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About smarinid

  • Birthday 09/15/1961

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  1. Very Nice! Will be following so I can get a glimpse of what I am in for some day when I get brave lol.
  2. Thanks guys but I no longer have this model! Yea! no worries
  3. Thanks Robyn, I'll give it a try.
  4. I recently had someone buy me a San Fran II but the kit was missing the parts sheet that held the decking and other parts. Anyone have a suggestion on how to go about procuring that particular parts sheet? Maybe one of you fellow builders has the remains of that sheet. If so, would it be possible to scratch build the parts from the remaining frame? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
  5. Thank you! I had a wonderful day! The build is slow. Other things going on but I am getting the first planking and a few other things done. More pics and a continuation of the log to come.
  6. Thanks for the confidence builders folks. It helps. The bulwarks are there to stay. I am confident enough to get them planked and will see if that confidence is warranted . Hopefully I am not fooling myself but I think if I mess something up, it will be easier to fix than pulling the bulwarks off. That, I am afraid could really put a hurt to her. jastrzab, I am not completely certain That I want to blacken all the brass or not. I kind of like the "new" look of the shine. I am however, seriously considering "blueing" or blackening the cannons. I think in the time of the original San Fran, the cannons were not likely bright brass colored. Or maybe they were?? I love building these ships but they are not so much for me as my wife and kids. I love working with my hands and have fallen hard for building these ships as I have always thought they were beautiful, but for the most part I think I will let the family decide exactly what they like best. Of course I will need to show them the work being done here (MSW) so they can get an idea of what they like best. P.S. Go RED WINGS! I like football more but, we won't talk about the Lions
  7. Have the bow planked and the door added. I also made one for the stern balcony access but have not put it on. I have too much to do there to worry about it at the moment. Like most, I didn't really like the kit parts. Gives it the "plastic" model look. Not that there aren't some very fine plastics out there. I just prefer to work with the wood as much as possible.
  8. Looks awesome thus far! I am currently working (early stages) on the SF1. I hope it turns out as nice as this is shaping up to be. Nice work.
  9. Looking great Matti! I'm certain your skills are up to the task. She will be a beautiful ship when done. Mark
  10. Being new to to this hobby, building any of it scares me, so a double dog dare might do just the opposite of its intent. However, with all of the things left to the builder to figure out (Thanks AL), it isn't even necessary for ddd. If I can't find the answer in MSW logs then, it's guess and by golly from there anyway.
  11. Thanks for the welcome Keith. Bashing can be fun Randy! I am not certain of how much will be done on this particular build but if it's needed and or the mood strikes me I will certainly dive in "head first". I'm not sure if it is every manufacturer or just AL but it seems there are some particulars that are left to either common sense (and there is not much of that to be had...lol) or deductive reasoning. Exactly where things line up (AL made that "easy" when they put a lip on the bulkheads for the bulwarks to sit on, SF2) sometimes can be a bit confusing. Then I walk away and when I return, it will dawn on me what needs to be done. When I made the decision to build the John Alden, had it not been for rlb's log and the bashing he did, I may have ended up with a sloop much like the one on the box. That, in my opinion would have been criminal. This build will be done, I am certain, with much research into many of the SF build logs here at MSW (which in fact started when I first discovered MSW). I has been a pleasure reading the logs and seeing the great craftsmanship being displayed.
  12. Hi Keith, Actually I am building the elder of the 2 SF's. I have a couple of sheets of softer wood stock but never even thought about replacing the bulwarks. Wish I had...lol. I also think you are likely correct in that it may be more difficult to shape having planked prior to application. I have read and seen your Swift bashing and it is awesome! I think it will take a few more builds before I can disregard much of the instructions but would certainly like to, considering the sparse nature of English in the manual.
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