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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. the last picture is interesting.......I'd be proud of the table. most I've done of late is hang a picture nice table as well Matrim.........that top certainly won't buckle
  2. no need to apologize Lou mixed reviews on the movie angle though. most movies made during the era, reflected men who were proud to do their duty and to promote respect from the masses. movies like Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, and Hacksaw Ridge show other retrospectives. some went 'cuz they wanted to, and some went under invitation. not everyone was 'John Wayne'...or even 'animal mother'........cripe......even Hitler shot anyone who wasn't for the 'motherland'. Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam.......these conflicts were probably the most grueling.......nasty weather and terrain, coupled with a country that didn't want our help to begin with. anyway....just say'in that there are some movies out there that aren't propaganda. next showing.........The Blue Max ....maybe even a following of Bat 21 { I love Gene Hackman}
  3. I love the interest..........it's feeding my "bomber Frankenstein" in my younger days, I built many planes.......LOL......they were bigger than my car fetish, which I built a plethora of them when that took hold. of course, that later led to the larger scale kits...something that took more than a week to build fighter planes were good too........don't get me wrong........I do recall a large scale kit of a Stuka, that I was particularly fond of. just to get a sense of how large this kit is, I taped the wings and fuselage together....the wings lock into place on this model, which is kinda neat. 1:64 is a fair size scale........it's too bad that it didn't stay with the plastic model. I think it related more to the model train medium. it also made me reminisce to my younger days, when I was so eager to build the model, not having any glue at the time. I'd do this as I was cleaning up the parts, so the halves would meet together evenly when I did finally get some. clean the flash out of the windows............and off of the edges to round them off.........I wished the engines were independent of the cowls. paint will be meticulous in those areas. the paint will be easy on me with this one......... ....the interior is the same color as the exterior.......green. weighing out my paints, I don't have enough Olive Drab for both planes. since the Revell kit is a much better kit, I chose a Forest Green for this one. it's close enough, and it will reflect the box art...not that I use that as a barometer , but it will complement the red and black quite well. as mentioned, I wasn't able to find a place to buy the caps separately for my Testor's EZ airbrush....I will keep looking....but I saw that Hobby Lobby had one on the shelf. ......think I paid 29.99 for it. luckily, it's the camo one.........it comes with five colors of flat paint. it only shows four, as well as four caps, but the fifth one for each are in a bag under the tray, along with the tubes and cleaning rods for the caps. I'm not impressed with the way the tail section goes together.........not as much with the assembly, but the absence of tabs to position the stabilizer wings properly. there's no guess work.....the parts are the same......top and bottom. one side will be green, and the other, I think a Ghost gray is in order......as long as it's not too gray. the conversation here drives me..........I won't lie. I wasn't going to do much....but I set up the airbrush and I was eager to try it out. lately, I have been using a brush, so this should be a treat! I was also eager to put glue to her......first order of business was to add all of the bulkheads to one side of the fuselage. I realized a bit later that adding the partition between the pilots and what I believe is the Navigator's section, that it will be harder to install the side windows. I'll cross that swamp when I get to it I really should have tested the airbrush first.......not for it's operation, but for my technique......I'm a little rusty. I think I thinned the paint too much as well which resulted in a waste of paint. it's a good thing I began with the interior........it won't show as much the mix was adjusted.......... we're undergoing a season change now.........not to the point that we need to use the heat. the house is cool........a bit chilly at times with the rain.....it's been an ongoing occurrence of late. anyone who is experiencing the heat wave can send some up this way..........I won't complain! this lends for a longer drying time........it was a while before I could do the exterior. flaps and rudder done too.......the paint is still wet. we did chicken out at nightfall........the chill became too much for the courageous admiral. the welcomed heat hastened the drying time. the wasted paint was detrimental.......I still have the wings to do. Medium green is not a close match........but I have a flat green that is. I may have to highlight the rest of the exterior to even it out. this has always been one of my biggest fears when painting. I guess it's better to have too much than too little.......touch up paint is a must. it looks good to my eyes.......I think the infusion will make it look better though.
