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    olliechristo got a reaction from WackoWolf in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi crew...   I have added the throat halliard, parrell beads to gaff, peak halliard and flag hoist..
    I bought a flag from Becc's site many months ago...
    I am asking opinions on... 
    Should i even add a flag?    Does this look okay size wise?   Does anyone have any tips for fixing to hoist to be more realistic than just wrapping around rope like instructions say...   
    Thanks for looking in.. Ollie

  2. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    The kit supplied a paper flag, not very good...   Also i rigged my peak halliard different to kit instructions and with using Parker King's sketch as reference of course...  The differecnce is the termination on gaff at top end instead of back down to belaying pin..  Olllie
  3. Like
    olliechristo reacted to egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi Ollie, I with Leaving the Flag off too (that said it does look rather well..    ) as it might distract from your Kick-As* model !!
    BTW could the Gaff be 'topped' a little more, she looks a little flat ? give the old Peak Halyard a little tug   :rolleyes: I think she will look so much better.. what do you think?   (Although you probably haven't finished adjusting it yet !  )
    The case looks the biz too, the last thing you'd want is to have some of the critters I saw on TV taking a shine on Mermaid as their next residence.. they were big, they were hairy and I'd be afraid of them !!
    Stay Well Mate
  4. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    That is all looking mustard mate. Really taking shape now... They look well... Grate!! I have been known to sand off half my finger. The things we have to go through buddy
  5. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Dan Vadas in Learning Rigging   
    Brad, I'm sure there are probably a few Builders out there who would sell (or GIVE ) you a model that they got to that stage and were scared off by the thought of all those "sticks and strings" . Not ME though - I love the "S & S" .
    I wish you luck in your search.
  6. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from BANYAN in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi crew...   I have added the throat halliard, parrell beads to gaff, peak halliard and flag hoist..
    I bought a flag from Becc's site many months ago...
    I am asking opinions on... 
    Should i even add a flag?    Does this look okay size wise?   Does anyone have any tips for fixing to hoist to be more realistic than just wrapping around rope like instructions say...   
    Thanks for looking in.. Ollie

  7. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from BANYAN in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  8. Like
    olliechristo reacted to aliluke in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Looks amazing Ollie - just brilliant.
    I had the flag question with my AVS and made two flags for it. My wife, with her good eye, said how much they diverted attention from the model = she hated them. I left them off. She was right. They catch the eye and take away from all else. If you had sails on her flags are a positive add but without sails a flag is a distraction. In your last photo my eye goes straight to the flag rather than to all else you have done. My opinion again - I may be out of favour with others here with this thought!
    BTW - put it in a case. We only have dust here, the stuff you describe is not on the menu for model presentation...
  9. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi crew...   I have added the throat halliard, parrell beads to gaff, peak halliard and flag hoist..
    I bought a flag from Becc's site many months ago...
    I am asking opinions on... 
    Should i even add a flag?    Does this look okay size wise?   Does anyone have any tips for fixing to hoist to be more realistic than just wrapping around rope like instructions say...   
    Thanks for looking in.. Ollie

  10. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  11. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from KenW in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  12. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from MarisStella.hr in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  13. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Aussie048 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  14. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I understand what you are saying Alistair , but here in the tropical rainforest, dust is only one concern,,  spiders webs and even worse, spider poo! and gecko poo and mould and mildew... Um its great here.. haha
    I will be adding a humidity sensor inside case and probably some silica gel etc..   I want to be able to access model though for close up viewing, its not going to be locked away untouchable,,just to certain people  !   Ollie
  15. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks Geoff. Tom, display has been on my mind for a few weeks now. Just made one for my metal detecting relics... I'm.thinking of getting a big standing timber case/cupboard. It has two glass doors on.front.. Or I may make one.. But yes it has to happen.. Eamm buddy, cheers. Next is top yard braces, cluelines and sheets, then booms.. Regards Oliver and
  16. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang..  It may not look much but i have added my top yard braces, cluelines and sheets and jib stay.. 
    She's looking pretty busy up top now!
    i have added a picture of the cabinet i have my eye on.. I like that it is not sharp and square or rectangular, has room for a few models, i already have some from years gone by that need shelter (plastics)..  Should fit my Endeavour also hopefully...     I also like the built in lighting and the fact you can see all the way around.. lighting shouldn't be necessary .. Anyway see  what happens... Thanks for looking in... Ollie

  17. Like
    olliechristo reacted to KenW in Fair American by KenW - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48 Scale   
    The last 4 guns have been rigged and installed.  That completes the work on the hull, except for some items used for rigging, such as the channels and sheet horse.  Also, I didn’t add the bow sprit bitts since that determines the final angle of the bow sprit.  So I’m going to have a little private launch party and begin on the bow sprit and the rest of the rigging.

