on there,  it needs to be trimmed and sanded.  I'll do some of it now,  and the rest of it will be done when the frame is fared.


  5. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I did a bit more with this build.....mainly cementing the deck platforms in place.

    the bow rabbits are now in place.


    the stern deck platforms

    for that small section of bow decking that I had made,  I noted that it was level with the main deck platform.  a short length of square stock was cemented in place,  as a locator for the decking.


    the fore castle decking was also cemented in place at this time.   after adding in two other short pieces of square stock in to support it......this bow decking was cemented in place.

    there are some parts that need to be added to the stern transom,  that will give it a distinct shape.  they were cemented in place.

    one thing I do notice with this kit,  is that it lacks any sort of ribbing,  that will aide in giving shape to the bow planking.   the rabbit shown,  will be exposed.....trapping the planking behind it,  instead of being used to affix the planking to it.   this I will have to experiment with.
  6. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    thank you Augie and John for your vote of confidence.    roll the bones............darn!  they STILL tell me nothing!
    I got back to 'er........now,  to make heads or tails of the deck platforms.   I was simply going to plank over the ribs,  but staggering the planks every  "1"  didn't impress me.   I did run into my first chigger.....in handling the frame,  I broke the thin bridge along the top of the bow stem.   I fixed it and put the cast off back in to protect it.

    you can see the supports for the joices I put in there.   the deck platforms I have are fitted in place.

    the main deck platform is supposed to be in two sections.......I did it as a single piece.

    after marking out the bulwark posts,  lines were drawn and the notches were cut out.



    there is a rounded section of decking that is to go at the bow.   it is to be level with the main deck.

    I got to this section of decking the following day.....in between working on the AmericA  {all of this was,  for that matter}..........the upper mizzen deck


    I'm going to add in small pieces of square stock under where the bulwark posts are {underneath} to support the platforms,  when the frame is fared.   they need to be flush to the inner walls,  come time for planking.   this puts the build up to speed......I can update as I go along.   enjoy!
  7. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    what is missing probably amounts to a complete parts panel.   the kit also was to come with a build slip,  but the only parts in there for it was the slip rail.  I put it together.......

    the keel parts were cemented together.


    I got the instructions........I can get some insight as to what the parts are to look like.   this is so cool!  I miss the smell of wood.........after the hull is painted on any kit that I've done,  there is only limited wood fabrication to do......the small parts and fittings for the deck and mast.  even with the rigging,  which I love to do,  can become tedious.  this is probably the main reason why I amass builds the way I do......
    not because I'm in the habit of not finishing a kit,  but that I miss the construction part of it......
    making sawdust.   this kit couldn't have come to me at a more opportune time........it will make for a perfect companion,  for the kit I plan on finishing next.   well......anyway.........
    the build slip came out of the closet.


    I had punched out all the cast off from the bow stem.   I had already dry fitted and tested the parts.....a nice fit.   the build went on.


    I added short pieces of 3/16 square stock in between the ribs to aide in locking them in.



    the hull frame assembly continued.


    before the transom rib was cemented in place,  the deck joices were slid in place.  I went all the way forward to rib #6,  and all the way back to rib #13  {strange way to number parts}.





    the transom rib finishes off the frame assembly.  I will be adding short strips under both ends of the joices for support.


    there are the bow rabbits that still need to be cemented in place. 
  8. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I came in possession of this kit quite by surprise.   the box was fairly intact,  with only minor damage on one of the side panels.  along with it,  were a few assorted bundles of planking and a package of different size dowels.  one of the bundles was for this kit........

    I added it to the kit.......to the bundle of planking that was already in there.......I guess I'll have more than enough.  doing a complete inspection of the contents,  I found that I was missing a good deal of parts.



