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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. sounds like a very interesting model.......do you have the others on order?
  2. thanks Jack........and to those who hit the like button I'm not liking these frames too much.......they don't fit too well together. one would think that the window frames fit inside the outer frames.......well........they don't really. they kinda overlap a little.........and so far, the instructions have been a bit vague on a few things. I tried my stick tape method, but all that did was remove some of the char {which is a good thing}. I seem to have hit on something though.......I just hope the remnants of char on these parts don't mess with the paint.
  3. what can I say........it's the kind of day I've been hav'in Third floor moved out..........I was put in charge of bring'in his 'leavings' to the curb..........'bout 100 bags worth! the neighbors will be cry'in on the fence tonight! they already complained about him putt'in a few pieces of furniture out there last week! did the lawn work too......all that is out of the way for next week......my birthday the following week I'm on vacation.....we go to the seafood festival out at Hampton Beach.......plan on gett'in fat on the beach I did this first......painted the underside of the roof gray I did this the other day.......painted the bottom floor gray making head's or tail's of the doors and windows......there is a sticky backing to them. I put the bottom part on the doors.......I hope I don't get any paint on the sticky part, because I have the clear cello to put on the after. I tried to think of a good way to cement on the main roof parts, so they would match up all the way around. these parts are made of card, and painting them did put a bit of a warp to them. I taped them down to keep them flush while they dried. I kept the corners flush to the edges....hope they all fit OK. one thing this kit doesn't tell you, is the orientation of the first floor walls. I have already primed them, so I could match them up with the slots. I also had to judge where the two smoke stacks would be on the model. the first floor walls, as well as the shed and outhouse walls have been primed for paint now.....to think of a different way to set the bottom floor up with the spacers, so they can be better removed. I still need to add the other six formers for the bottom frame of the screw pile. that will raise it up to add the upper braces for the floor. the six holes can be seen around the inner part of the deck. there are also holes to run the many truss lines that help support it. the dormer roofs were cemented in place next.......the idea about the rafters was a success. I did need to trim a couple, but that was no big deal here....I'll turn it around......... I had a bit of a laugh, because it looks the same all the way around more on the lighthouse soon!
  4. doin' some roof'in today........ man walks into a bar "what'll ya have?" "I'll have a shingled roof", the man replies "ne'er 'erd of it!", the bartender bristled. "sure ya 'ave', the man torted........"it's on the house!"
  5. the log isn't dead yet.........I've been doing a bit of painting here and there on the body I think it looks almost good enough to continue. something soon
  6. sweet look'in truck 'n trailer Danny! I've been look'in for a Freightliner kit. Wal Mart uses International and Volvo as well. looks pretty cool what you built!
  7. it's a real treat to check in to see that you've made such good progress with the cannons and lids really looks great Michael!
  8. superbly done! great looking repair as well
  9. thanks Ziggy.........but no.........#3 is firmly in place and I'm not changing it I had them all on there at a time earlier, and I though it would look good painted........that's the reason why I painted it. I appreciate the offer though. the model has been moved to the main table....yesterday I had no gumption to do anything. today I feel a little more alive
  10. what....you can't just sling it over your shoulder?!?!?! just kidding now for the bit and pieces......really nice!
  11. you learn your lessons well......everything you learn here will enhance your next one your doing a spot on job!
  12. no flame here good sir, I've seen many variants of this kit. the hull color was the one I read of most. hello Ed....thanks for the good word. sorry I haven't gotten back to you.......I hope your admiral is feeling better
  13. fantastic model Chris......good luck with the house affairs I hope you've incorporated a very nice work shop in the plans.
  14. thanks Lou and Jack for the kind comments. it's a reminder that i have pictures in the camera I haven't looked at the electronics yet....surprising, since when installed, I'm going to have to adjust the beacon light......it blinks! I read about the tours through the Thomas lighthouse.......the interior looks quite comfy. must be neat living in one. I did a dry fit to see how much of the rafter slots could be seen........too much I'm afraid. so, I'm have to do something about it. looking in my inventory of wood, I got some thin strip mahogany. 2 mm will have to do......I cut 36 pieces for what I have in mind. putting a Testor's tip on the white glue bottle, I was able to dab them as I went along. now they need to dry. I figured I'd start on the screw pile. since I want to use the jig as the base, I adjusted the length of the supports. they instruct you to raise the jig 1/4 off the table and push them in place, so they rest on the table. I won't need to do this. they fit in the holes really tight.......I even drilled them out a little. the squares are for spacer pieces supplied in the kit.......I hate to think I'd have to cement them in place and mar the surface. I will come up with a different way to accomplish this. I started the assembly using Testor's green tube cement. these are plastic "I" beams. in between these drying, the roof parts were painted, so they would be ready when the roof and dormers are completed. these are the six sides that will make up the main roof...the ones above make up the dormers, outhouse, and shed, back at the main roof, the main roof supports were cemented on the sides of the dormer walls once dry, they were sanded flush to the front wall. this probably wouldn't matter, since they will be covered by the roof parts. at this point, I took my convex toe nail clippers and cut the excess off at the angle of the eaves ans did a bit of sanding. next, was to paint the exposed parts of the dormers. then came another zinger........the glue wasn't holding the 'I' beams for the screw pile. the one nice thing about it, was I could remove the dried glue without damaging the parts. I changed over to Ca to start over. there were a couple of joints that didn't want to take, but another dab of Ca seemed to have done the trick. the first step of the screw pile is done.
  15. super looking guitar Danny. will you be making a stand for it? wire frame and black tubing should do the trick
  16. well then.....I guess Revell needs to worry...........they skipped a period. won't be the first time that a typo has been found in a set of instructions. gotta remember folks.......this is an older kit. it hasn't even seen a retool since the re-release. it one of those 'it is what it is' kits. there is a limited amount of upgrades for this kit. yes, I painted turret #3.........didn't figure one more inconsistency would make a difference.
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