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  1. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from JerryGreening in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  2. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from Hannerl in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  3. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to ChrisLBren in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Beautiful Karl !
  4. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dafi in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Karl, the usual stunning and wonderful quality!
  5. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to Alex M in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hello Karl,
    enjoy every update from you! If I look at images from shot looker, I forgot that it's model, It looks very real! A master at work! Beautiful!

  6. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to gjdale in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Wow! Wow! Wow! and Wow! again. I don't know what else to say. Your work is just exquisite.
  7. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to WackoWolf in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Beautiful. Always look forward to seeing new updates to your excellent build. Keep the pictures coming.
  8. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from Luca in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  9. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from JerryGreening in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hello friends,
    Gun ports on both sides and part of the outer planking.
    The small gun ports are not visible from the outside in the BHR.
    Port side of only the main Frames were left Standing.
    Beidseitig  Geschützpforten  und ein Teil der Aussenbeplankung.
    Die kleinen Geschützpforten auf dem Gun-Deck sind bei der BHR von aussen überplankt.
    Backbordseite wurden nur die Richtspanten (Hauptspanten) stehen gelassen.
    T e i l   29

  10. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from Jason in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  11. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from JerryGreening in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hi friends,
    first build the deck beams 1. Gun-Deck for the further interior in Orlop-Deck.
    T e i l  31

  12. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from Mirabell61 in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  13. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from archjofo in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  14. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from egen in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  15. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from AntonyUK in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  16. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from jaerschen in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  17. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from gieb8688 in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  18. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from AlexBaranov in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    assembly of iron knees and
    A  Hold
        5 Shot- locker
        6 Pump well
    B Orlop-Deck
       9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker
    T e i l  32

  19. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Bollard and hawse timbers continued...

  20. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Bollard and Hawse Timbers
    Thanks, all for your kind comments. A bit of serendipity with regards to the crash - many of us are putting up more photos than the first version. The ease of posting them and lack of file size restrictions make it a breeze.
    The bollard and hawse timbers are among the most challenging to make on the model. As well, they are the first timbers made after the keel, and the learning curve hasn't had a chance to kick in yet. So it's important to take your time getting them right and redo them if necessary (as Ed T. has also pointed out in his excellent log). The last little filler piece has no real pattern. It's just cut over-sized and "massaged" into place.
    The last photo illustrates the rather diminutive size of Speedwell as compared to an earlier discarded attempt at my Swan class model. The sixth rate looks gigantic compared to Speedwell. Yet they wood both look like longboats compared to a third rate or larger!

  21. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Building Board, Keel Assembly, Stem, Deadwood, Knee of the Head, Mounting

  22. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    At 1:48 scale, from counter timbers to the knee of the head she's a very sweet 22". Just for laughs, I've attached a rejected Swan bow for comparison. It makes our little sloop of war look huge doesn't it? So far only box has been used but holly wales are next with Fiebings leather dye to blacken.

  23. Like
    Jeronimo reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Speedwell's framing has finally been completed. Note the various shifts and casts of the toptimbers as they frame the ports. There are many more of these on this vessel than on a Swan class ship and they can be challenging at times. My plan is to plank her from the ports up and rig her.
  24. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from Hannerl in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hi friends,
    first build the deck beams 1. Gun-Deck for the further interior in Orlop-Deck.
    T e i l  31

  25. Like
    Jeronimo got a reaction from JerryGreening in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Amendments of Cathead-rope

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