  18. Like
    olliechristo reacted to KenW in Fair American by KenW - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48 Scale   
    I have re-built my capstan to make it a bit smaller and improve the workmanship.  I’ve kept the hex shaped design, however.  The result is a definite improvement.  I decided that the scale doesn’t matter as much as the look and feel of the piece.  The rest of the deck furniture is also completed, but not glued.  (I’m afraid the furniture might get in my way during the rigging phase.)  Also, I still have to mount the final 4 guns.  Once that is done, I’ m thinking of having a ‘launch’ party.

  19. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from KenW in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I have rigged my braces to main yard. went well, just need to finish them to belaying pins etc..  top braces next and onto other bits such as cluelines and sheets..  new members - click on images for large versions..  
    Later, Ollie

  20. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Martin W in HMS Fly by Martin W - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    After a few weeks spent largely on getting the new operating system installed on my home computer, and then laboriously un-installing numerous spyware programs that seemed to spring like hydra's heads from the new Microsoft program, I can now post with at least some regularity.

    First I laid down some planking along the middle of the lower false deck, as I've seen from a few other builds.
                               Here you can see half of the thin ply deck and the planking on the thicker false deck below.

    Next I laid out a planking plan on the thin plywood deck, largely by working out the theoretical placement of the frames.  This strategy worked about 80% well, since the frames on the NMM plans don't always quite correspond to what shows up on the kit deck.  But with these "frames" drawn, I'll be able to plot out the Captain's cabin and the Day Room.
    And, suprise, suprise, I ran into the problem than other Fly/Pegasus builders have met, and that is that silly little bulge down the middle where the 2 halves of the thin plywood meet.
    I smoothed that out largely with gobs of glue and some smallish blocks of scrap underneath the joints.  I clamped the blocks and joints into a flat condition till the glue dried.

    And that's where I should have paused.  Instead, I got antsy.  The kit's instructions say, with all the breeziness in the world, that the next step is attaching the thin plywood gun strips.  Now, I know that other builders have worked on the deck, adding plenty of furniture while everything up there is open.  But I didn't have access to MSW to remind myself, AND I'm waiting on my wood order for the deck planking.  So I worked on those problematic plywood gunport strips.

    Following the general procedure, I soaked the strips for 2 or 3 hours, then dry-fit them onto the bulkeads to get the basic form.

    I also took considerably care to ensure that they were level relative to one another by setting a small level across the tops.

    I mustered the courage – or fool’s courage, I should say – and glued the strips on.  After showing the results to a few modellers more perceptive than I am, I got the response that the strips were noticeably too high, that the gunports would be too far off the deck.  So, out came the alcohol, and off came the strips.

    After removing the starboard strip, I did in fact pause (just this once) long enough to decide how far I needed to lower the strips.

                                        The answer is almost exactly 1/16 inch.  

    And that’s where I am for now.  Trying to determine the best way to re-attach the gunport strips at the optimal height, while keeping all the gunports at the appropriate distance from the deck.

    Maybe it's time for a beer.

  21. Like
    olliechristo reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Text Based Exciting Update !!
    Gratings/Hatch Coamings are assembled, just need to be faired (the nice curve put into the top of them and the deck camber put into the bottom, to allow them to sit flush .. if you follow me)  and glued in place.. Deck Furniture is underway.
    I chose not to drill out the Deck Anchor Rope Holes (AKA the Spurling Pipes on more modern ships) as per the kit plans/layout, but instead to have the anchor ropes go down below via the fore most hatch-way (which I adapted for the purpose by having square sections removed from the grating Port & Stbd)
    The Deck has been lightly clear matt varnished/sanded a few times and is ready for the afore mentioned bits-'n-bobs.
    Photo Update will follow when I get the Hatches faired and in place
    Stay Well Folks and thanks for looking in
  22. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I understand what you are saying Alistair , but here in the tropical rainforest, dust is only one concern,,  spiders webs and even worse, spider poo! and gecko poo and mould and mildew... Um its great here.. haha
    I will be adding a humidity sensor inside case and probably some silica gel etc..   I want to be able to access model though for close up viewing, its not going to be locked away untouchable,,just to certain people  !   Ollie
  23. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Jim Lad in Francis Pritt by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Australian Mission Ship   
    Well, after another long silence - finally an update!
    I'm continuing to make and fit hull frames, and am finally starting look like that job will be finished soon; only a few more to go now.  The next job after that will be to fair up the inside of the hull as needed and fit some stiffening in the form of stringers before I start to fair up the external hull for planking.
    Here are a few photos of the current situation.



  24. Like
    olliechristo reacted to dgbot in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    You are a brave fellow.
    David B
  25. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Jim Lad in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    She's looking really good, Ollie.  The stand looks fine - a case is a must!
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