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    Cairns QLD Australia
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    Crafts, Sports, outdoors, metal detecting, list is long

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  1. I know it's scary. I have a moisture absorber in the cabinet that the mermaid lives in, and a hygrometer to keep an eye on things.. I noticed some mould on the keel and bulkheads already. Regards
  2. Thanks Divarty.. I appreciate it.. I have actually been coming close to feeling starting on something, could even be the big girl yet, i think i need to take Greg's approach, maybe just focus on the hull and see what happens.. The monsoon will give me some spare time again.. although Im a bit freaked out by mould in the house we live at.. Ollie
  3. I have a fetish for all things history.. I have a hobby of finding old relics. yesterday i found an interesting coin... it will go well next to my mermaid as she was made in india also.. India straits ONE CENT 1862. Minted in calcutta India.. http://www.obsoletecoin.com/2013/02/straits-settlements-india-straits-coin.html#ixzz391mlEvLk I find all sorts of things.. Ollie
  4. http://www.astrolabebooks.com.au/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=4893 yes he was wrong, but still got a bargain regards
  5. excellent sapphire, you are right, what a man.. i am getting a loan of the book from a friend who scored it for like $20 in obscure bookshop, he said it cost 600 on ebay, cheers for reply mate..
  6. Thanks for the wise words guys.. I fell a little dissapointed in myself. But all good. I may just shelve the kit for later down the track.. Thanks so much for the support and interest gang
  7. Hi guys, I have decided this was too a big a step up and has put me off modelling.. I need to do something with less commitment than the last, business is taking over my time again.. And i miss my shed.. I am looking to sell this kit on and do something smaller like a POF longboat kit.. If anyone is interested in this kit or you know someone, let me know.. Its a great kit. Regards Ollie
  8. Thanks guys, I actually feel a bit daunted by it and kind of in two minds about when to start.. Sometimes i feel like getting into it but not enough enthusiasm built yet.. you guys are a great help.. I feel like a beginner all over again.. Will keep you posted all..
  9. It is clear to see you are making vast improvemnts in your abilities. well done mate, as others said shes looking just fine.. keep at it mate.. Ollie
  10. Yes, the first is a bit of a thing isn't it..? I think i started breaking stuff yesterday just so I could keep going . Cheers Alistair, you have been a major influence and help on this journey..
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