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About Pygothian

  • Birthday 07/05/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
    Anaesthesia - Cardiothoracic and neurosurgery
    High Fidelity medical simulation training
    Building RC car models
    IT and computer building / overclocking

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  1. Amazing work Ollie. I've been away for a few months, and remember you starting this build. The level of detail and your ingenuity was extremely impressive. I see you have continued on your meticulous build. I am still finding the time to start my first build, despite still ordering more kits! 2 toddlers, a puppy great dane, moving house, working full time, and a wife who just had surgery doesn't leave me much time.
  2. Beautiful build Ron, and an amazing log. I'm looking forward to following your progress and learning along the way! Cheers
  3. All good ideas. Anyone know the best solution for getting plans to stay flat after being rolled or folded. My Syren plans area really needing some flattening. I don't want to iron them incase I damage them, but if want them nice and flat. Cheers Rowan
  4. That is an awesome idea, I love it. Will definitely try this technique out Cheers Rowan
  5. I think the ship looks absolutely beautiful how she is. If it was mine I'd leave it as is, and would be extremely proud of it! Cheers Rowan
  6. Thanks for clearing this up. As I've never physically seen ebony, I guess it's something I'll have to keep an eye out for. From everyone's description however, sounds hard to work with, and maybe not for a beginner. Cheers Rowan
  7. As I'm pretty new to this, I'm curious as to the differences this makes to painting the wales black ? Does it look better ? Anyone have an example comparing black paint vs this dye ebonizing ? Sorry for my ignorance, just curious, as it seems quite tricky, and not without risk if mistakes a made.
  8. Wow..that's an impressive looking kit. What are the dimensions of this one?
  9. You are doing a fantastic job...are you sure this is your 1st build ? It's making me feel very inferior when I finally get around to starting my build - work is chaos at the moment catching up after a few days off sick
  10. I'm looking forward to further posts on your AVS, you are doing an amazing job. Cheers Rowan
  11. Are you not going to copper hull it ? I'm still.yet to decide if I'm going to paint and copper, or leave all natural, change the woods and use some stains. Your build is looking great Cheers Rowan
  12. Still feeling too sick to start building, but got some goodies in the mail today. Full replacement rigging and blocks in Swiss pear from Chuck! Also got a few other goodies And a MS waterway marker as I'm probably to lazy to build my own jig Hopefully I'll get started this week once the antibiotics kick in
  13. I've got 2B and 4B. Is the general consensus 2B ? I'm assuming 4B is too soft and gives too much caulking effect.
  14. Very lovely ship you have there Anja, it's quite refreshing to see something new. I'm finding just about everyone builds the victory, endeavour, constitution and Syren (myself included!) Take care Rowan
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