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Everything posted by maggsl_01

  1. Hello my friends, I am still alive... and was always working a little bit on my Fregatte Berlin. So it came as far that the masts are all prepared, the yards are shapened and I startet with the challenge I love almost the most - rigging. I attached some pics to show the progress. I decided at least to fix the sails to the model. It will be some fun I think. There are absolutely no complications so far. The plans give you some hints but the most is done with expierence and a good book (Wolfram zu Monfeld). I repeat my opinion: The model of Fregatte Berlin by Corel is not suitable to beginners. You should have built two or three ships before you start this. But it's fun and a very good method to relax and fade away to an other "world". That's it for today - will be back soon(er or later) Cheerio Max Sorry for the wrong queue... I could not sort the pics in the correct way
  2. Hello friends and mates, a little update again. Due to springtime a lot of garden works and dog fun I took down the level of building speed... So I shaped the parts of the masts with a planer (as the featured parts of the Corel kit are quare-shapened timber). I was afraid this challenge would be too heavy to solve - but it is not. After all I am convinced it's more easy than to taper rods. The next steps are to build the masts with all parts. I will do the next weeks so that I will be ready for rigging in autumn. I want to finish the Berlin in wintertime. I am not sure yet if I will use the sails (I bought the accessoires from Corel). See you soon Cheerio Max
  3. Hello again I have finished the hull so far. The decorations are fixed - and hopefully will keep fixed... - all parts are on their place. Only the steps and gunport lids are still missing and I will do this after the rigging. Otherwise it would be too difficult to care for this parts. Next is to build the masts, but as mentioned before I am not sure to start this now. Probably I will wait until autumn when the summer fades away. However, the masts are to been shapen (is this correct grammar??) from square-shapened timber. A challenge But an intersting one. If all goes wrong I can buy some rods and taper them to the right shape. Some pics show the status in which the Fregatte Berlin is at this moment. Enjoy them Cheerio my fellow mates and friends
  4. Hello folks just a few pics from the status quo. I have almost no time for my model. I hope this woll change soon. But the summer is cumming - and so a time where modelling has to step a little bit to the second row. Autumn and winter are better seasons for ships Nevertheless I will always do a lttle bit on the Fregatte Berlin. I am ready with the hull and the guns and I painted the decorations according to historical sources- Hope you like it I will be back soon Best to you all Cheerio Max
  5. Hallo mates, just a little update. I varnished the hull and the deck with colorless semi-matte varnish. The timber darkend as I expected it, the surface is very soft and warm and the entire model has a very charming impression. I am very content now. Next will be to finish the deck furniture and some smaller repairs and the cannons. When this is done I will either have a break or start to build the masts and yards. I am not sure, but spring is rising and thats a time I love to be outside with my camera... Well, we will see As usual some pics to show the progress. Cheerio Max
  6. Howdy to all as mentioned before I did not want to use the metal parts used as belaying cleats. So I asked Mr Mondfeldt - his book of course - what I could do better. I found a description of the "Kleines Kreuzholz" which is the same as this kind of belaying cleats. I tried to carve them with basswood and I think the results are quite ok. The connection bar is from walnut. I made two sizes of the cleats (midship a little bigger, forecastle small). Cheerio Max
  7. Hello my friends time for another update. I only can repeat what I said before - the work on the Berlin makes a lot of fun. It is really satisfying to see how everythings fits to eachother. Sure it's a challenge to get all the parts the way they should be - but it's a very calming kind of modelling. Building the beakhead was quite exciting with all the timber that has to be bent and curved. Also the carving was completely new to me. If you follow the plans and look on some internet-sources to find advice you can get a really cute part. I try to build the belaying cleats by my own and not use the metal parts provided with the kit. I have to do some additional deck furniture but will soon be ready with this. Next big challenge is to varnish the completed hull. It's always thrilling to see how the varnish works and that there are no bad spots... But it's still quite cold outside so I have to wait. I can only use any varnish in the garage but not inside the house... the dogs would get crazy (and the Admiral too ) That's it for today - as always: I attached some pics to show the status quo Cheerio Max
  8. Hello again, as I mentioned before I am in vacation - so I can really spend a lot of time in my shipyard. We have heavy snowfalls - and no one wants to get out, even the dogs want to watch the snowflakes sitting on the couch. Well - so I can do my Berlin more and more. From Monday on I will be back in work... I started to carve the knee of the head - I never did carving this way before. One side is almost done - still some sanding. It works out quite good. The second big event on the hull is the painting. I found a green that is wonderful in my opinion and comes close to all I read about painting period ships. This weekend I want to varnish the hull. But I am not sure yet. Perhaps I will finish the galion first... not sure. As always - some pics to show the progress. Cheerio Max