    I took pictures of the contents,  after I removed the hull parts........they,  at least,  are all there.   I contemplated renaming the ship,  but it would be hard to do,  since most of the ships that I know of,  all sport these tops {crows nests}.   some of the deck platforms,  most of the crows nest parts,  the cannon port lids,  and some of the deck fittings {wood},  is a pretty good tally of what's missing.   I see I'll be doing a good deal of scratch work.   the bones are all there......I think I can make it work
  9. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from proc94 in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Larry, things look great so far - I don't think you will be disappointed at all if you go with Chuck's stuff.  I have his lines and hooks and they are great!
  10. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from grsjax in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Hello all,
    Ever wanted to know what kits are available for 17th Century British Frigates?
    How about what kits are beginner and which kits are advanced?
    Worried about space and want an easy way to find out what ships are available which are a certain 
    lenght or height?
    Read on my friends, read on!
    Since joining Model Ship World, I have continuously been impressed with the quality of its members and the level of help people get with their hobby.  It is incredibly refreshing to find a place where people of all skill levels and interests, from all over the world, can come together in one place and help, encourage and applaud the wonderful works which can be found from its members new and old.
    There is one trend I have noticed, with regards to questions and requests for advice, and that is related to the kits themselves.  Questions regarding quality of kits, availability, types, subjects and overall level of difficulty.
    We have great resources for that, several articles, build logs etc.;  but I got to thinking it may be helpful to have this information in one place.  Not to replace what is on MSW in its various forms, but to supplement it.
    While not an expert modeler by any means yet, I am a code jockey =) and enjoy doing techy codey things (that is a technical term by the way), so I decided to try to put that to use.
    This is to announce a project which I am working on and am making available as of tonight.
    The Model Ship World Ship Kit Database
    What is it?
    Well, it is a database of Model Ship Kits.  A central repository for what is available out there along with as much data regarding each kit as I can scrape up.
    Secondly, Model Ship World Ship Kit Database is a living project.  This basically means it is intended to grow and expand based on feedback and contribution from the model ship world membership.
    What does it do?
    Right now, it allows you folks to search for ships.   As of this evening you can search for available ships based on Manufacturer, Scale, Type of Kit, Type of Ship, Period of Ship and the Ships Nation of origin.
    You can search for these ships based on one of the above criteria or build out the criteria to get as refined a search as you want.
    So, for example, if you want to see all the ships Model Shipways Currently has available – you can do that.
    If you want to find all the ship kits which are 19th Century French 1:64th scale Plank on Bulkhead Frigates – you can do that too.
    Is that all that it does?
    As of this evening, yes it does.  Is that all it will do? No.    I actually have big plans for this and was going to wait to announce it until much more was done.  However it will take a little time to get everything in so I wanted to “release” it in stages.  Mainly to get it out there and let people get some hands on it and start giving me feedback.   
    The idea is to make this as useful to the MSW community as possible.  I think it is in a good starting point, but really want to hear from you guys regarding it so I can develop it over time to make it as great as it can be.
    I can’t promise all suggestions will make it in, or that they will go in overnight, but this in my mind is for MSW so I look forward to collaboration and the discussions to do as best we can.
    Where does it stand right now?
    Currently I have identified the following manufacturers for inclusion in the database.  Some have their kits added while others are queued to be completed over the next week or so.
    A.J Fisher: Data not started Artesania Latina: Data started, 80% complete Billings: Data not started Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldecraft:Data not started Corel:Data not started Constructo:Data not started Dusek:Data not started Mamonli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Model Shipways:Data Complete OcCre: Data started, test entries only.  
    You said there was a lot planned so what else is there?
    I am so glad you asked
    Not only is this meant to be a list of what is available but it is also a place where people can come and find out about the ships.   Here is what is on deck....
