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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. Lattice platform newly built after the shape of the ship. Plan drawing is wrong. Karl Teil 21
  2. Hello Albert. Beautiful work. Karl
  3. Hello, Henry (matelot) is right with his statement. The drawing of the plan by J.Boudriot is wrong. I have to renew my grid-platform. Karl
  4. Hello Johann, the pictures in the last post do not show my model, are from the Internet. Karl
  5. Hello Henry, thank you for your information. After some research in the Internet I also believe that the plan drawing of the platform is not correct. Yours sincerely Karl
  6. Hello everyone and thanks for the kind comments. Karl Part 20
  7. Hello Siggi. Mercerized chochet yarn of thickness 5, 10 and 15. Manufacturer does not really matter. Regards Karl
  8. Hello friends, new pictures. Karl Part 19
  9. Hallo Freunde. new pictures. Karl PART 18
  10. Hi friends. Production of the carriages and assembly of the cannons. Karl P A R T 16
  11. Hi friends, production and installation of the spare anchor. Karl Part 17
  12. Hi friends. Production and installation of the spare anchor. Karl
  13. Hi Nils. Weight of a cannon barrel here ca. 40 gr. Karl
  14. Hi Dave, Openings according to plan: 4,60 x 4,30 mm Corresponds to the original: 16,5 x 15,50 cm Stumbling was probably the slightest evil at this opening size. Regards Karl
  15. Hello friends. Production of the cannons by the tin process. Karl P a r t 1 5
  16. Hello Gerard, many thanks for the information. Karl
  17. Production of the cannons by the tin casting process. Karl Part 15
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