  9. Hello again some pics to show you the progress. Everything works fine, and the build takes the next steps. After I have done the forecastle now and the rest of the hull I will cover the timber soon with some semi-matte varnish. Before that I will paint the ship as several sources say: green in the upper parts. I hope I will finish that step this week as I have to go back to work from Monday on. Building the Berlin still is a fun. As always - don't hesitate to comment whenever you think you would like to. Cheerio Max
  10. Hi my friends just another day in paradise :D No - just another update, mainly pics. As I am in vacation I am very busy with my Berlin. This will change when I am back on my desk... But meanwhile I go on step by step. Whoever will build the Berlin - take care of the steps to be done. You have to form the bowsprit before you plank or fix or prepare the forecastle. The masts are square-cut, you have to make a rod (whether with a lathe or by hand with a plane or a knife and abrasive paper - as I do). This works quite god and at the end you have the really satisfying feeling to have made such a cute mast with your own hand... But you have to take care of the steps in the future when you take your way in the present... Its fun to build the Berlin. Corel offers a challenge - and its great to manage this. It is - as said before - very satisfying. As usual some pics of the present state of the Berlin. Cheerio Max
  11. Hello my friends just some pics as an update. Nothing special happens - just little things like gunwhales, rudder, preparing the chain whales etc I am still satisfied with the Corel kit. I love that not everything is precut but that there are a lot of items to create. I will finish the hull step by step before I will varnish the vessel. After this I will continue the decks furniture etc. I would not hesitate to recommend this kit to everyone who wants to have real fun. It's not a kit for beginners - expierence is important, patience is essential and improvement is fun. I will paint the model and will buy some sails. Up to now I have done about 200 hours. I think I have the first third done now. The pics show the progress. I have burnished all metal parts - it's better than painting. Cheerio Max
  12. Hello again - and merry X-mas I had some time during the holidays and started to prepare the guns. I decided to use the guns and carriges provided with the kit. First - I don't want to buy always new parts; second - they are somehow old-fashioned and attract me just therefore. I burnished the barrels and will not do any other modifications to them. The carriages are quite ok. I stained them in middle-tone walnut and will not paint them. After all I read in different sources the ships or the deck furniture of the Brandenburg navy were not painted inside. But I found paintings were you can see the hull beeing partial painted in some green (like russian green, close to copper rust). This would correspond with other sources about the use of colors on period ships. So I will paint the stern, the capitain's cabin, the upper hull up to the gunwale and the upper parts of the forecastle (all above the gunwale). This painting should be close to the original. The second part I started to work on is the stern and all the timberwork there. The decorations will be done later. All in all everything works fine. Important note Always think about the steps to be done in future... You have to build up all items below the forecastle deck - like the anchor bitt, the servants, the ropes for the strand, the cannons. You should not build the forecastle before you finished this work. Too bad that the instructions don't tell you all... But I learned how to handle Corel's kits :D Finally some pics (I apologize for the bad qualitiy of some pics...) Cheerio Max
  13. Hello my friends time for another little update. According to some stress in the job I made only a small progress. But nevertheless the Berlin becomes more and more a ship I finished the inner planking with the featured 4/2mm strips, what gave a wonderful result. The strips are not all in the same color tone what really pleases me. I added some cover strips in the edges so the planking look fine and free from any gaps. At the moment I work on the gunports, first is to build the gunport sills. After that I will fix the rings for the gun's rigging. I am not sure if I will use thew guns by Corel. I will see later. A serious question is if I should paint the ship in green as Corel and some other sources say. Has anyone an idea? Please tell me your opinion. As usual some pics show the progress. There is to see that a lot of work has to be done - sanding, filling the little gaps, sanding Cheerio Max
  14. Hello my friends only two days gone - but time for another update. Well, as mentioned before its November, and the past few days it was a very grey very cold and very depressive weather around here. Owing to favourable circumstances I am in vacation :) So I can spend a lot (Admiral: "Too much") time in my shipyard with the Berlin. Due to this the built grows faster as I thought before. Nothing is boring, nothing is impossible, everything goes good and satisfying. The decks are done so far - still have to plank the forecastle and the rest of the poop deck - but this I cant do before the inner planking is done. I cannot understand why the instructions say you have to carve the planks into the decks plywood...this would NEVER give anything similar to a deck. I use 7/1mm maple - and its just marvellous. The wood is excellent quality and gives a perfect impression. I also planked the bulkhead underneath the forecastle what is not told in the instructions too. Its tricky to build this kit - but as said before in a very good way its satisfying. I follow the instruction more or less strictly but I will modify or improve the built whenever I think its time to do so. I am convinced that other manufacturers offer excellent kits - but the more is pre-built the less you have the chance to modify. Corel's kits sure are no longer state-of-the-art - no lasercut parts etc. But this gives you the freedom to realize more of your personal perception. Well enough for today... Next week I work in the night shift - some kind of vacation for me too. So I will make good progress the next few weeks. As usual - some pics will show the progress so far. Cheerio Max