    More refined filter parameters: Ability to filter on length and height Ability to filter on skill level General Search:  Ability to type part of a kit name and search for all related kits. Data page:   This will be a drill down into the kit including a picture of the kit completed and important details regarding the kit itself. Some of what is currently in the data view will be moved here to make the data view a little less cluttered. Reviews: The ability for those of you who have built some of these kits can review them for others.  The reviews will have scales for the quality of materials, documentation and plans as well as a way to rate the kit for accuracy and skill level.   It is one thing for the manufacturers to say it, it is more meaningful when those who actually have worked with it say it. Links to related build logs.   Just another way for the MSW to find build logs related to their ships or for people to get a preview of what they may be in for. Manufacturer Data Page:  Just a quick data sheet on the company itself, where it is, contact information etc etc. Search launch:  A simple mechanism for people who may have found a ship they are interested in to one click google search for the kit in question. That is what I have on my list, the best part (as is usually the case) what comes out of the community.
    As I mentioned, my hopes is this becomes a think tank project and grows from ideas provided by the MSW Community.
    Why announce it with so much more to do?
    Like it, Love it, Hate it I can take it; let me know.  
    Whether you like it or not; let me know.   What people like I will continue with and what they don’t I will try to change so that they do,  but I can’t unless I know.
    I can promise to take all suggestions and comments under consideration, but can’t promise all will be done.  
    I will do my best to address concerns and questions as quickly as possible; after all if you take the time to lend a suggestion I can at least take the time to acknowledge it =)
    My only goal is to make this as useful as possible and make it a solid resource for the Model Ship World community.
    We can use this thread (I think) as the think tank for this project.   I will post updates to the database as I do them as well as keep a running list of ideas and where I may be at with them.
    Where is this database hosted? I see it doesn’t have an MSW domain.
    This is true,
    this project is hosted on my own hosting service. 
    I have been using them for quite some time and have not had any issues so am fairly confident it will have acceptable uptime for us to use this. 
    The ampitcher.com well, ampitcher is me =)  
    There is no link behind the scenes to MSW so your MSW information is safe, and this database does not require any sensitive information for you to access it.  If you have any concerns please PM Me I will be glad to address them.
    This is however an MSW resource, meaning I am doing this for MSW and the MSW community. 
    People from the outside may find it in a search or what not, but all efforts are to grow from within MSW and to drive TO MSW from the outside. =)
    Anything we can do right now to help?
    Kit companies and information
    I have several in there (see list above) but I know there are more.   If you see any companies that are missing please let me know.  Right now I am focused on wood kits, but will be adding in plastic and card shortly.
    Likewise, while in the database you will see many entries have blank data.  This is because of one of several things; either I could not find it, couldn’t figure it out or had conflicting information so wasn’t sure what to put.  
    IF anyone has any knowledge they can lend me towards those empty slots please PM me with ID (first column) and the information.  I will edit them asap!  And thank you heartily!! =)
    Well, I think I rambled on enough.   
    Here is the link to the database.  
    Take a look, let me know what you think and I want to thank you for your time.  
    Updates will be coming so stay tuned!
    For now, if we can limit data error information to PM and leave the forum topic for discussion related to the database, new ideas, feedback and updates – it would be appreciated!!
    Thank you again, hope you like it and looking forward to creating the best model ship database on the web – with your help I know we can do it!!
    As always
  11. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mattsayers148 in USRC Ranger by trippwj - Corel - 1:64 scale   
    For what it is worth Wayne, I have actually started to become kind of fond of Windex as a "wetter" to bend the wood.  I typically just pop the top off the bottle, sink the wood in there, let it sit there a few minutes take it out, bend and wait a few minutes.   I MAY perhaps be a bit of an impatient person in some cases and found Windex bends nice, dries pretty quick and does not retain the blue tint from the liquid (at least so far it hasn't). IF that is a concern, there is clear as well.
  12. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mattsayers148 in USRC Ranger by trippwj - Corel - 1:64 scale   
    Wayne, I completely understand and share the irrational fear of planking.     I have tried to solve it by just diving in on the Mayflower and trying to knock it out.
    Nope - still have it!!!
    Maybe we should start a planking therapy group!
  13. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from tarbrush in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  14. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from kris83 in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    So, the Mayflower is begging me to keep working - yet, unfortunately I am out of planking stock.   I ran around Nashua (a neighboring town) looking at Michaels, AC Moore, and a local hobby store (used to be a HobbyTown but now is something else hmm).
    Nothing. Nada. No luck.
    So, inspiration struck me.   Why not make my own?
    So, I did grab some stock from the hobby store......