  4. I felt bad for the way they treated all those who were in the Nam war, that they didn't have anything to do with {only serve}. what you folks must have seen.........probably wasn't meant for mortal eyes the most memorable line in any movie......"War is hell.....Ain't it?!?!?" it was made worse since half the time, it was hard to know who the enemy was. major respect to anyone who served.......I didn't get to, since they stopped the draft, and that I was an in between war kid. I would have gone to the Air Force if I had to chose.......I had plans as a pilot I ended up moving to Florida instead, and lived the dream that was awarded to me........by you folks, and those who paid the price. somewhere in the community forums, I told how I used to wear my brother's Army "hand me downs"........I had the entire private's garb........boots, belt and everything. I had plans to go.........and yea, there were times I was made fun of.......but I didn't care I thought I looked cool.......I was in fashion for the time. I met Sargent Steel at a function at school, and I guess he liked me.........enough to give me a complete dress uniform that he had outgrown........complete with stripes and brass! I was very proud to wear it to school one day, hat and all..........my world history teacher was very impressed with my attire, since we were talking about the second world war. he even saluted me, being a vet himself! of course, I saluted back the only thing........was the hair..........I has shoulder length hair....RED hair I think it was "the duality of man", Sir............ ...and I totally agree Lou........pilots had a reason for flying as well as they did.......their very life depended on it! they had a very dangerous landscape to fly through
  5. I'll bet if they took the Wright Bros. plane out and flew it, it would fly. I'm pretty sure these folks knew what they were doing when they refurbished the B 17....no doubt that it was a solid plane considering how pilots brought their planes home, with as much damage as they received from flak and enemy fire..........there has to be more to this plane's story, as to why. there's no news yet on the direct cause. I read an article today about the Germans flying captured B 17 during WWII.........they had about 40 of 'em.......all decked out in Luftwaffe markings. almost 31,000 B 17 were built........best guess is that around 50 of them still exist. the rest were scrapped. other countries still have a few as well
  6. thanks for the pictures Turangi........great shot through the nose glass listening to a report on the 'Google' this morning, the person interviewed called the plane 'ancient'. what......is that grounds that it shouldn't have been in the air? the Foundation totally rebuilt the plane............and yes, engine failure in #4 brought her down. newer planes have met the same fate dunno.....just miffed me, that's all. the latest report list seven that died, which includes both the pilot and the co pilot. I did find a photo of the Memphis Belle......but for some reason, it's messed up?!?! guess my computer camera is out of focus I've also been on the look out for decal sets for her.......hard to find in 1:64 scale.
  7. have you run the top through a planer to even it out, or are you just going to sand it?
  8. https://www.flyingmag.com/nine-o-nine-b17-crash/ confirmed Jack..........it was indeed the Nine o Nine
  9. sad.......haven't looked in for further news as mentioned..........I have the nose art......perhaps....... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vintage-b-17-plane-crashes-erupts-flames-bradley-international-airport-n1061161 it doesn't say, nor does it say how many died.......just that there are fatalities. in the article link that Lou gave, the markings on the plane shown are the same as the wreckage.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/world-war-ii-plane-crash-connecticut/index.html I heard about this earlier today. agreed.....don't think they'll put this one back together very sad and heartfelt for those who died.............. the admiral got a news notification about it....I went online and it wasn't hard to find. thanks Steve......no progress at the moment, although I did tape the fuselage and the wings together and fitted them. 1:64th does amount to a fair sized model. I compared the fuselage to the B 25, which is 1:48, and the B 17 is about 3/4 of an inch longer. even though it's not a detailed model of not as many parts, proper paint will create a nice looking model. I will try and do my best
  11. they must have looked cool...........I've yet to build one that large {they are large kits }. during my time in Florida, I built a Curtis P 40 Warhawk......but sadly it wasn't a good flier. it kissed a palm tree and that was the end of it last year I built a Spitfire MK 1....haven't had the heart to try and fly it. in the Closet, I have a Fokker Dr 1, 1:14 scale. have started the sanding phase yet.