  15. Hello again just a little update. The plan is: First I will prepare and plank the main deck. It's made of two parts. So I plank the greater part now, then will fix it and plank the second part. It's important to make all the borderings now, also the protection of the masts. Next will be the planking of the bulkhead of the forecastle, then the planking of the bulkhead on the back. After this I will fix the upper deck and plank the bulkheads. Last will be to plank the inner bulwarks. After this the final sanding will be done. That's it for the monet - a lot of fun lays ahead. As always - some pics to show the progress Cheerio Max
  16. Hello all together time for a littele update. Of course am stil working on the hull. After a first sanding and planíng I have got a quite clean surface. Before I will sand another time with fine grained paper I will plank the bulwarks. It will give more stability to the entire construction. Today I shaped the ship - that was quite funny but challenging. There is no pattern - you hae to measure from the plans and transfer the data to the model. I used a steel ruler and a calliper. It was exciting to get the same shape on starbord and portside But I think I got a good result. Next will be to prepare the decks and to plank them. As always some pics to show the progress I have made so far. Cheerio to all Max
  17. Hello my friends just another update. I finished the main first planking. Well... difficult and tricky but you can manage this. First of all - be patient. Second - patience. Third - don't hurry Perhaps it would have been easier to use the 4/2 mm strips provided with the kit. But I did not like the size, so I used 7/1mm strips. Well, this was a good decision as I think. The inner planking will be done with the 4/2mm strips. It is bad that there is NO pattern how to cut off the planks to create the shape. But I love the challenge to get all done. You have to read the plans very very careful and - as said before - like a chess player think about the steps done in five or six days Some pics show the progress - you all will know how it goes on. Planking the decks, planking the inner side, inbetween this shape the hull. Cheerio Max
  18. Hi Ferit, I use strips for planking with the sikze of 7/1 mm - very good Quality I will plank the inside with 2mm-strips (probably the provided ones in the kit. The wood seems to be excellent quality too). So at least I will have a thickness of about 3mm. I have not yet thought about the ports so far. All I can say is that all the sizes and relations are difficult to manage. I think it is not so good that the model should be single planked. It would be more effective to have a stable basement for the planking. But all in all it is real a challenge and fun to work on the Berlin. I will also plank the decks with some maple-strips. And yes... it is some kind of chess... :) Cheerio Max
  19. Hi Denis good luck with your house... hope we can soon see and read about the progress you make with your builds. best wishes from the ´grey and misty November-Germany (best time to sit in a warm workshop with a lot of ship-fun) Max
  20. Hello my friends just a little update. I started planking now - you all know this job.... Up to now it goes on quite good, but the difficulties will come as always. As mentioned before I use 7/1 mm strips walnut. They seem to be best quality and I can work with them very well. The other pics show the work on the tops. I am glad that the kit is not my first. There is a lot of tricky things. The plansa are ok but you have to know how to build a model. They show everything but dont explain a lot... But this is what I like and so I can say I am satisfied so far. Cheerio Max
  21. Hello again the Berlin makes a little progress. I finished the preparation of the hull so far and filled up all gaps. I used balsa wood and some filler paste I ordered some timber as I won't use the 4/2mm strips featured with the kit. In 1:40 scale it would look like 16cm planks - what is totally unrealistic. So I bought 7/1mm stips according to the Monfeld-book, where the planks are described as about 30cm wide. This goes good with 7mm what comes like 28 cm. 1mm thick is enough to plank the hull. I am curious to start... but I began to build the tops. First I will finish this - and then next week I will start planking. Some pictures will show the progress. Cheerio my friends Max
  22. Hello my friends and happy mates... I am back again. And it feels good. This year was a challenge to me - first the dead of my dad. Then the problems in the familiy caused by his death (most of you will have brothers and sisters an will understand...), then our three oldies with four paws became more and more old and sick. At least Morando, our nearly 16 years old Chief-in-group ( ) died. But now I hope the rest of the year will be quiet and chilling, having a ot of fun with my Berlin. As mentioned before I fill up the body with balsa wood and thus create a firm and stable substruction for the planking. Yes, I choose to use a 7mm wide walnut timber to plank the hull instead of the supplied 4mm strips. I hope it will work as I think. Well... see the pics and gfive me your opinion. CU Cheerio Max
  23. Hi Caroline, welcome home Pretty Job on a pretty ship best wishes Max
  24. Hello all my friends around YES I am still alive But it is summertime, 30 degrees hot, bbq and garden - no time to sit in the shipyard. I'll be back as soon as the season turns into grey fall - what we be sooner than thought. Many fun and joy to all Cheerio Max
  25. Hi Vince, adorable work. I am thinking about if I will do that Toothpicker-Thing with my Friedrich-Wilhelm (someday...) Chapeau Cheerio Max
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