    I searched around my closet because I knew I had kicking around somewhere....
    YES. there it is...

    Balsa Stripper,  planking stock....   this should be a breeze!! (sigh)
    Well, first the balsa stripper is a very neat little tool. Very simple.  Loosen the screws, insert blade, tighten screws.   Easy peasy right?

    The package comes with a #11 blade, but Micro Mark had attached a #24 blade with the note that they had found it cut hard wood better.  Sweet!  I am in business.
    The #24 blad doesn't fit.  If it goes in from the top it is nowhere near the material to cut. If it goes in the bottom it extends too far and raises the tool so it won't slide along the stock. 
    So, I put in the #11 and attempted to strip basswood!
    The #11 bent so much it was near impossible to get even strips.  Regardless of the speed I went, slow and stead, fast rips... junk planks.
    I am sure it works great on balsa (it is called a balsa stripper after all), but my experience and my review of the unit on basswood?
    Survey says!

    So, I may try to head up to Manchester (the other direction of my town) and see if a hobby store up there may have some.
    Until then, the mayflower sits and waits. 
  15. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from DCIronfist in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  16. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  17. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Thank you sir, and yep.. that is exactly what I am thinking
    Thanks Augie,  I keep telling myself ratlines are just another project but boy if isn't daunting - I see such awesome jobs on them and just get shaky thinking about it - but I will overcome and adapt!
    Thanks Mark,  nope, no holes in this keel - going to build a cradle, the little pedestals just seem to tempting to fall over. So some good solid cradle work will make me feel comfy
    Oh hex don't know it.  Getting ready to settle in with some pizza and get comfortable on the edge of the lazyboy. Not planning on a relaxing night but hopefully the boys can pull it off! (I think they have a good shot at it)
  18. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to augie in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Great to hear from you but sorry about the injury.  Working when you're in pain is no picnic.  Oh well, there are the football playoffs to keep you occupied.
    Get better ASAP.  We miss you!
  19. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to SawdustDave in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Sorry to hear about your injury Adam. Torn calf muscles not fun to go through... Been-there-done-that ....
    By the way.... Among the very last things I would want my wife trained in would be the art of kicking.... If you know what I mean.
  20. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Sjors in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  21. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from trippwj in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  22. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from hexnut in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  23. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from hexnut in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, post happy holidays to all!
    Still around and hoping to get back to the Mayflower soon.   I got very wrapped up during the Thanksgiving through New Year stretch (get it, wrapped up! hehe, I crack myself up) and then... /sigh.... got knocked out of commision for a bit new years eve. See,the Admiral and I decided it was time to get active and get in shape.  So, we signed up for a Thai Kickboxing class.  Really good stuff, but boy is it rough.  Anyway, her and I were practicing Knee Strikes on New Years eve and I went ahead and tore my calf muscle.   You would think being laid up and not able to walk around would give me TONS of time to work on things like ships,  but moving around the benches and getting this and that is not happening =(.
    So, will be a bit, but wanted to do the customary update that I have not indeed fallen off the earth.  Will be catching up on the great builds I have been following tomorrow, I see a TON of updates to catch up on! WOOHOO, good stuff!
  24. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
  25. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Stuntflyer in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =)
    I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics.
    The latest addition is the foremast.   Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one.  Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of  dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ?
    SO that was a tad of a quandary....  I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used.
    ONE tip I can give,  try to drill the mast holes early.  I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings.   Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!?
    Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go.

    By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me!
    Happy Modeling All!
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