  12. you've got your work cut out for you! >pardon the pun< off to a nice start
  13. I have the nine o nine nose art with the kit Jack........I haven't looked it up to see if it was another viable option. I've seen your strat before...it wasn't like that one.........I wish I could remember more. all I know is that I wouldn't have been able to build it in my bedroom I bookmarked the site cool pictures OC........some really nice detail to work with......especially the color. very few were camo.........and most were the army green. b 17f's also had windows for the navigator as well thank you so much for these superb pictures.......if I get a chance, I'll snap some pictures of the B 25 kit, and show you what it looks like. it's the Revell kit in 1:48 scale I looked up that site Mark and Lou........what a gold mine! came up with a bunch of sites........even a Wiki. List of surviving Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses - Wikipedia the Memphis Belle is in here too thanks again for the interest
  14. I forget Jack........we're talk'in the 70's . silver and huge is about all I can remember. pictures are cool........bring 'em on!
  15. I knew I'd screw something up! I read that book while in school I used to watch 12 o'clock high...right along with the Rat Patrol . I hadn't looked to extensively at the instructions Lou.......I guess the wheels are back on the table {so to speak}. there is nothing for the bombay doors.......molded shut. I guess for the modeler with more time than I plan to put into her, there might be some resin or after market parts that could be ordered for it. as for damage........in the links, there are pictures of some pretty significant damage done to these planes when they came home. here's the plane I intend to try and model. one day during training, the co pilot brought her in a little too hard and collapsed the right landing gear. the pilot quickly took over and nosed her up, taking back off again. he brought her around for an emergency landing, slowing her down as he came in. the plane suffered practically no additional damage at all. it must have been like hail with shell casings falling from the sky........likely would hurt if one got pinged by one. what is it........newton's law?.........that anything that falls from the sky can only go as fast as it's weight allows? I'll get my umbrella I've always been a fan of the B 24 Mark.........Liberators just look cool at the old 606 hobby store that I used to frequent as a lad, they had a stratofortress hanging from the rafters. I have never in my life, seen a model as huge as that one! won't even attempt to guess the wingspan! I plan on adding a B 24 to the pile one day.....I have to be crafty, since the admiral is really digging her heels in now so in large........thanks for the interest perhaps I should have the admiral order me that book.......then I can get reacquainted with the Ruptured Duck and the journey this bomber crew went on. if I recall, a couple of the boys died in the crash should I make any progress done on her, I'll be sure to post it!
  16. thanks Lou........I've done nothing yet, other than to clean some of the flash. I have decided a couple of things already.........since I have the stand, I will delete the wheels. given the premise I've got going, they would be retracted {can't think of the term for this}.......and closed up. I don't normally add the figures either, but I may do so here. these planes could take a beating.........some accounts tell of bombs smashing through wings from above. anti aircraft damage was extensive on some, but they managed to bring them home. the show on HBO was really good!
  17. another thing I like about the model, is that it supplies a stand! 👍 what was the last model you built, that had a stand? many models could benefit from having a stand to display it.........the B 25 could, that's for sure! I saw how Revell remedied the problem ..........what amounts to a saw horse with a tab on it......... I already decided to either make a stand for it, or balance the model so it will set on it's wheels. it has the 'weighted tire detail' .....but this highlights different planes. some have a tail gear or nose gear....the latter being the bigger culprit of this particular problem. when I built my F 15 Eagle, I made up a simulated asphalt platform and cemented the tires to it.....solve the problem for that one but here..........you have the B 17 ........which has a tail gear. you would think that they would take this into account, when handing out the stands. the stand is kinda neat though.........molded in clear plastic. there's a piece of bendable metal rod in the box........took me a moment what it would be used for. now I know I was going to paint it, but was undecided what color.......then I got an idea. I got on the computer and looked up bomb damage in Germany.......found a couple of good pictures. this was printed off and the stand was positioned over it for the best view from above. a 1/16 circle of basswood was traced and cut out.........the desired area was cemented to the circle.........careful not to smudge the picture. once dry, it was trimmed and cemented to the bottom of the stand. this was put in a plastic bag, to keep it dust free......I haven't really started on the model yet. I wasn't going to do a formal log on the model, due to the detail issues and stuff. I thought the stand was a nifty thing to do and though I would share it with you. anyway........since I've opened up this thread, should I do something that even looks brilliant, I'll pass it along to you. I think this is my first plane log here. oh! before I forget, this kit comes with a poster! I've heard folks in the past....rave about the kit box art. I never gave it a though..........as long as the kit wasn't a pain in the tookus to build. I do agree though, that the box art was part of my deciding factors for buying a kit. I've had a few car kits that included one as well {more like a postcard, actually}. I should find a frame for the stagecoach.........I cut the flaps off the box and hung it on the wall as well. oldmodelkits was nice enough to send along the top part of the box when I got it. I couldn't find a 12" X 24" frame that was cheap. until next time............. has anyone ever read "Thirty seconds over Tokyo"?
