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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. This link is out of date. Current link: https://cloud.web.de/ngcloud/external?guestToken=FnhfvJ39Qi2GGPw-SSOvGg&loginName=karl.weinmann
  2. Hello Gaetan, very beautiful model and an excellent work. Congratulation. Karl
  3. Hi friends. Pictures of the 74 gun-ship by Alexey Konzelko. Karl
  4. Hello friends, thanks for the kind comments and likes. New pictures of the 74 gun-ship. Regards Karl T e i l 11
  5. Hello Romain, view pictures. Karl
  6. Hello friends, thanks for the kind comments and likes. Karl
  7. Hi friends, thanks for the kind comments and likes. New pictures of the 74 gun-ship. Karl ​T e i l 10
  8. Hi Mauricio, the length of the planks is between 25,0 - 28,0 cm corresponds to the scale 1:36 Original 9,0 - 10,0 metres Karl
  9. Hi friends. Danke an alle für die freundlichen Kommentare. New images of the 74 Gun-Ship. Outside paneling. Karl T e i l 9
  10. Hi friends, construction mistake removes, some accesories there made. Karl
  11. Hi friends. By the construction of the model ( 18, pdr Canon ) I have made mistake to which me Mr. Gerard Delacroix from France drew the attention. I will correct these mistakes and show the change in new pictures. Karl
  12. Hello druxey and mtaylor. No gold, brass metal leaf and metallic spray paint. Karl
  13. Hello friends. Artillery of the vessel 74. gunship. Second batterie gun 18,pdr Scale 1:15 Karl
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