  18. I've been wanting to get a few bombers to add to my collection. my #1 plane are Bi planes, but my second are prop planes......fixed wing aircraft. I picked up the Revell B25 Mitchell, which should be fun to build........I've picked up this kit the other day. I went and bought another Amazing air airbrush kit, after not being too successful finding the caps for my older set up. I've seen it before in my travels, but was hesitant to pick it up, since Lindberg wasn't know for possessing that 'certain detail' that other model manufacturers put into their kits. I was never a huge Lindberg fan.....but I enjoyed dabbling with the motorized kits and ships. they had a good run with the B17 kits, probably their most prolific subject. some were even motorized........not sure the sequence in which the kits came out........I'd likely drive myself nuts trying to establish a time line. these two were probably their later production, since they highlight them as a series. the 'firepower series' was an interesting one......although I didn't go into it to see how many different plane made it up. when Lindberg went out of business and was bought up by Round 2 models, they carried the premise out a step further.........they focused on the nose art. the sad thing about the kit however, is that homework still wasn't done on the decal markings. I found a few reviews on the kit, and this seemed to be one of the biggest gripes. I'm not sure about the preceding kits, but the markings don't even point to any particular squadron. the kit gives a generous number of different planes one can model.......this is where I started my search.........trying to what bona-fied planes could be modeled. I found this site: Nose Art and Ground Crews one evening, I was receiving my daily dose of 'brainwash' on the tube, and I stumbled onto a show about the 452 bomber group and the missions they flew over Germany.........amazing to hear their accounts ans what they went through. I did some digging here too, and came up with this.......too bad the kit doesn't have any of their nose art. 452nd Bomb Group | American Air Museum in Britain one particular piece of supplied nose art has some real potential.......I jotted down some marking particulars of the Thunderbirds. Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress | Lone Star Flight Museum some I found nothing on.........I had another site that covered other planes, but I forgot to bookmark it {DRAT!}.......but I will keep looking. of the kit, one thing that Round 2 did right, was to box art the plane in it's traditional Olive Green, rather than in Tan Brown, in which Lindberg did. one kit shown above was totally chrome........a unique kit, but must have been a trial to keep finger prints from showing up. this kit is molded in white plastic........ ....with a somewhat sad excuse for instructions it is void of some cool detail though, as outlined in the reviews. I'm sure that one adept at bashing, can dress 'er up to create a better model this is not to say that the model is a waste of time.......it's just that if your one who likes a lot of detail........it probably isn't the model kit your looking for. I know this kinda looks like a review of my own, but rather it's more of an over view as to what I possibly could do to enhance the model. yea.......the decals are nice.........and interesting.........but may not do the correct justice to the model, being as shiny as they are. I've not done it too often, but a dulling clear coat afterwards might knock down the sheen. as I complied all this wonderful information, I occupied myself with cleaning up parts and trimming flash
  19. the fore shrouds look really good they are time consuming....don't feel too terrible about it....just think how good they will look and the task will seem less tedious. fantastic job on this model.......
  20. made a little headway on the lighthouse...........getting into the fun stuff now. setting up the screw pile, the support pillars were cemented into place. it's a tiny bit off.........and no matter where I place the line level, it sends it of in another direction. I need to support it from the bottom. I didn't want to cut those pieces of supplied wood......I could probably use them in some other way. since I have plenty of dowel, I cut six of them to the length of the center support. they were arranged on a spare piece of plywood. with the bottom section in place on the new jig, it leveled out the deck nicely. these will all get cemented into place. with that done, it's time for the truss cables. I'll be honest..........they are a pain in the tookus! I'd better get the inner ones done first
  21. amazing how identical these frames are.......well know that cloning is a practice of plastic model manufacturers. wood kits show this practice, but not as common. what are those parts {4} called at the foot of the frames? I notice that the one set up for transit doesn't have them.
  22. superb job with the logs.........the added detail is awesome!
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